Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)


Well-Known Member
Im doin the crop dance right now for her....allliiiiiiiieeeeeeeeaaaaawwwwayyyyyyaaaahachacha hiyaaaaaahiiiiiyyyaaaaaaaaahaackamaaaaaa alieyaaa. Ok shell be fine, i got this one :):):)


Well-Known Member
Your running the good lights right? Those bottom leaves arent looking so good, id let them go until tommorow and then probly pluck them off at some point tommorow so the good stuff goes to the new growth. Either way i think theres enough nutes in the soil :)


Well-Known Member
its looking a tiny bit better, i think theres some faith for the new growth,

the soil is stil moist, im gunna let er go another 24 hours, hopefully it doesnt dry out like last time !!


Well-Known Member
Ya bro, all good, i dont like those terra cotta BS pots your runnin now, one drain hole, WTF lol. Let me know if you need me to do another dance ;)


Well-Known Member
haha the pots are alright for now :P but ill get better ones next time for sure, and ya dude i feel ya. at least it looks like some new growth is happening, as for the rest of it - i think its rpetty much fried , ill keep posted, also im gunna geriminate another seedling tomorrow


Well-Known Member
DAY 19 -- Alrighty , time for an update - u know i thought all was over till i looked at er this morning, i did one more flush to get all the toxics out the soil. my run off was ph 6.9. everything seems like its in the right position to grow now, theres new growth at the top looking very healthy, as for the other sutff im sure it will die off soon and just regenerate itself. here are some pics, also below i will post my full watering sched and everythign since day 1. ( i only have the 1 devil fruit plant now ) will be cloning and probably getting 1 clone of black kush off my buddy :)


DAY 1 : Sprouted, watered @ 1pm , 200ml

DAY 2 : No water

DAY 3 : Watered @ 1pm , 200ml

DAY 4 : No water

DAY 5 : Watered @ 12pm, 200ml

DAY 6 : No water

DAY 7 : Watered @ 12pm w/Fox Farm Grow big 1/6th of a tsp. in 250ml

DAY 8 : No water

DAY 9 : Watered @ 2pm, 200ml

DAY 10 : No water

DAY 11 : Watered @ 12pm w/Fox Farm Grow big 1/6th of a tsp. in 250ml (Noticed tap root out the bottom of cup)

DAY 12 : Watered @ 8:30am , 250ml

DAY 13 : Watered @ 10am w/Fox Farm Grow big 1/6th of a tsp. in 250ml

DAY 14 : Watered @ 10am , 250ml

DAY 15 : Watered @ 9am w/Fox Farm Grow big 1/6th of a tsp. in 250ml

DAY 16 : No water

DAY 17 : Watered @ 2pm , 2L (FLUSHED)

DAY 18 : No water

DAY 19 (TODAY) : Watered @ 11am , 2L (FLUSHED ONE LAST TIME)

Enjoy , and please comment - took a while to write this shit out!


Well-Known Member
Ya, you fed four times in a week just about, theres probably nutes in the soil too. Id say mix yourself up a batch of nutes next time at quarter strength and keep them in a litre jug. You dont need much food early if theres some i. The soil and feed like this fWWWfWWWf not WfWfWF or fffWfffW lol f=food,W=water :):):) going to play some hockey ;)


Well-Known Member
yea i figured that was my issue. i just got water happy cause the roots frigtened me, anyways , i will be transplanting in about 2 weeks or soo. hopefully all is well thanks dude enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Ya bud, things are...well as good as they could be right now. Going to a hockey game later and i just transplanted yesterday. Looks like one of my clones wont make it, damn, there goes the 100% record. Oh well theres lots :):):) why the hell do you always start your grows by making me think that all is lost? Man, its like your intentionally building suspence lol ive been on the edge of my seat for the last couple days lmao :):):)


Well-Known Member
That plant doesn't look ready to transplant. Can't really tell by the foliage tho. You need to take a look at the roots, its my belief to transplant only when roots run out of room in their current container. Transplanting can cause stress unless your really good at it.


Well-Known Member
Heres an update!!!! LOOKING ALOT HEALTHIER

ninja lmfao thats awesome, and i know right i should be a movie producer with this kinda suspence... but dude , its like im gunna expierence all the possible problems.. so then finally i will be able to grow the PERFECT plant ! enojy :D this was taking like 10:26 pm ( riight now )


Well-Known Member
Ok bud, soon you should cut the tips of those burnt ones off, pluck the bottom ones off and giver a kiss for me lol shell be fine ;)


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about it , but i thought it would be better for them to just die off naturally.. i guess ill cut them off tomorow in the morning! im glad shes doing much better... im probably going to be transplanting sometime this week just cause those roots are pissing me off... they grew a bunch more over the day i was "drying out" here arre some pics! .. also ill just be waiting for clones to cover the rest of the space.. hopefully everything goes okay!



Well-Known Member
haha sweet thanks guys, ill 86 them lower ones for sure nd trim up the rest, pictures in a bit


Well-Known Member
all trimmed and pruned :) , i had to take of 2 sets of leaves ( so 4 all together, and trimmed up all the rest ) here are some pictures :) hopefully everything will be okay after all!

enjoy :)