Looks like rust?!?!


Active Member

My girls are in week 8 of flowering under CFL's. Temperatue is about 15c lights off and 22c with lights on. They only get a bloom mix N.P.K of 12,12,18.

2 of the 4 plants have a few leaves getting quite dry, clurling a little and going a iron ozide colour from the inside out.

I think I'm watering them about right and the problem doesn't seem to be distressing the rest of the plant too much. The problem leaves seem to be very random and are not localised to any part of the plant.

Any thoughts would be appriciated.

Thanks :o)



Active Member
...looking at the pics they don't really do the problem justice. the Pic on the left is how the problem starts, the pic on the right however in real life is very orange.

disco dave

Active Member
hi mate im a bit of a noob myself. on my first grow whan i was near the end of flowering my leaves looked worse than yours but it didnt effect the bud. i was told that leaves die off towards the end as the plant is putting most of the energy in to the bud. i wouldnt worry you must be harvesting soon


Active Member
Cheers Dave, towards the end of the cycle some of the lower leaves shrivvle and drop off, this is quite different.

Any clues to what causes bright orange burn? Anyone?