LSD Scrog | 400w | RDWC


Well-Known Member
one plant is showing signs of mg deficiency, but the other is not, weird. Draining the res so i can add fresh nutes.


Well-Known Member
Day 16 veg, topped 3 days ago.

Heres the problematic LSD. Draining the res and adding fresh nutes will straighten her out, i havnt changed the water since i first filled it up when they were babies. They both prolly drank up all the nutes in that period of time. I cant really add water back since they dont really drink anything, get my drift?

If anyone wants to chime in PLEASE do so!

This plant is healthy though.

Top shot of sickly LSD


Well-Known Member
Have you been watching the Ph in that bucket since you filled it? Its possible it spiked up or down and is causeing the issues.


Well-Known Member
Fingers crossed for ya man. I wish I was better with Deficiencies. I look at the charts, and read the articles, and its still really hard some times to figure out exactly what is happening.


Well-Known Member
Well from what ive seen on those ph lockout charts MG really gets absorbed the most at 5.9 and above, 5.8 and lower is where it gets locked out supposedly if these charts are true. So what im going to do is try and increase my ph to 6 and keep it there for awhile\

edit, its so odd how the other plant isnt effected by this at all, just happy as shit. Even though they look similar in leaf shape they must be different pheno's. Which is bad news honestly. One might be slow flowering pheno ive read about people getting and the other is a fast one.


Well-Known Member
I did 40mg of DMT last night for my first time. I smoked it, used a knife to put the crystals on top of some ash in my bowl, put some weed over it. I started smoking and after the first hit i started to taste it, not bad but not pleasant either. Around the 4th hit the bowl started to look dead and i was feeling fucking GREAT all of a sudden. This wave of happiness and perfection just started to take me over as im sitting over my bowl contemplating the next hit. I take the last hit because i was feeling really woozy, hold it in as long as possible and as im exhaling i drop the bowl on the table and just lay down on my bed looking at the ceiling.

Nothing on the ceiling made sense, everything was physically impossible. I started to notice the sounds have a pleasant vibration attached to them. Almost like i could hear the atoms vibrating in everything. Cars that were passing by the window periodically stopped making the normal car passing sound and started to make waves that would come through the window and accumulate on the ceiling; I could see them all there, every car/truck had its own frequency fingerprint, just hanging out on my ceiling dancing together in harmony. So at some point i decided to close my eyes, this is were the real fun began. I end up flowing down a long spiral tube like i was a liquid; only to be spewed out the end into some unknown world? Everything was really confusing. I was trying to make sense of everything but the only thing i could really do was enjoy the ride. My girlfriend said i had said only 1 word while i was tripping and that was "hello?" like i was alone somewhere looking for something or...someone. I remember seeing a shade or an entity that was shaded from my view at all times, no face whatsoever. I knew he ment peace and not fear. I could feel it, thats the only way i can explain it, i just knew 100% without a doubt this entity was peaceful.

Overall this is something i will be doing again, i feel really good about my experience with demitri. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders today. My first experience was a great one and i will be exploring the nether regions of the human mind or maybe even other dimensions because who knows where you actually go.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a great experience I've been waiting for some to come around so I can give it a try too.
From my understanding you might aswel buy the root bark off the internet (legal grey area in the states) and extract the dmt yourself. Plenty of tutorials online for this. This way you know for sure whats in it.


Well-Known Member
i did some more last night but gave the majority of it to my girl. She didnt go anywhere because i guess shes tolerant to drugs. Either way holy FUCK i love DMT.


Well-Known Member
i'm deff going to be ordering mimosa bark and doing this shit for myself, fuck buying it right? I seriously went somewhere man, somewere i barely was able to put into simpleton words


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Day 23 Veg,

When should i put my screen in guys? Did a bit of pre-training to get the shape im looking for, it has kept them short though.



Well-Known Member
just did some serious lifting at the gym, started off with a bit of cardio on the elliptical. Need to keep healthy for when a revolution happens