How should you do it here's how.
get a 2x2 tent for veg and clones
get a 3 x 3 tent for bloom
put 4 plants under one 600 watt
3 gallon or 4 gallon pots
get some nutrients or raw salts follow the instructions or follow a grow on YouTube (more then 100 to choose from )
perfect your technique.
My landlord let's me know a week prior to inspection and it usually falls around the sametime each year.
when is a lights on schedule move the plants to a friends house. 4 plants should be so bad.
plus inspections is not for bedroom space at least not mine.
now doing dishes I ask you this are you
paraplegic or quadriplegic if so, I understand why you would need a designated grower. However if you have full functionality of your body why not do it yourself.
I'm being sensitive to people that don't have full functionality.