Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit


Well-Known Member
Yea they're looking pretty good. I'm kinda going by trichs, kinda going by the look of the plant. Right now I'd say they're not ready by either. Few if any cloudy trichs and the buds are still filling out and packing on a lot of purple so I know they're not done yet. If you're hitting 10/11 weeks then I don't have any problem letting them keep on rollin. They just don't look ready to me...yet!


Well-Known Member
If the buds aren't done swelling, there is no way the trics could even be close to turning amber. Mine have been fully swelled for weeks and the trics are still mostly cloudy.

But yeah, stay patient. I'd hate for you to follow the majority here and chop too early. The bud sucks, the high sucks, and you just wasted months of time.


Well-Known Member
Lights come on @ 8 OUR time homie! Me and the lady are heading out for some dinner and the lights should be on when we get back. I'll pull them out under real light, use her good camera, and get some shots!


Well-Known Member
So here are the girls. I had a few beers with dinner so holding the camera still enough for the macro to work was a challenge. Never quite mastered it, got some decent shots anyway. The pics are labeled by what they are, JF being Juicy Fruit, SK being Skunk#1, Haw being Hawaiian etc.

Check out the leaves and the cut/lesion thing the Hawaiian has going. The upper half leaves look good, the lower look bad.



Well-Known Member
Looking good CL, How many weeks into flower are they? Did you try super cropping that Hawaiian? It kinda looks like the branch was bent over and it's healing or is that just the way it is?


Well-Known Member
The JF are on their 8th week of 12/12, the Skunk is on it's 6th week, and the Hawaiian is on it's 5th week. Didn't super crop the Hawaiian, but I agree it kinda looks like it doesn't it? I honestly don't know what happened with the Hawaiian. I found a description of nitrogen toxicity that mentions a few symptoms the Hawaiian has including leasions to the stems and roots. The only lesion I can find is that one in the picture. Honestly I'm kinda pissed with the Hawaiian. All the other plants are just fine and the Hawaiian is having problems, for apparently no reason. All factors are equal except for age. Maybe I overdid it with nutrients for the Hawaiian? Wimpy little light feeder I guess. Oh well, she's been running straight H20 for the past 2-3 days and still doesn't look that much better. I'm gonna start light feeding again tonight.


Well-Known Member
you should get a DSLR they are great for taking pictures of about anything, check out my grow in my sig, i got updated pics with some DSLR pics....


Well-Known Member
Appreciate the tip but this camera is a 9 mega pixel Canon that is very capable of taking great pictures. That night however, I was not


Well-Known Member
Yea she's my favorite! She's also the biggest. Of the 4 strains on this grow it's the only one I think it'd keep for another round. I love the shape and smell of the plant and it's yield looks to be quite promising as well!

I'm doing a res change tonight and I'll try to get some pics up. I'm gonna have the lady friend take the pics this time as it's her camera and she definitely takes better pictures than I do. I noticed theres a bunch of fingerprints on the lense that probably explain why the last pictures came out a little blurry. Combine that with 5 or 6 beers and needing to be still during macro shooting.... you get the idea, the pics should be better this time.


Active Member
more accurately, she would've had a ton of gigantic crystalline vaginas coming from her head and upper limbs

but the general posture fit :)