Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)


Well-Known Member
Awesome, you are growing again! I followed your last grow and I was totally impressed that you stuck with it and made it work like MacGyver :P I'm hoping to do my own stealth grow this year, I can't wait to see how your second round turns out!
thanks alot dude, never saw you around but glad you are here now :) keep in touch ! here are some pics today :D

white widow, still yet to sprout ( they can take up to 3 weeks tho, so im patient as i know its coming soon )
devil fruit growing its 3rd set , slowly opening its 4th

day 9 for devil fruit (out of soil)
day 11 for white widow (still underground)

everything is looking very healthy on the devils fruit :)


Well-Known Member
UPDATES! okay so the white widow hasnt sprouted still, devil fruit is doing okay, but noticed the taproot poking out the bottom, im starting to water 1ce every 24hours now ( no im not leaving run off in my trays at all everything is very clean, i just believe i was drying them out a little to long causing the root to search for water! ) quick question, can i let it grow some more as to transplanting would be pretty tough at this point. here are pics enjoy please comment! !! ps. the plant is not yellow like that , its the lights that make it look like that, althought the first 2 leaves (circular ones) are yellowing a bit) as for everything else, looking healthy!



Well-Known Member
day 15 everyone ... im just gunna post these pictures, please if someone is following - advice , comments or concerns would be nice? please!!!!

devil fruit

the leaves seem to be doing some curling, although no growth has really been stunted, shes going good. would love to know about the leaves tho? please if someone is still out there some help would be much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Holy shit man, ive never seen this before! I dont know how i got unsubscribed from this thread but i need to, or we need to get some other advice on this one. Theres somthing going on forsure but i cant say forsure what it is, my only guess would be to much nutes in the soil??? But seriously no idea, maybe time for a pic in plant problems. Let me know what you decide and ill be sure to help you :):):)


Well-Known Member
damet, yea brother i posted a thread in there just after my post on this one! fuck im a little nervous, yea that could be a problem ( started nutes after day 6 ) ( probably not the smartest thing ) but i use like 1 drop per 250 ml ( and about 100ml drains right through) .. then i let them drain in my sink till no water is dropping from the whole, pop em back in the lights and there off. i didnt bother transplanting yet , i kinda just turned the main taproot up in to the soil again without damagin it, it seems to be doing fine for now , but i plan on repotting soon ( i guess i was drying out to much ) i now water every day in the morning 2hours after the ligths go on, one time with water, one time with just nutes ( same nutes as last time ) and keep alternating . other than that not much else i can note! thanks dude hopefully we figure this out


Well-Known Member
Ya dude, i think tommorow you should post a picture on a new thread thats called somthing like HELP!! And maybe we can get an answer to this. :):):)


Well-Known Member
Luig you have a mutation, and my guess is that if you let it ride out its going to be some reall reall dank, looks like it alreeady hasd trichs


Well-Known Member
Luig you have a mutation, and my guess is that if you let it ride out its going to be some reall reall dank, looks like it alreeady hasd trichs
haha it looks crazy but im sure i screwed it up with over nuteing hahaha, im gunna try and correct the problem, my white widow im still waiting for tho !!!

ericrh thanks for the input, yea i know i was overwatering ... i was trying to fix another problem but didnt help. also thanks for the cfl advice, although theyre quite expensive ive found... for 42 watt ones there like 20 somethin bucks


Well-Known Member
Id take that widow seed out and see whats up with it. Maybe try a different way to germ it, and oh ya, throw your hat on the ice bro lmao :):):)


Well-Known Member
haha it looks crazy but im sure i screwed it up with over nuteing hahaha, im gunna try and correct the problem, my white widow im still waiting for tho !!!

ericrh thanks for the input, yea i know i was overwatering ... i was trying to fix another problem but didnt help. also thanks for the cfl advice, although theyre quite expensive ive found... for 42 watt ones there like 20 somethin bucks
You checked walmarts website?


Well-Known Member
It looks like either overwatering, overfeeding, or a mutation to me...
I can't say for sure, but if she has a mutation, grow her out! Some mutants become monsters or end up correcting themselves later on during your grow.


Well-Known Member
it was already germinated , i mean i do the paper towel method till it pops out of the seed, then throw them in the soil shortly after. im afraid of wrecking the roots if i pull it out and it has something half established, and i havent checked walmart .. i deff will ! and cranky thanks dude, i feel its my nutes like everything is saying but who knows, ill fix that problem and see what happens! id love to see my ending product... once upon a time i had a succesful grow from start to finish... what a fairy tale! LOL


Well-Known Member
Too funny, if that thing hasnt poped out it might be stuck under there. Uncover it, its probly dead but you might just pull the save on it :):):)


Well-Known Member
it was already germinated , i mean i do the paper towel method till it pops out of the seed, then throw them in the soil shortly after. im afraid of wrecking the roots if i pull it out and it has something half established, and i havent checked walmart .. i deff will ! and cranky thanks dude, i feel its my nutes like everything is saying but who knows, ill fix that problem and see what happens! id love to see my ending product... once upon a time i had a succesful grow from start to finish... what a fairy tale! LOL
I'll have a crack at trying to diagnose your problem a bit more...
Well, what kind of nutes are you using? How many tsp/g? How old is your plant?
On another note, you should just take off the reflectors and hang the lights horizontally rather than vertically because almost all of the light that CFL's emit come from the sides.


Well-Known Member
I'll have a crack at trying to diagnose your problem a bit more...
Well, what kind of nutes are you using? How many tsp/g? How old is your plant?
On another note, you should just take off the reflectors and hang the lights horizontally rather than vertically because almost all of the light that CFL's emit come from the sides.
i know the horizontal thing, but the reflectors will do the job for now, as they get bigger i turn my lights for more height , thanks for the knowledge. also nutes im not sure of the name.. but ive never gave anything to the widow plant as it never poped out the soil. ahh fuck i dont wanna pull it out ! :( if i just uncover it and leave the top of the seed exposed will it work?