lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro


Well-Known Member
amc you are funny my man. just checked out the lowryder thread you found earlier and that you posted some nice pics in. did you check the date on the last post? don't think you'll be hearing from anyone. 2007. lol. ive done that tons of times and wondered why nobody responded. I think our thread here will really pick up once you harvest and post pics and mine start budding. people just want to see bud. forgot man that popcan plant i now callit get a rep for sure.


Well-Known Member
here they are today. i did a res change today after only 5 days. it seems to really make them jump as soon as you change it. added full nutes also. these plants are absolutely amazing. the 1 pic shows the leaves well. they are literally stacked one on top of another. 1 male and 3 confirmed females so far. the huge plant in the middle hasn't shown yet. can't believe how short they are and except for the runt they are staying even for the most part.



Well-Known Member
i have seen some threads on the ak47. is your ak47 crossed with lr? or is ak47 always autoflower? i think you mentioned lowryder once.


Well-Known Member
so i looked under their skirts and actually believe that i may have gotten 9 females and 1 male. almost doesn't seem possible? the 1 that showed looks exactly like the rest only with balls and the females show later so i figure i would at least be able to see balls forming. but there are no signs and several are displaying pistols. I'm actually worried about how much pollen this one male can make. i want about a 1000 seeds if i am going to do a seeded bud crop. i might have to collect it and apply myself to make sure. hopefully 1 more pops up


Well-Known Member
Nice one 1982.. plants look good under the T5 rig.. I also grow under T5 with enviro's at each end!! currently growing uk cheese and an un known.. check it out below..


Well-Known Member
1982grower, your right it is crossed with lowryder. You should hook me up with some seeds when your done. Ill do the same if I have any. Me and my buddy are considering a new grow with two sets of t5's. any comments, no ideas on a strain yet though maybe some of g13 labs ladies. Can a t5 hold its own against a HID like a 400 watter???


Well-Known Member
i've heard good things about these cheese strains. when i first saw the threads with cheese in the title i thought it was some idiot until i found out more. I heard there pretty small? I don't like any plant to take more than 90 days really. I was thinking about trying 1 if they stay short. T5s have been working great amc. they do seem to keep the plants shorter than metal halide. When i get 2 more next week i'll switch out the white bulbs for flowering. Not sure how they'll flower the lowryder 2 though. never tried yet. but if they yield 80 % of hps i'm happy. the hps buzz and make heat like crazy. the t5s seem to require less attention. Trust me amc these t5s are silent. and they require basically nothing to cool. I can't deal with the hps anymore. The t5s even before flowering this strain yet have won me over. i can close the whole cabinet up with 400 watts in there and the temp is fine. then i can sleep. that day i built the crappy cooltube i nearly lost it. the hps were driving me literally minorly insane. I don't think i'll ever use them again. unless the coldest point in winter. i truly believe that t5 is the overall best grow light out right now. pretty cheap, choice of any colour, and we'll see how they flower these but i am out to switch any bedroom grower. therefore i love them!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanx I will keep that in mind when I make my final decision, how much did you pay for yours??? Where did you get them???


Well-Known Member
your nodes gotta be tight as hell under them leafes. i bet the nodes are no more then 1 in apart.. thats tight

here they are today. i did a res change today after only 5 days. it seems to really make them jump as soon as you change it. added full nutes also. these plants are absolutely amazing. the 1 pic shows the leaves well. they are literally stacked one on top of another. 1 male and 3 confirmed females so far. the huge plant in the middle hasn't shown yet. can't believe how short they are and except for the runt they are staying even for the most part.


Active Member
for anyone in the detroit/toledo area, there's a new grow shop that opened about a month ago in toledo called the grow shop 1-419-725-grow. very knowledgeable and nice folks that know lots about growing anything frow fruits and vegetables to all kinds of herbs. check them out. only an hr. from detroit.


Active Member
i forgot to mention the t8 and t5 set-ups he has at his shop. new tech from germany with the exact blues for veg and the exact reds forflower.


Well-Known Member
i'll check that shop out for sure. thanks man. theres only 1 shop in my city basically so if the equipment you want is not there than you don'y get it. Kinda sketchy bringing hydro products across the border but whatever. teatree nice man. lost track of which 1s whitch eh? when are you going to flower?


Well-Known Member
nonsense do they have a webpage? most shops don't. the 1 here does but its a useless page. I could drive there if it was a good deal. i love t5 as you can see


Well-Known Member
where is dirt clean? check in with those seeds. where is bong marley? did these people just vanish? So the plants are doing well. Getting mad hate mail for using flouros. I love it!!! How much nicer can a plant look? they look healthy to me. this is kinda funny. the most someone told me i would get is 4 ounces dry if they all turn female. 3 is the average people have been telling me. The people who have seen these plants from sprout with me, what do you guys think? sounds like bashing to me. With the way they are right now if i got all females i would def get more than 4 ounces. 4 sounds right with males but when i have all females in there growing like that i will for sure get way more than 4 ounces. I am sick of estimating my yield but i'm bored and it keeps popping into my head. and mailbox!!!!


Well-Known Member
they will be fine man, dont let them wannabees bash on you, t5's are comparable to HID and hold there own, throw down some more cfl's if it makes you feel better. Peace out going to detroit today!!!


Well-Known Member
Sweet. Next time you go I'll meet you somewhere. I will exchange seeds but dont know how we should do it. In canada i would just hand them to you but i don't know if i would cross the border with them. We could prob figure something out. Are you going to check out gibralter trade centre? If you do dont pay their asking prices, you gotta haggle there. Whatever they say you say 60 % of that. Seeya. let us know what you got.