Well-Known Member
You are doing right.This is where I'm at. It's hard after 20 years of being friends. I don't really drink anymore, they do, I'm not into staying up til 1,2...5 am anymore. .they are (it doesn't help 2 friends are on 2nd shift schedules). I only talk to her on these group Vacas or when she needs something now that she doesn't have a capable boyfriend.
I know what I have to do. ..just don't want to, I'd rather have a couple shitty friends than none right now....I'm running out of people in my life.
Its a nice feeling if the car blows up I can just go buy another one.
I don't buy new. I look for a few months and find a good buy on a low mileage car for about $5000. I do the maint myself and drive them until the wheels fall off.
It seems like the less prepared you are, the more that happens.
If all goes to plan, by the time I'm forty I will be able to dick off the rest of my life.