Well-Known Member
1 hand washes the other, I'd pay the bills but I'm taking the biggest bedroom or basement and growing some herb.
You want to live in a shit hole apartment? Or home? Well I'm putting a lock on the basement door don't even ask me shit.
You can't let people use you, I got a friend trying to get me to sell a little piece of land and the money he has ain't even enough to pay my taxes for a year. Lol, I was talking about selling a chunk for $50k not 3k.
Everyone wants something for nothing. I know way too many people who lie to get on disability alone. Just looking for a free ride.
I'll flip a car here and there for extra bucks, I always have someone I know that wants me to sell it to them at my cost. They think because I figure my labor in the price, I still make out. I tell em if I don't get a reaL cash buyer in x amount of days, we'll talk.
I have no problem whatsoever with scamming the government, once I realized that fraud is pennies compared to what our politicians and big corporations steal. I figure the little guy should have the same chances to suck the teet...