Loser friends...or am I an asshole?

1 hand washes the other, I'd pay the bills but I'm taking the biggest bedroom or basement and growing some herb.

You want to live in a shit hole apartment? Or home? Well I'm putting a lock on the basement door don't even ask me shit. :)

You can't let people use you, I got a friend trying to get me to sell a little piece of land and the money he has ain't even enough to pay my taxes for a year. Lol, I was talking about selling a chunk for $50k not 3k.

Everyone wants something for nothing. I know way too many people who lie to get on disability alone. Just looking for a free ride.

I'll flip a car here and there for extra bucks, I always have someone I know that wants me to sell it to them at my cost. They think because I figure my labor in the price, I still make out. I tell em if I don't get a reaL cash buyer in x amount of days, we'll talk.

I have no problem whatsoever with scamming the government, once I realized that fraud is pennies compared to what our politicians and big corporations steal. I figure the little guy should have the same chances to suck the teet...
There's a difference between friends and acquaintances. To read what you've written it seems you're confused as to which category these people are in. This trip might help you alleviate the confusion.
Good friends are hard to come by
but there should be no hesitancy or confusion as to who they are and what you're willing to do for them !
Just one old man's point of view .
Most of the time I wouldn't drive 2 hours out of my way for anyone, except for maybe my fiancé. That one I go two hours out of my way for quite often lol. But I get stuff out of that relationship I'm sure you don't out of your "friend" and her bf.

I'd tell them to fuck off.

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Quite simple, don't over think it..... Would they or have they done it for you ? Work it out from that point and it should be easy for you to answer !
Blow her off. Anyone with that little control over her life damn well shouldn't be going on vacation; she should spend her time fixing and preventing more problems, not run away.
The wiseman has spoken sage advice.


++ rep to both of you. This is RIU gold, right there.
This is where I'm at. It's hard after 20 years of being friends. I don't really drink anymore, they do, I'm not into staying up til 1,2...5 am anymore. .they are (it doesn't help 2 friends are on 2nd shift schedules). I only talk to her on these group Vacas or when she needs something now that she doesn't have a capable boyfriend.

I know what I have to do. ..just don't want to, I'd rather have a couple shitty friends than none right now....I'm running out of people in my life.
Sounds like you don't have any friends honestly you see them once in a great while Facebook friends are not really friends just people you know. How many of these "friends" will help you get rid of a body?
don't lie: and say you got sick, cause the fucked up part about this in the "group" you will be the one they talk shit about, you will be the bad guy.

you sound like you're holding your own down. you can be broke and still, show some integrity, like if they took the bus to your house, then you drive the rest of the way. that's cool, it shows they want to help you: help them, not be helped with zero gratuity.
I was supposed to be going to the beach for the weekend with 4-5 friends, been a long time since I had a few days to just chill. It's something we've done as a group for years. Well a few weeks ago one friend blew her motor in her car. She hasn't made any effort to get it fixed and now she wants me to go almost 2 hrs round trip, out of my way, literally in the opposite direction, to get her and BF, another winner...., so they can go down. I'm already bringing someone else who doesn't have a car. Neither of these friends have a pot to piss in, but she really pisses me off because I know she parties like a teenager, but cries woe is me whenever there's an issue like this. I've gone out of my way to help her twice in the last 6 months with her car. I used to help my friends, alot more than I should have, but at that time I had the resources. I don't anymore, this weekend is already a financial draw on me at it is. I think they've come to expect it. ..well I don't have any resources any more and I'm sick of bending over for people that won't help themselves.

I don't want to be the weekend shuttle/taxi, only other vehicle is a buddies pick up. I don't want to be crammed in my car for 2 hrs+ with 3 other people and their shit. I'm bringing my own food because I have digestive issues, I don't want that to become a free for all because they don't have the $$ for food-I feel a little bad about this because they have provided food quite a few times, but I only buy quality food, read $$ and ration it because it's so expensive. I can't afford to feed people for a couple days. This whole thing just isn't feeling relaxing, I'm feeling like an asshole, even though I have no reason to...I think might just stay home.:wall:

I think all you have to do is let them know exactly how you feel, like you're saying in this post. The more you let stuff like this build up, the more its going to affect you negatively. If the friendship itself has been a good one (regardless of what you think of her boyfriend), I don't think it's worth losing relationships over money unless there's continually no reciprocity there. If she really is a leech, just let her know that her never contributing to anything is really straining on you and it is stressing you out. If she's a real friend she will change her behavior. If not, she'll flip out and probably stop talking to you--so problem solved =P

Plus, a two hour scenic road trip is awesome, I take those whenever I can get them. I have a stick shift though and driving a manual on a good stretch of highway is one of the most relaxing things to me. Listening to music can keep the chaos of 4 bored people in check pretty easily.

You say you've been out of work a couple of years. Maybe starting up some internet side project (like a personal blog or something) can give you an outlet for what you feel--and also allow you to get a chance at making some good pocket money [and if anytime you want to bust your ass you could easily make a profitable living] --and then stresses like this wont be so bad.

You should go to the beach, I bet you will enjoy it more than if you didn't (being near the ocean on an amazing day is pretty hard to top)