LSA extraction tek

What is your favorite(and best working) method of consuming LSA?

  • Eating the straight seeds

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Water extraction

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • polar/nonpolar extraction

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • More serious extraction

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
After SWIM read so much about LSA and possible extractions, nonpolar, and polar solvents, lsa solubility and the like, SWIM has decided to try his own extraction, to see what comes out of it.

SWIM knows the best chemicals for this extraction would be Reagent grade petroleum ether(nonpolar solvent) and pure ethanol(polar solvent).
Although SWIM does not have access to these chemicals, SWIM has procurred other working, but not as good, chemicals.

Morning glory/HBWR seeds
high proof vodka
coffee filter
2 clean jars with tight-fitting lids
pie plate

Swim has bought himself a litre of 99% pure Acetone from his local wal-mart. (Recochem acetone), and a bottle of extra strength vodka from the local liquor store(prince igor extreme vodka) which is 45% pure ethanol. Swim also has a quantity of methanol(recochem blue flame fondue fuel) bought from his local sobeys, but is afraid of its poisonous and toxic effects(blindness and carcinogenic properties). Although methanol is more effective at being a polar solvent, he uses the vodka as it is way less toxic.

Now supposedly acetone works good at being a nonpolar solvent by ripping out the nasties and bad chemicals, it also has been known to destroy some LSA's, and Swim fears this. SWIM also fears if there is any amount of acetone left in the solution, it will make him sick.

Now SWIM's tek is as follows:

Swim took a healthy amount of Rivea Corymbosa(morning glories from black hat botanicals), which was about half his supply(500) and used a blender to grind them to a powder. SWIM then took his powder, and put it into a small glass jar, and covered it with just a small amount of acetone(just enough to completely cover the powder). Swim then capped the jar, and shook it to mix the acetone and seed powder. Swim shook for a good 20-30 minutes, as he did not want to "pre-rinse" his seeds for too long, fearing that the LSA might be destroyed.

Swim then took a coffe filter, placed it in a funnel and poured the contents of jar #1 into empty and clean jar #2. SWIM noticed the acetone had a slight whitish swirl in it, and knowing it pulled out something(hopefully bad) from the seeds. Swim will keep the used acetone, as it is still plenty good for more rinses.

SWIM spread out the coffee filter(still containing the seed mush) on a pie plate, and let evaporate the acetone until there was no more acetone smell. Acetone evaps quickly, and SWIM liked that.

SWIM now places the seed mush into jar #1(thoroughly cleaned out) and places 3 ounces(100 ml) of vodka over the seed powder. Caps the jar, shakes, and places in a dark area, as light destroys LSA's.

It is now day two, and after shaking whenever SWIM thought of it, SWIM notices the vodka mixture is turning brown. SWIM has heard that good LSA extractions turn yellow, and fears that a quick 20 minute acetone rinse was not as effective as SWIM would have liked.

SWIM's mixture of 500 seeds, to 100 ml of vodka, means that 1 ml of vodka would contain about 4-5 morning glories. SWIM would account that the extraction process destroyed the LSA content of about 50 seeds, so SWIM would say it was an extraction of 450 seeds total.

SWIM has tried, recently, a water extraction of 30 morning glories, and one HBWR seed, with no nausea, no ill effects. Only a clear mild high, very, very mild visuals. More of a spiritual thing, SWIM would say. Mild empathy would describe it best. Swim will try a double dose (60 morning glories and 2 HBWR seeds) and note its effects. SWIM likes this water extraction technique. SWIM has had LSA journeys before, and very interesting ones at that.

SWIMS best journey was a combination of morning glory, acorus calamus root, and kava kava all powdered and put into gelcaps. 6 of these caps leave SWIM feeling very psychadelic, and wondrous. Was by far, SWIM's best psychedelic adventure(yet SWIM has never tried LSD, nor mushrooms yet) Only has SWIM tried amanita muscaria, LSA, Calea zacatachichi, and salvia.

SWIM will keep posting as the process unfolds, and will post the effects from his extraction tek. Hopefully it will not make SWIM ill.

SWIM also would like to extract mescaline from san pedro, SWIM has about 3 feet of cactus. Although SWIM cannot find himself some Norite or Benzene..
SWIM has tripped on 6 inches of such cactus, but with mild threshhold effects. Swim would love a full blown mescaline journey, with a foot or so of cactus.
LSA, ahh bad memories. My polar/non-polar extraction went bad somewhere. I was sick for two days. Glad you had better results than I.
SWIM didn't try the extraction just yet. it is in the process of being extrected by the vodka. SWIM still worries that if SWIM tries it, SWIM may become ill.. what did you use in your extraction sgt. floyd?
Just make sure you use ever clear for the polar.

