Lots of questions? help Please


New Member
This is my first plant and i cant seem to find these questions in the growfaq?
1. After i harvest my plant for the first time is there any way i can like regrow it? like bring it back to veg agian
2. my plant is about 22 days into flowering in the pic below and how much longer does it usally take?
3.Hows it looking?
4.im using miracle grow should i flush my plant?



Well-Known Member
Your answers may not all be in the FAQ, however try using the search feature with key words like re-vegging etc.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
I've never had any luck with Miracle Grow, but that is not to say you won't achieve good luck.

To answer your question, it is possible to take a clipping from the plant, even after you harvest the plant and grow a clone from that clipping.

Depending on the strain, complete flowing could take another 50 or 60 days. To find out when to harvest you will need a microscope to check out the trichromes and what they are doing.

Stumble around the site for a while, you'll find all of your answers 8)


Well-Known Member
From what I have read, flowering time is usually 8 weeks or more depending on the strain. To regrow just don't clip all of the leaves off. And revert the plant back to a veg light cycle.


Well-Known Member
yes you can regenerate your plant but i am not familar with the process you should only flush a plant if it has highlevel salt build up from the furts as far as flowering goes it depends on youre plants genetics what strain is your lady. it looks good man a real cutie. miricale grow is fine but in the last two weeks stop using ferts it helps the taste of the weed ferts could make it taste harsh and chemicaly


New Member
dont regenerate your plant... it is possible but it waste's to much time and effort... youd be better off just cloning .... as for the day 22 thing... plants usally take between 7-11 weeks to flower... if its just bagseed... then harvest when about 50%+ of the white hairs turn red/brown .... as for miricle grow... alot of experienced growers will swear against it... you dont "have" to flush it.. but if you wanna play it on the safe side.. or you start having problems with it then feel free to flush it


New Member
thanks for all the imputs and this cloning can i start it now or should i wait and is it going to be a female if i clone and how? thanks


New Member
first of all.... if your plant is till is still in veg and it has not been sexed then you can take a clone... and flower the clone... if it is female then the mother plant is female... so you can determine the plants gender by sexing a clone.... the clones genetics will be a smaller exact replica of the mothers..

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
first of all.... if your plant is till is still in veg and it has not been sexed then you can take a clone... and flower the clone... if it is female then the mother plant is female... so you can determine the plants gender by sexing a clone.... the clones genetics will be a smaller exact replica of the mothers..
Yes it will be a female, but you have no idea of the strength or potency. Only way to measure that is to grow the plant out. I don't believe_and I could be wrong_your statement that "The clones genetics will be a smaller exact replica of the mothers". I'm pretty sure the genetics will be exactly the same. The clone itself, not given a good period of growth will of course be smaller in size than the mothers.

It is easy to grow from a plant that is already finished. Just takes a little patience and technique. When you do it this way, you know exactly how strong the weed is.

*One of my bitches is that people are in such a hurry to 'find a female' they cull out plants that quite probably would yield more or have better potency because they are in a hurry to find a female and make her bud. There is a saying a dog breeding - if you don't want the smallest puppy, why do you want the biggest? Smart dog breeders go for the most average size dog which has the characteristics they are looking for. Big is only bigger, it is not necessarily better. Of course, this is my opinion and I could be wrong.


Active Member
It is possible to get multiple harvest off one plant without cloning. Im not sure on how it's done, but i do know that you will need to start pulling buds. From what i remeber (dont do this without any other approvals from other users) You will completly remove and harvest from the top third of your plant (Which before you do so, take clones which i recommend). Next you should harvest only the buds the middle section (2/3area). The bottom third, you can havest, but you'll have to leave half the buds there. If you dont pick any of the bottom buds, it should help regenerate the rest of the plant for a second havest. And so on. I'm only a nube, but from from what i've learned so far, this would get a second havest off your plant. Take clones deffinantly though. Good luck.


Active Member
Yes You Can Re-veg Your Plant After You Harvest It. When You Harvest Only Cut The Buds. Leave Some Of The Fan Leaves And A Few Smaller Bud Sites Towards The Bottom Of The Plant. After You Harvest Just Put The Plant Back Under A 24 Hour Light And It Will Regrow. Becarful Tho Because It Will Explode With Growth Tips And Youll Have Alot Of Overcrowding.


New Member
a smaller exact replica... yes the clones and mothers will be the same but the clone is smaller...i was trying to get in the minime factor so it was easy to understand ;)


Well-Known Member
Yes You Can Re-veg Your Plant After You Harvest It. When You Harvest Only Cut The Buds. Leave Some Of The Fan Leaves And A Few Smaller Bud Sites Towards The Bottom Of The Plant. After You Harvest Just Put The Plant Back Under A 24 Hour Light And It Will Regrow. Becarful Tho Because It Will Explode With Growth Tips And Youll Have Alot Of Overcrowding.
Got any pix or journal of that?