Low-Wattage CFL Growers!


Well-Known Member
This plant was in veg for about 2 months. It would have gone faster, but I only used 2700k cfls (42w, 2700 lumin). I started it off with just one of these cfls above and when the plant gained a little height I added 2 more, 1 on each side. I have another plant (not pictured) that I have 6 similar lights around because it should be ready to harvest in about 3 weeks. When I harvest that other plant I will move those lights around the one pictured to increase buddage.-P


Active Member
For this thread, I thought I'd post some pics I took yesterday of my girlfriend. When I took these pics she had been flowering for 7 days. I love what having a few cfls on the side can do for bushiness.
Your lady is looking damn fine Talon ;)


This is my wonder woman veged for 1 month and is 1 week into 12/12 its been fimmed and tied down im using 4 20 watt cfls the other ones are in my green house
Picture 251.jpgPicture 247.jpg


Active Member
i have 92 watts of cfl :] ha ill join. and quick question. 18/6 best for veg? or no
Different strokes for different folks! I'm erring on the 20/4 side of things on the basis it gives my plants lots of exposure aswell as a dark rest period.


Active Member
Hi, lookin for some advice, i wana start my first grow soon, i got some easy ryders on the way in the post, but i only got two 125w cfls. Is that off to be enough for 3 little plants?!


Well-Known Member
Hi, lookin for some advice, i wana start my first grow soon, i got some easy ryders on the way in the post, but i only got two 125w cfls. Is that off to be enough for 3 little plants?!
Hello IggidyBiggidy. I love your screen name. If your cfls are 125 true watts and not 125 watt equivalents then yes, that's plenty enough for three small plants. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
how do know the kilowatts if they dont say it on the lights
It should be on the lights or the package that it came in. Usually it's on both. If not, then look on the light for something that looks like it might be a model number. Then go to google and type in those numbers.
Hi everybody! We just modified our garden, and so now we can post here! :-P We have 3 baby middies (about 3 weeks old) under 3 23 watt cfls and our beans just cracked for 2 super skunk and a mango. We will load pics when my new beans pop thru the medium. I look forward to chatting with u all and sharing our knowledge :weed:


Active Member
Hi everybody! We just modified our garden, and so now we can post here! :-P We have 3 baby middies (about 3 weeks old) under 3 23 watt cfls and our beans just cracked for 2 super skunk and a mango. We will load pics when my new beans pop thru the medium. I look forward to chatting with u all and sharing our knowledge :weed:
Looking forward to hearing all about your grow Diva. Its all about sharing the knowledge around :)


heres a qiuck update of the wonderwoman i think its coming up to about 2 weeks of 12/12 im surprised with how well its growing under just 80 watts worth of cfl any one got any guesses on the yeild ? im hoping for an ounce
Picture 264.jpgPicture 265.jpgPicture 267.jpg


Active Member
heres my ladie.... Shes Blue mystic from nirvana. 18/6 vegged for 2 weeks, fim'ed then after a nice 24 hour rest.... BAM 12/12. lol Im growing with 3-23 watt cfls 1600x3=4800 in a 18in x 18in x 8in PC case. Shes at 41 day flowering in these pictures. check my whole grow, links in my sig.