Lorazepam? any good


Well-Known Member
it doesn't matter. i am an extremely violent person. i beat a prison sentence on an insanity plea for violent crimes when i was 18. i'm 20 now...i take no narcotic medication and i am even beginning the process of getting off some of them due to the progress i've made with my disorders. i am triple diagnosed so i understand the need for medication. you don't need benzos..i've been on them too. they are not the answer. very bad for your neurotransmitter pathway system as well. fucks everything up.

The fact you are 20 telling me what my condition eludes me to your qualifications as a mental health professional.

I'm not going to tell you anything. But I bet you doctor would disagree with you telling someone their condition.

And ptsd isn't a valid insanity plea. Plenty of ppl with ptsd end up in jail. I did.

The human brain doesn't develop cognitive thought processes until 27.

Look up all the celebrities that died at age 27. Kurt kobain for one. It's because you are becoming aware that every action has a reaction.

I feel better knowing you Are not an adult.


Well-Known Member
And as I said I have sat down with doctors and read the msd-5. To help them diagnose me. I'm not good at explaining my self. It helped and also we were able to pin point my diagnosis.

I have intrusive thoughts. Not flashbacks. I become suicidal and/or homicidal. I'm sure you know what you are talking about.

You pleaded insanity? Maybe if you had proper medication you wouldn't have acted insanely???

Do you know what the msd-5 is. Go Google that real quick.

I think @sunni could shed light on the situation.
i think you are referring to the dsm-iv. that is the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders revision number 5. it seems you are switching the letters around by mistake...

intrusive thoughts and suicidal/homicidal thoughts can be treated without the use of benzodiazepines. i experience both of those symptoms and had i only experienced those my psychiatrist would not have diagnosed me with ptsd. did your psychiatrist try other regimens before adding benzos or did he just jump straight to benzos? good psychiatrists will try EVERYTHING they can before jumping to a benzo.

my attorney plead insanity for me. i was not allowed to attend court. i was not taking medication at the time as i felt i did not need it. that is typical of people with my diagnoses.

msd-5 is a car part...


Well-Known Member
i think you are referring to the dsm-iv. that is the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders revision number 5. it seems you are switching the letters around by mistake...

intrusive thoughts and suicidal/homicidal thoughts can be treated without the use of benzodiazepines. i experience both of those symptoms and had i only experienced those my psychiatrist would not have diagnosed me with ptsd. did your psychiatrist try other regimens before adding benzos or did he just jump straight to benzos? good psychiatrists will try EVERYTHING they can before jumping to a benzo.

my attorney plead insanity for me. i was not allowed to attend court. i was not taking medication at the time as i felt i did not need it. that is typical of people with my diagnoses.

msd-5 is a car part...

Haha. Auto correct. Dsm-5. I agree but to say that it is not an effective treatment is not. I have been weening off them. I have also began using a drug cal prazolin. Not sure the spelling. My ultimate goal is to be in control without the need for medication.

In my specific instance, I would prolly be dead without the aid of benzos. But like stated before I don't battle with addiction. That's way it worked in my specific situation.


Well-Known Member
The fact you are 20 telling me what my condition eludes me to your qualifications as a mental health professional.

I'm not going to tell you anything. But I bet you doctor would disagree with you telling someone their condition.

And ptsd isn't a valid insanity plea. Plenty of ppl with ptsd end up in jail. I did.

The human brain doesn't develop cognitive thought processes until 27.

Look up all the celebrities that died at age 27. Kurt kobain for one. It's because you are becoming aware that every action has a reaction.

I feel better knowing you Are not an adult.
i am not a mental health professional i have already explained that i am a mental health patient and have never claimed otherwise. how that could elude you is beyond me...

no, my doctor would be happy that i've made an attempt to help someone understand that they do not have a chronic illness and they do not need benzodiazepines. both of these things are common knowledge in the psychiatric community. benzos are a trap, do your research. ptsd is not chronic, i bet google will help you understand this fact...i don't even need to google it.

...i wasn't even diagnosed with ptsd until after the insanity plea. i was in psychosis and i spent 31 days in 24 hour lockdown without clothes or a working toilet/fountain. i was violently hallucinating both visually and auditorily. i was starved and without water for an extended period of time to the point where i felt i would die. i was 128 pounds when i was transported to a mental institution. on multiple occasions my cell was rushed and i was beaten savagely by correctional officers only to wake up shackled to the suicide chair with a spitmask over my face. they'd come in there and knock me out and i'd wake up in my cell.

how is a 20 year old not an adult? how old are you?

"The human brain doesn't develop cognitive thought processes until 27"
that is dumb as fuck...you clearly do not know what this sentence means. it is obviously something you heard from somewhere and i hope you never say it in person because you will get a blank stare and lose any respect the person you said this to has for you...


Well-Known Member
Haha. Auto correct. Dsm-5. I agree but to say that it is not an effective treatment is not. I have been weening off them. I have also began using a drug cal prazolin. Not sure the spelling. My ultimate goal is to be in control without the need for medication.

In my specific instance, I would prolly be dead without the aid of benzos. But like stated before I don't battle with addiction. That's way it worked in my specific situation.
i'm glad you are weening off them. i believe the drug you are referring to is prazosin. that is a drug mainly used to treat night terrors/nightmares. we have the same goal.


Well-Known Member
To everyone else.

Benzo class drugs are highly addictive. And their tolerance profile is usually .

Most have a two week to a month window.

Many people experience mild withdrawal from therapeutic doses and time lines.

Most people will take heroin withdrawals over Benzo withdrawals, yes, they are that bad and can last month's.

Take them with alcohol and you can die, pretty easy.

I'm not saying don't take them, I'm not saying they can't be fun. I love Valium (that is how it's spelled).

But it has a huge half life and it's metabolites have huge half lives as well.

What that means is that it can take days to rid yourself of a single dose. Take them every day and you gradually build up more and more in your system.

Quit and you feel fine for days and days, and then you don't.

So use them wisely.