Loved One Using Meth??


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone,

Those of you who know me on this forum pretty much know that I'm not a huge weed fan...shit I don't really like drugs in general, but I love growing and believe that using substances is a civil liberty. So i guess you could say I'm on this community as some sort of political activism or whatever.

Recently, however, I've been getting really scared for a loved one. She has been acting incredibly off the wall, irrational/incredible mood swings and just downright weird...I would go as far as to say psychotic. She has a history of drug use, heavy cocaine addict, but she went to rehab and got off all that shit and I'd say clean for the better part of 10 years. Now I'm scared shitless that she has been using meth or possibly something else. She confided that she had stayed up for like 5 nights- In my books that's an insane amount of time to stay awake without any really good reason. The thing is that I believe, bc apparently she looked like she'd lost about 20 pounds and her eyes were fucking dialated. Now I'm not really sure what to believe, she swears up and down that she's not on anything and even told a person, who she's always been honest with, that she's not on anything. I'm not sure if this is her having a mental breakdown, or exhibiting some kind of meth withdrawl or what the fuck. I also know that some money's been disappearing ie she asked to borrow money from different people for the same thing which equated to a surplus over the original expense. I guess as I write this, it feels like there should be absolutely no doubt as to whether or not there's been some abuse...however her husband hasnt seen her use any drugs (nor suspects) and neither has a brother of hers with whom she's very close (also a recovered drug addict clean for 3+ years).

I guess I'm looking for some outside opinions or advice. I called her last night and she was fucking hysterical ("I love you /I cant talk to you/you hate me dont you?") and just senseless, it had me in tears because it's the first time I've ever been seriously scared for her. If anyone has any advice or experience please let me know. Please keep in mind that this is a serious issue, so if you've got a sense of humor- please share it somewhere else.




Well-Known Member
as far as i am concerned she might be returning to cocaine its the most practical drug she is using, she might not be using nay other drugs but she might im not sure but from the up all night and dialated eyes it sounds like coke. and some people act fucking weird when they are addicts so it might just be the addiction
if you really want to help her you need to go to extreme lengths to help her
if you are willing to do it call the cops or someone who can drug test her and see if she is back on her old habits so you can get her help
if you sit down and talk she might not admit it so you might have to go to extreme lengths


Well-Known Member
I went through a lil spout of doin meth about 11 or 12 years ago... only a few months of it but all of my friends were doing it. I had to drop everyone I was friends with...
Til now, only one that I know of besides myself grew up and moved on and got away from it.
She needs to be taken outta the environment she is in ,busted somehow, has to hit rock bottom and lose everything that was important to her.
That is a horrible drug and can make you do very terible things.
Its very nice that you want to help, but at the same time you have to watch your own back too because she is not in her right mind and can do things to hurt you as well...steal...etc.
Family support is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
The thing is that she's 29 years old, married and has a child. She's not really in a bad environment, but she maintains contact with some of her old friends...who probably still use, albeit more in a recreational spirit. She has a Son that she loves dearly and I would imagine that could be a reason for her insisting that she's not using drugs ie lose custody or whatever. She also plays the card, "oh everyone assumes that im using drugs bc I used to etc etc", which she may have a point, but holy fuck is she acting weird so wtf is anyone supposed to think?


Well-Known Member
Well if she stayed up for 5 days shes def on something... Her husband didnt notice that? That seems strange to me. Maybe you should type up a letter or something and mail it to her and anon of course Maybe put some pics of meth users, talk about how devestated she would be if she lost her child and/or threaten telling child services. Maybe find some stories to throw in about drug ods that happened with minimal usage. Something has to scare her straight.


Well-Known Member
First...Coke wont keep you up for five days...Now meth on the other hand???? I was a hard core Meth addict for ten years...Just quit two years ago...It's still common for me to think about bein high...meth grabs your soul and dont want to let go.....The thing about hard drugs is that no matter how much people around you care...they dont understand what it is to be an addict...(How can cindy spend her rent money on that shit) addict needs their fix the same as you need food and water...non addicts don't ever realy grasp that concept.....when you Quit your drug of choice for a long time...coke ..meth..pain meds..whatever...Falling off the wagon often leads to a quick spiral back to your old addiction......In your friends case you should act quickly and confront her about this...again quickly.....any comments from her like "I'm just doing a little, don't worry"...and it might be too late....that'll just be the bullshit she tells you to get you off her that point an intervention from everyone you know that really cares about her would be prudent...again speed is of the essence...for her just knowing that people around her know what she is doing and that it is not acceptable might pull her her to put the breaks on and say whoa WTF was I thinking getting into that shit again....however, she may be past that point...lying to get money...eyes dilated regularly...ultimately addiction is a fight within cant really help an cant live in a rehab center forever...and forever is how long she'll be an addict.....confront her quickly before she go's over the cliff into a nosedive...Just my thoughts on the subject.


