Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, you live and learn. I guess I've learned not to buy strange strain cross clones unless I KNOW they're stable. I'm gonna give the kid I got it from a call and see what he says. At the very least I should warn him that other people he sold those clones to are going to be experiencing similar things. Imagine if I was working on a big scale and hundreds got seeded! I hope he mans up and gives me my money back. Fuuuuuck!


Well-Known Member
Damn, that really sucks. Another horror story of dispensary clones. Between shoddy genetics, bug infestations, males being sold as female, and poor/non-existent root structures are enough to keep me from dishing out the rediculous amount dispensaries want for their clones. Hope you can get some sort of resolution...too many shady fuckers getting into this business to take advantage.


Well-Known Member
I see enough horror stories with Attitude on here that I figured dispensary clones were the safer bet. Guess not. However I ordered some seeds from Speedy on April 1st that aren't here yet.... I messaged him and he's looking into it, and judging by the number of posts in his thread before it got shut down, other people are having similar issues. Evidently the volcano fucked some stuff up! I'm not too worried cause I won't be starting them til July anyway and I know Speedy will make it right. What banks do you guys usually order from? I want Durban Poison and Strawberry Cough and both of those I've only found at the Tude. So either way it looks like I'm going to have to order from them.


Well-Known Member
I've had great experiences both times I've ordered from Attitude. They'll continue to get my business until they fuck me.

Speedy sounds good and all but I don't want to have to come on here and nag him about my order. Seems ALOT of people have had to do that. Not a good business model, IMO.


Well-Known Member
I think it's more along the lines that a lot of people on here are idiots! The average post count of the people nagging him is under 100. I've read nearly every page of that thread and for the most part the idiot theory applies. People not understanding PayPal, people wanting him to describe the stealth method, people wanting seed reccomendations, etc. They're noobs that don't really know what's going on and want their seeds in a week. It's far easier to get on here and type then to get a phone number for another country and call Speedy on the phone, especially cause they know Speedy will bend over backwards to get it done right because his rep on this forum is all he has. Attitude would have similar shit going on if their business was out in the open. According to Speedy, Attitude is having similar delay problems due to the volcano, you just can't see it because they don't have a forum.... but neither does Speedy anymore.

My perception at least. Being an open and honest businessman really puts you at a disadvantage when dealing with fools! I can personally attest to that!

Either way I'll be ordering from Attitude to get those couple of strains I want. I'm glad to hear you've only had good experiences. Makes me feel like I'm not just giving away $150. Hahaa


Active Member
all my veg plants are from attitude. got here in 6 days im gonna stick with with them after nirvana screwd me


Well-Known Member
Nice! I'm digging hearing GOOD things about seedbanks right now. And speaking of good news I think I have some. Now I'm not 100% sure on this but what looked like little dark seeds poking out appears to actually be turning into purple leaves. I can't seem to more than 25% of what I thought appeared to be seeds yesterday. I'm amazed because I even ripped a few out with tweezers to investigate and they resembled young seeds, although now that I think about it young seeds would be green and not dark like mature ones.... So anyway now I'm seeing a lot more purple and less "seeds." This has got the be a good thing!

On the downside the Hawaiian has got something going on. It's leaves are starting to get these darker green spots that "dry out" and get papery thin and rip. It's doing it in the middle of the leaves as well as along the edges and ends of some. It's affecting both new and old growth. Not sure if this is sounding like anything to anyone by the description but feel free to troubleshoot it and I'll add pictures in the morning.

The Skunk is stacking on buds like crazy! Also I misread my calendar and the JF's are entering their 8th week of flower. Today is day 50 for them. That also makes the Trainwreck a week younger than I said it was when it had to be chopped. Bummer. Oh well if it didn't seed the JF then I'll write it off as a lesson and smile off the wimpy worthless yield I got from it.... Cross your fingers!


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot Jake! + rep for a guide with pictures! The plant guide we've got here on RIU has all the pictures taken out.... not very helpful haha!

From what I can tell it almost appears I have nitrogen toxicity. How likely is that? Here's the description of that.

The plant will have like an overall DARK green look and have delayed maturity. Due to Nitrogen being involved in vegetative growth, to much nitrogen will result in tall plants with weak stems. New growth will be very lively and plant transpiration will be high, but not always. Nitrogen toxicity can be seen when there are very very dry conditions almost as if there was a drought, which may show a burning effect. If you give your plants ammonium based nutrients they may show NH4+ toxicity, which will show a smaller plant growth and lesions that occur on stems and roots, leaf margins that will roll downward. Also the big fan leaves will have “the claw” look. The tips will point down but the leaves will stay up as if when you bend your fingers downwards. Leaves can be twisted when growing… mainly new growths. Roots will be under developed along with the slowing of flowering. Yields will be decreased, because to much nitrogen in early stages of flowering slows down bud growth. Water uptake is slowing down from the vascular breakdown of the plants as well.

My leaves don't seem very clawlike but the roots are very very wimpy compared to some of the other plants. I also have a cut kind of lesion thing at the top, which I'll get pictures of too. On a side note I did a Google image search to double check I was familiar with what a lesion was.... MISTAKE! Nasty nasty things came up


Active Member
Got some similar things going on with my WR. Chalked it up to them rubbing on the walls of the cab. Hope ya get it figured out and remedied.

Question? What are your flower room temps?


Well-Known Member
Yea I'm kind of thinking the same thing with the walls. Oh well, can't increase my space now. Next time I'll be running a 6.5x6.5x6.5 tent, that outta do it!

I toned down the nutes on the Hawaiian to about 1000ppm too just in case.

Um my flowering temps are pretty low even though my 600w isn't air cooled at all. They peak around 78 and at their lowest are around 68ish. Uncle Ben endorses a good 15 degree daytime nighttime temperature change so I'm not too concerned. A little cooler only brings out more purple... and I like purple!


Well-Known Member
Girls are doing well. The JF finish up their 8th week on Wednesday. I checked the trichs tonight and they're all clear, maybe a couple cloudy. I think another week or so will do it, which will give the buds more time to fill in. They've started to get purple and are adding more color by the day. The Skunk is beefing up nicely and the Hawaiian's leaves still look like shit but she's adding buddage. It looks like it's gonna lose like 4 lower leaves. They look horrible. I did a res change yesterday and went ahead and put her on straight H20 for a day or 2 flush before I start feeding again. I got tomorrow off so I'll shoot some pics tomorrow evening and get them up. I think you'll like the Skunk's development