Lorazepam? any good


Well-Known Member
Around 1-2 mg prolly, but the high isn't very good by itself I pretty much use them when I can't get anything els they help a lot with wd


Well-Known Member
It's a slow release benzo. To get fucked up you prolly need 10mg. I eat 2mg pills all throughout the day like candy for my ptsd.


Well-Known Member
Right I was thinking Xanax, that's aprazolam, so yea 5-10mg valume should get you feeling somthing with no tolerance


Well-Known Member
Not a ery good find. Swill some white grapefruit juice beforehand and eat on an empty stomach save for the juice?
Be careful with them. I had about 30 of the a month ago. Took 6 (.5) and didn't notice anything so I took 4 for and was pretty loopy. They can sneak up on ya.


Well-Known Member
Lorazepam is ativan. Not valume. I'm prescribed 2mg 3 times a day. Or as needed. I'm diagnosed with ptsd, generalized anxiety and major depressive disorder.

If you don't take them regularly your tolerance should be low. Some ppl have a natural tolerance. I'm the latter. 6mg will calm me down. 10mg is heavy. Effects can be felt in as little as 15 mins.


Well-Known Member
Lorazepam is ativan. Not valume. I'm prescribed 2mg 3 times a day. Or as needed. I'm diagnosed with ptsd, generalized anxiety and major depressive disorder.

If you don't take them regularly your tolerance should be low. Some ppl have a natural tolerance. I'm the latter. 6mg will calm me down. 10mg is heavy. Effects can be felt in as little as 15 mins.
Same conditions as you. 4 seems low still have a bit of anxiety. I would like to be more Relaxed have to do family stuff.


Well-Known Member
It's a slow release benzo. To get fucked up you prolly need 10mg. I eat 2mg pills all throughout the day like candy for my ptsd.
that is a horrible idea. ptsd is not a life-long diagnosis and the path to recovery is extremely difficult, but munching benzos all day everyday is only going to make your ptsd worse. you have to get off those pills if you want to recover from ptsd. i assure you, the night terrors will fade, the panic attacks and general anxiety will decrease in intensity and frequency, the paranoia, jumpiness, all will dissipate. benzos will exacerbate your issues.


Well-Known Member
that is a horrible idea. ptsd is not a life-long diagnosis and the path to recovery is extremely difficult, but munching benzos all day everyday is only going to make your ptsd worse. you have to get off those pills if you want to recover from ptsd. i assure you, the night terrors will fade, the panic attacks and general anxiety will decrease in intensity and frequency, the paranoia, jumpiness, all will dissipate. benzos will exacerbate your issues.

My doctor would argue with you. I used to take zanax.

I tend to believe him over you. Unless you can show me credentials?

If you are an addict the are addictive. I do not have a drug dependence.

So days I don't take it. So I see where you are coming from but myself and my doctors have worked hard to get my ptsd down.

Pstd is most def a life long battle. Post traumatic meaning after trauma. To say ptsd isn't life long is to say that the traumatic exp would go away. It already happened.

My sister committed suicide a few years back. We were 20 months apart in age. Nothing is going to chang the fact that happened and it will always be a traumatic event in my life.

Are you even familiar with the msd-5?


Well-Known Member
My doctor would argue with you. I used to take zanax.

I tend to believe him over you. Unless you can show me credentials?

If you are an addict the are addictive. I do not have a drug dependence.

So days I don't take it. So I see where you are coming from but myself and my doctors have worked hard to get my ptsd down.

Pstd is most def a life long battle. Post traumatic meaning after trauma. To say ptsd isn't life long is to say that the traumatic exp would go away. It already happened.

My sister committed suicide a few years back. We were 20 months apart in age. Nothing is going to chang the fact that happened and it will always be a traumatic event in my life.

Are you even familiar with the msd-5?
if your doctor described ptsd to you as a chronic illness, then he is what's wrong with psychiatry today. my doctor would be infuriated with a doctor who makes a patient believe they have a chronic illness when they do not. we can compare our doctor's credentials if you'd like.

no, they are extremely addictive and this is a fact. plenty of people in this world have said the same thing as you, and became severe drug addicts.

if that is what your doctor said to you then you need to get a new doctor as soon as possible. he will never be able to properly treat you. there are different forms of ptsd. not everyone's ptsd is chronic. this is a fact. a good doctor would explain to you the different forms of ptsd and help you understand it IS possible to get through your trauma without being considered a chronically mentally ill person who needs to take benzodiazepines multiple times a day.

i don't want to sound harsh, but it is extremely unlikely that you could develop chronic ptsd from that...isolated events which you did not experience personally almost always can be worked through with time and therapy. traumatic isolated events happen to everyone on this earth. a person being kidnapped and tortured on the other hand is a bit more unusual, stressful, and likely to be a cause for chronic ptsd. but even a person who went through something like that should never be told their ptsd is chronic because you cannot know until you've spent a substantial amount of time working with the patient.

idk what that is. a google search turns up something unrelated.


Well-Known Member
I should also add that I'm a violent person. Hints the need to be medicated like I am.
it doesn't matter. i am an extremely violent person. i beat a prison sentence on an insanity plea for violent crimes when i was 18. i'm 20 now...i take no narcotic medication and i am even beginning the process of getting off some of them due to the progress i've made with my disorders. i am triple diagnosed so i understand the need for medication. you don't need benzos..i've been on them too. they are not the answer. very bad for your neurotransmitter pathway system as well. fucks everything up.


Well-Known Member
And as I said I have sat down with doctors and read the msd-5. To help them diagnose me. I'm not good at explaining my self. It helped and also we were able to pin point my diagnosis.

I have intrusive thoughts. Not flashbacks. I become suicidal and/or homicidal. I'm sure you know what you are talking about.

You pleaded insanity? Maybe if you had proper medication you wouldn't have acted insanely???

Do you know what the msd-5 is. Go Google that real quick.

I think @sunni could shed light on the situation.