LTD's First Grow Log, CFL only


Active Member
This is a follow up to the journal i started about 10 days ago due to my failure at germinating using soil technique.

i'll have 2 projects up and running at the same time

one will be a closet grow with 4 6500k 26w CFL's and 2 2700k 26w CFL's for seedling/veg'ing ill end up adding more and more as paychecks come my way

i have co2 bottles (water yeast sugar) ready to set up

using mircle grow orangic poting mix
and bone meal as nuts.

i have 10 seeds i started yesterday for this grow as well as 7 seeds ive been waiting to germ for 10 days(but i have no hope for them) hoping to get 2-3 females outta closet grow.

Temp in closet hovers at 83(is this to high? i know 78 is perfect but what is dangerous to plants?)
humidity at 38-45% with no growth helping it out

the other project will be my PC grow box 12/12 inspired by other's grow journals
i'll be using 2 26w CFL's and a 42 w CFL all 2700. PC box has 2 exuast and 1 intake (ALL on the same side? i might need to add a second intake oppisite side of exaust later on)

Temp stays at 79 with 43% humid

plan to add a fan for "breeze" when i can find a nice 4'' fan

Comments and Tips are welcome. Don't Bring your trash talk here please. Low budget grow.

EDIT:: I forgot to mention that these are just bag seeds outta random bags of dro and middies' me and my bud think would be great strains.

Investing in real genetics ASAP just cant afford it atm.

positive vibrations



Active Member
Day 1: (I'm calling it DAY ONE!) 1 seed germ'ed waiting on 9 more

No pictures till seedlings or upgraded box happens.

time to light up.


Well-Known Member
sounds good limited, the temps in the closet are livable its when it hits 95 constantly that plants start to die, but with higher temps and airflow youll hav to water your soil because itll dry out much faster, but over all looks great! keep it going and hopefully the rest of your seeds with germ.


Active Member
Seems like a good idea .

the germinated seed has grown a tail of 1/6th of an inch in just hours so i figured i would put it in some soil

Plastic bag over the Cup atm sealed with some water sprayed inside, my question is if i leave this and give it air every few hours till it breaks soil will it be ok?

its AIR tight but i kinda blew it up..


Well-Known Member
yah thatll be fine just give it fresh air every few hours and youll be solid, and even once they break the surface leave it on for a day or two till its established then you can take it off, good luck!


Active Member
Planted 7 seeds that cracked their shells today. hopefully have seedlings in the morning when i wake up. Pictures coming soon.

Also i have Bone meal Nuts for my plant atm cant afoord nething else but should i add it when they get their first set of real leafs?


Well-Known Member
hey limit glad to hear about the successful germ, i usually let my seeds grow a 1/4 inch root take then throw it in soil make sure your soil stays moist not soak, i hope you only barried them like 1/4 inch deep, or they make not much it, and dont add nutes till you see the two original small round sprout feeder leaves start to turn yellow and fall off i already have 3 nodes before thats happend... good luck looking forward to the pics!


Active Member
i always cliped those leaves off after 2 nodes, guess ill wait this time.

yah i barried them just under the soil, my humidity bags didnt work that well so i just turned off 2 of my brighter lights b/c the soil was geting dry fast and i was having to spray it every 2 hours.

how do you know if its "Moist" Not "wet"

I assume if the soil grabs the water immediatly its "moist" and if it puddles at all for a split second its "wet" thats how i been doing it atleast.


Well-Known Member
where bags fail a clear dixie cup would work... and theres not need to ever clip those leaves my friend itll use them all up and drop them itself...


Well-Known Member
the clear ine will let enough light through and you dont even need light till the break the surface believe it of not. and im glad you here they are about go break the surface good luck, i just updated mine aswell.


Active Member
I'll be growing my medicine for a long long time your probably correct, if this works out well it''ll be the best investment evaaaa


Active Member
So i got lil seedlings now and my camera is being a douche so no pictures today

but 5 are above soil fighting their shells away i knocked one or 2 of them off


Active Member
Day 4 MAY 28TH.

4 6500K 26W CFL
5 2700K 26 W CFL
1 6500K 46W CFL

New tent is finally set up .

3 ftx2ft x 5.5ft tall

temp is staying at 86 or so. working on that.
humidity is up at 60% atm doubt that will stay.

1 fan for exaust
1 fan for wind

12 plants

7 have come above ground

probably wont post many pictures daily but every other day or so when there is noticable change's



Active Member
doin the waiting game , they are growing steadily hoping for second leaves pair of real leaves by sunday morning.

planted a few more germed seeds' to make up for ones that didnt break ground

7 up and 5 fresh ones in the soil

thats Day 5's report.


Active Member
doin the waiting game , they are growing steadily hoping for second leaves pair of real leaves by sunday morning.

planted a few more germed seeds' to make up for ones that didnt break ground

7 up and 5 fresh ones in the soil

thats Day 5's report.
Nice man. good to see some lil ones runnin around now :)

I thought rollitup was never gonna come back up today lol