SWIM wishes SWIM had access to everclear.. SWIM was thinking of doing a distillation with SWIM's high percentage vodka (HERE), but SWIM doesn't really have the necessary tools for this procedure.. SWIM's best tool was this strong vodka.
SWIM wishes he had access to a lab and various chemicals, then SWIM would really experiment with techniques..

Also, LSA is a mild version of lsd(as thehiryllama said), as it contains various amides of lsd. This means that it contains some of the molecules of lsd, but not all. It is hard to get an lsd-like trip from lsa.
Haven't done lsa in awhile. I sorta steered clear of it after I ate over 1000 seeds (morning glory heavenly blues from walmart 99cents a pack I stole 20 or so). I just put them in a blender with a buncha water and blended them I drank that nastey ass shit so much eventually it started tasting good. I was listening to music in my room thought I was at a metal show then apparently I tried to climb a buncha trees cuz they looked like giant buds. Next morning tried to attend school and went to my normal gas station to get ciggarettes ended up on my face in the parking lot. Once I managed to get in the store I got my ciggarettes handed the lady 3 bucks and said "keep the change" and walked out. Hahah thing is the pack was like 5 something. (paid her the next day she was not mad at all) My buddy drove me home and I puked for a few hours and still had a mild trip the rest of the day. Pretty much tripped for 48 hours.

I highly don't recomend a large dose but a small dose and a blunt to the face will most def lead to some sorta enlightenment.
48 hours holy s hit....I remember thinking on lsd "man I wish I could alwasy feel like this" and then a second later actually thought about going to work and school and maintain w/ that feeling and realized uhoh bad idea.... but dam48 hours is crazy man....I heard its milder and has more of a sedative effect than regular acid...anybody on here with some other stories?
It is usually unheard of taking upwards of 1000 seeds, usually a standard dose is between 100-500 seeds depending on potency and strain. With large doses, its bound to have a stronger effect, and to last much longer. Also, with a high dose such as 1000 seeds, I would be afraid of the 2 active chemicals (one which causes fish-eye vision, and the other headaches and nausea) which is removed through extractions.

Any discussion about extraction tek's, or relevant to the information I have posted is greatly appreciated..
also, don't forget to vote in the poll above. Hearing stories would also be appreciated :)
After SWIM has shaken it randomly through the three days, SWIM finally gets to make the final product. SWIM takes his vodka+seed powder mix, and filters it through a coffee filter. This is really slow, so SWIM pushes it through the fliter by squeezing. No tears occurred, so it was all good :). SWIM ends up with a dark brown liquid, smelling somewhat like an lsa extraction and vodka. A little drip taste gives SWIM the taste of mixed vodka and lsa taste. SWIM puts 50 ml in a little mini alcohol bottle(the airplane size ones) and puts the other 50 ml on a pie plate. SWIM will note if there is any residue on the pie plate(after evaporating). SWIM guesses that through extraction, and small spills, SWIM has lost the equivalent of aproximately 100 seeds. Each dose of 50ML contains about 200 seeds. SWIM thinks this will be a high enough dose for a good ride :) . The only worry SWIM has, is if there is still a small quantity of acetone in his final solution, there may be a chance of him getting sick..
Also the solution is VERY dark brown, and SWIM fears he may have extracted unwantingly some no good stuff. Most lsa extractions are said to be yellowish in color. This looks more like a tea type liquid.
SWIM has dried the LSA mixture, and has obtained a brownish VERY sticky goop. It sticks to everything(including SWIM's fingers lol). Swim has packed half of the residue into a gelcap with some kava kava and some acorus calamus root. Hopefully this will make a good trip :).
With everything evaporated from the remaning alkaloids, SWIM has no more fear of injesting anything bad.(except maybe some remaining bad alkaloids). Since SWIM has tried LSA before, he knows what to expect, and will be always looking out for a difference in the trip.
SWIM will post pictures of the extraction process and the resultants another day. SWIM is turning in for the night.

This would be the residue left on the pieplate of SWIM's extraction and drying.
i have been thinking about trying morning glory for some time now but am steered away because of the whole getting sick thing. but in my readings i saw someone say that only the shell is the part that makes you sick so he stripped the shell off of the seeds i dont remember how but he just ate the insides and he tripped but didnt get sick.

also i saw someone who put some seeds into a coffee grinder and the put them into a tea bag and boiled it for some time and just drank the liquid i dont remember if it worked but i remember seeing it somewhere do you think that this will work and not get you sick?
Brevity, The Soul Of Wit!
You sure seem to enjoy lsa but in my readings a lot of people just say don't bother and go find some acid. Why do ÿou enjoy it?