Well-Known Member
yeah if she lost 20lbs and her eyes are dialated shes on meth but honestly man theres nothing you can do she will stop when she is ready and only when she is ready this is coming from a 6 year iv meth user who has been off for almost 5 years now and i went to at least 9 rehabs and all they did was teach me how to work the system one of them was long term like a boot camp for 2 years

seriously all you can do is wait it out and hope she lives through it


Well-Known Member
all an intervention will do is piss her off and make her be a little slicker about it when she gets out
by intervention I mean sit her down in the living room with everyone that cares about her...If she has only recently started using again, it might not be too late....Goatamine Look back and think about how easy it would have been to quit using when you were only a month or two into using opposed to a year or two...I agree though rehab is a complete waste of time


Well-Known Member
when you say intervention im thinking like the tv show where threy come and say hey lets go out to eat and then swoop you off to rehab

i dunno i still dont think it will work but i guess you can try when i was on meth even at first i didnt give a shit what anyone else thought i basically just woke up one day and didnt know where i was or how i got thier and didnt know what hapopened to my dope my money my phone or my shoes... lol

and just said ya know what im done with this and havent done it since but i was shooting at least a ball of ice a day for 6 years


Well-Known Member
meth user will NEVER admit to being a meth user. they just won't. when confronted in an opposing way they deny it to the end. even to other meth users. if they're tweakin' and they're meth friends say "hey your using to much back off" they deny using. offer them another bump though...........


Well-Known Member
to the guy who started this thread i am just curious but you say you dont really like smoking herb but your more here for political activism so i figure ill ask ya

do you thinik meth should be legal or just reefer i have this arguement with alot of friends who want herb legal but not things like meth crck anbd heroin

i understand that they are"bad" and really fuck people up but i dont feel the government has any right to tell anyone what kind of food drugs ect they can consume its just not within thier power to do so

so regardless of how bad those drugs are it is still the individuals responsibility to decide whether or not they are going top do it or not

so im just curious how you feel about legalising all drugs across the board


Well-Known Member
works every time. almost anyway. :mrgreen:
i went into work one day after being off speed for like a month or some insignificant amount of time when you are talking about being off drugs and this dude was hitting a pipe and handed it to me and i was just like nah im good thanks and gave it back to him it was wierd i had never ever ever ever once turned down some free speed


Well-Known Member
i went into work one day after being off speed for like a month or some insignificant amount of time when you are talking about being off drugs and this dude was hitting a pipe and handed it to me and i was just like nah im good thanks and gave it back to him it was wierd i had never ever ever ever once turned down some free speed

i remember watching my ex-dealer scoop out 8 balls from a sandwich baggies full. i had been clean for over 2 years. it made my stomach curl. i had NO desire. i just sat there and continued twisting that fat doobie and talking about what not. i felt VERY good that day. stuff almost killed me more than once.


Well-Known Member
when you say intervention im thinking like the tv show where threy come and say hey lets go out to eat and then swoop you off to rehab

i dunno i still dont think it will work but i guess you can try when i was on meth even at first i didnt give a shit what anyone else thought i basically just woke up one day and didnt know where i was or how i got thier and didnt know what hapopened to my dope my money my phone or my shoes... lol

and just said ya know what im done with this and havent done it since but i was shooting at least a ball of ice a day for 6 years
Took me 5 years to admit to myself that I was addicted....and then another five years with zero self respect....not knowing how to face my addiction...until that day I too said NO MORE....Nice having money in my tires on my new truck....not them metal pokin through death traps I used to roll around on....IT'S GOOD TO BE FREE


Well-Known Member
the first month after i stopped my bills got caught up. the second month i started going out to eat again. by the sixth month i had a new truck. paid for with real work money. amazed i was.


Well-Known Member
im still broke lol i think i actually have less money now than when i was on speed in fact im sure i do ;(

less sluts too

but i sleep every night and wiegh like 100 pounds more