Lowlife AK47 Automatic


Well-Known Member
ok man no probs its shabby like i said mate but i have seen worse.. i've also sorted the wires out since this pic so its in order not a bloody shambles!!! lol what you think im thinking about putting this ballast in a metal box to make sure if there is summin that would start a fire its gona be in a box with no air... if you see the third pic thats why im not sure it looked so bad it was harsh but it looks alot better now thank god but im using a fluro to veg and this 250watter has a mh bulb so thats why i wana get it workin so much



Well-Known Member
Ah, I see. Ideally what I would do with that is to check all of the wiring, all the points that have been soldered/crimped/etc, look for corrosion, damage, leaks in the caps (depending what they are) - that sort of thing. If it seems good it's probably fine, but like you say, things break all the time and it's not a bad idea to enclose it all.

A good (ie: proper) case for that might run £15-20, though, mind you. Might be worth it just to go for something new instead, depending how handy you are and what bits of scrap or tools you have access to. Difficult to say, mate. I'm cavalier as the next guy, and I'd have no problems powering it up to test it, etc, but I personaly wouldn't leave any electrics like that running in my gaff unsupervised for long periods of time. It all breaks eventually and you don't want your place burned to the ground on account of it.


Well-Known Member
Hi jay, those buds are really filling out and looking incredibly sumptuous!!! My mouth is watering as I type LOL. Thanks for the great pics as always.


Well-Known Member
cheers, buddy - now the challenge is to remain stocked to tide me until harvest so I'm not tempted to start swinging my cutting arm :lol:


Active Member
Wow man, that looks pretty damn cool, like a bonsai weed tree. I'm thinking of growing this strain outside this year, is it too late to get decent results from them?


Well-Known Member
Can't say from experience, and it would depend on where you live, but I'd say most likely yes if you started them within a week. Figure they'd be at the stage mine are at now by mid August, ready to finish mid to late September.


Well-Known Member
Day 43

New pot seems to have really helped - the plant has gone a deeper green and is looking generally healthier and happier now after a few days in a bigger home. More pics today - harvest in 4 weeks, maybe less.



Well-Known Member
Hi jay - WOW that does seem to have made a big difference. She looks darker as you say and even more bushy than she was. And those buds are looking simply awesome man!!! Great job, I'm sure you're busting with anticipation LOL.


Well-Known Member
yeah, been giving it 6 hours darkness every night for a few days now to help encourage root growth into the new space, it certainly seems to have given her a second wind - that's for sure. I can't believe there's still so many weeks to go - she'll be bursting at the seams, I reckon!


Active Member
i just received my ak47Xkush seeds and they are germing right now. i can only hope they turn out like this, but i think the kush is going to make it shorter. its going to be the longest 2 months of my life! hahaha


Well-Known Member
cheers for the good words, all :blsmoke:

how often would you say you are watering ?? in the mornings, evenings, night time ??
By the time it was rootbound in the small pot I was watering once a day - that was enough to go from heavy saturated wet soil to airy, light, and dry.

Now in the larger pot perhaps once every two days or so. Sometimes in the mornings, sometimes in the evenings. Since watching the pH I've been generally watering sooner when the soil pH is dropping, and with water only - this to help it stabilise and start rising again. When the soil pH is rising I take the opportunity to let the soil dry a bit more and encourage root growth - then water with nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Ok, and I've figured out this dark greening too, I think. The whole grow I've had leaves curling up a bit at the edges - something I've been thinking has been a slight Mg deficiency. I've been watering with epsom salts in my water and, looking back, every time the plant has gone a dark green colour it has been after adding a good dose of epsom salts to try to correct these curling leaves.

Well, it seems that my plants aren't really Mg deficient and, since Mg is used to make chlorophyll, an excess can cause leaves to go really dark green. The curling, I'm thinking now, is probably being caused by the heat from the lights and the fan. I added the fan to cool the plants because the 400W HPS is quite hot and, being under my desk, I could only raise it up so high.

Picture today - see how close the light is?

The temps seem ok as it is, but to keep itself cool the plant has been having to transpire (sweat) heavily - for which it curls up the edges of the leaves to increase the surface area on the bottom of the leaves where the stomata are. This looks like Mg deficiency except that, critically, the leaves don't yellow like they do with Mg def.

Older picture - see how close the fan is?

At any rate, I've moved the fan a bit back now and the plant all along has been as far from the light as I could reasonably put it, but I think I'll just let her deal with it and see how everything fares. Seems to be going well so far, so maybe a bit of sweating isn't so bad. Watered with plain water today.


Well-Known Member
Ya Bro, I Thank They Are Looking Great, The Curling , Is Most Likely The Heat, Don't Think It Will Be A Big Deal!!!!......Well Best Of Luck!!:mrgreen::roll::joint::hump::peace: