Lowryder #1 First Grow


Well-Known Member
don't be afraid to put her in the dark longer than that.... i give all mine 72 hours(3 days) of darkness and nothing to drink either. I like to make sure she is ready for a drink a day before she goes into solitary confinement and then her last morning light i give her a good feeding of oolong tea.... lots of sugar and antioxidants. my plants love it. there was a study done by a school that showed research of 30% more THC by giving them 72 hours of darkness. Bricktop knows much more about this and you can find it in many of his posts.


Well-Known Member
Lucy is looking so tasty! I would think in the next day or 2 she may be ready to sleep for a couple days. but not sure just a thought.
I'm thinking the same thing.. we will see, thanks man.

hey millyy, she looks just about done to me! if you have good eye sight and you can see the little tiny trichs through your magnifying glass, you basically want to chop when they're mostly "cloudy". they start out all clear, like crystals. then they start getting cloudy (like, white). eventually some start to get an amber color. that's when you should chop, at the first sign of amber trichs (but when most are still cloudy). hope this helps.

but to my eye based on your pics, you could chop tomorrow, or in a week
. it'll be good either way! also, 24-36 hours of darkness before chopping is definitely a good idea!

I'll try to look at it again with the magnifine glass tomorrow and see if i can tell. It just looks like a lot of tiny things though haha. I want to give her water before the 2-3 day dark period starts, i think she will want water by late tomorrow though :/



Well-Known Member
don't be afraid to put her in the dark longer than that.... i give all mine 72 hours(3 days) of darkness and nothing to drink either. I like to make sure she is ready for a drink a day before she goes into solitary confinement and then her last morning light i give her a good feeding of oolong tea.... lots of sugar and antioxidants. my plants love it. there was a study done by a school that showed research of 30% more THC by giving them 72 hours of darkness. Bricktop knows much more about this and you can find it in many of his posts.
I think i read something about that..Seems familiar and actually, thats what i meant to say was im putting her in a 3 day dark period thing. For some reason i was thinking a day was 12 hours -.- oh...the stoner moments
I'm wondering if i should water her for the last time tomorrow because she will probably be dry again by tomorrow and then cut the lights off for the 3 days..I am just worried she wont be done !! AHHHH


Well-Known Member
I think i read something about that..Seems familiar and actually, thats what i meant to say was im putting her in a 3 day dark period thing. For some reason i was thinking a day was 12 hours -.- oh...the stoner moments
I'm wondering if i should water her for the last time tomorrow because she will probably be dry again by tomorrow and then cut the lights off for the 3 days..I am just worried she wont be done !! AHHHH
yea i would water her if she is ready. give her some sugar to, maybe some molasses, or tea, or juice. but don't put her in the dark if the trics are still clear. wait till the milky, cloudy white heads that homer was talking about. if you can't see it with a glass, try your pc.... your macro close ups seem like good shots. get one with a good focus and zoom in with windows and see if you can see em.


Well-Known Member
yea i would water her if she is ready. give her some sugar to, maybe some molasses, or tea, or juice. but don't put her in the dark if the trics are still clear. wait till the milky, cloudy white heads that homer was talking about. if you can't see it with a glass, try your pc.... your macro close ups seem like good shots. get one with a good focus and zoom in with windows and see if you can see em.
I'll try to get a steady pic so it's really clear and right on target lol. Hopefully i can see it.


Well-Known Member
millyy, try the micro.grower technique. point your camera through the magnifying glass. you gotta fudge around with the distances until you get it in focus, but when you get it right you can take really nice closeup shots. closeups that will help you see the color of your trichs!


Well-Known Member
millyy, try the micro.grower technique. point your camera through the magnifying glass. you gotta fudge around with the distances until you get it in focus, but when you get it right you can take really nice closeup shots. closeups that will help you see the color of your trichs!
Should I be zoomed I'n on camera and on macro mode when I try this?


Well-Known Member
I just use my phone cam, so no zoom. If your cam has macro mode, yes use it! The loupe will allow you to get just a little closer and still be able to focus.


Well-Known Member
I just use my phone cam, so no zoom. If your cam has macro mode, yes use it! The loupe will allow you to get just a little closer and still be able to focus.
Alright sweet, thanks homer! I'll try it when i update pics today


Well-Known Member

So i flushed again today and i think it is time to turn lights off for 3 days then chop her..Her redish hairs are turning more of a light brown, and there isn't to many regular color hairs. Should i turn the lights off? btw, some of the pics i tried to macro+magnifine glass to see the color of the trichs, we will see if it works haha

Thanks guys!

ALSO, when i plan to trim her i am confused on to what to cut, i know the bigger yellow leaves and stuff but there are some tiny leaves with a bunch of frosty stuff on them..do i cut that too? i don't want to cut bud off haha



Active Member
Looks kind of like hard water scale on the pots. I would think that it is no big deal as long as your ppm are in the acceptable range.


Well-Known Member
Whats up, I just got my first journal up and I see your comin towards the end of your auto....Im kinda interested in them lately just because I have never tried them so i'm thinking about giving it a shot. Looks good tho :)


Well-Known Member
Looks kind of like hard water scale on the pots. I would think that it is no big deal as long as your ppm are in the acceptable range.
Are you referring to the white stuff? If so i think that's taken care of, and i'm about to harvest :D

Whats up, I just got my first journal up and I see your comin towards the end of your auto....Im kinda interested in them lately just because I have never tried them so i'm thinking about giving it a shot. Looks good tho

They are pretty easy to grow and are very interesting. I'd love to see yours, you should put the link to it in your signature (my rollitup, then go to edit signature)

James Youngblood

Active Member

So i flushed again today and i think it is time to turn lights off for 3 days then chop her..Her redish hairs are turning more of a light brown, and there isn't to many regular color hairs. Should i turn the lights off? btw, some of the pics i tried to macro+magnifine glass to see the color of the trichs, we will see if it works haha

Thanks guys!

ALSO, when i plan to trim her i am confused on to what to cut, i know the bigger yellow leaves and stuff but there are some tiny leaves with a bunch of frosty stuff on them..do i cut that too? i don't want to cut bud off haha
I say give it a day or two milly.... but i'm no expert.. any one else got any ideas?

I know you chop all the external "branches" away from the bud but anything mixed in i think you trim as close as possible and keep what you know you smoke lol....


Well-Known Member
Ah thanks ya i just did that now that you mentioned it haha :-) I've tried a few cool strains before but haven't gotten around to autoflowers yet


Well-Known Member
I say give it a day or two milly.... but i'm no expert.. any one else got any ideas?

I know you chop all the external "branches" away from the bud but anything mixed in i think you trim as close as possible and keep what you know you smoke lol....
Its weird looking haha some of the little tiny "loop" looking leaves...donoo if i cut those off haha i don't see it on the bud i pick up so i guess so
I'll wait for Homer and chief to come take a look, they seem to know when to harvest pretty good ;P

Ah thanks ya i just did that now that you mentioned it haha
I've tried a few cool strains before but haven't gotten around to autoflowers yet

Yep man, just makes it a lot easier for everyone to view. Also, maybe put a space between the - and the http so it's clickable :)


Well-Known Member
Just a little edit, Chief replied to my pm and said he thinks i should go ahead and put it in dark time. then give her the saw.

Thanks Chief!