Lubing a Comuter Fan..?


Well-Known Member
My fans are a bit trudgy from dust particles and what not. There thermaltake silent cats so i want to take care of them, they were like 15 bucks a pop, plus there the shit. i want to juice them for all there worth. so what do you think about WD-40? Any better ideas?


Well-Known Member
I like WD-40 for everything *but* lubricating. (it was made to displace water, not really to lubricate, hence the wd part of the name. 40 is the 40th try, they got it right) But it can work. Prob is getting it where it needs to be. Pull of th sticker and lube that bearing. Second bearing will be tough to get to. Put sticker back.


Well-Known Member
Ya, dude thanks, your always on top of all the technicall shit, such a help. + Rep, i love you man. I always wonderd, is that really you in your avy? Cause thats funny shit.


Well-Known Member
Ya, dude thanks, your always on top of all the technicall shit, such a help. + Rep, i love you man. I always wonderd, is that really you in your avy? Cause thats funny shit.
LOL, no, its bubbles from the trailer park boys. You *gotta* check them out. Funny shit. I figured if Ricky could grow weed, so could I.