Looking for first hand experience with ac infinity products

I have a 4 inch inline fan with the programmable controller. The fan is great for a 2x4 tent, super quiet and seems to move enough air. If I buy another I'd size up to a 6 or 8 inch for my 4x4 tent.
I bought the 3x3 and i was gonna go with the kit, but i figured if I eventually maxed my tent light penetration was gonns be an issue with 1 240w light so I went for the 400w 4x4 light. I also upgraded everything else too. I wanted a fan that was gonna move the as much air as possible, i realize the 4in is rated to moved 200+ cubic feet of air per min and the tent itself is only 54 cubic feet. But i wanted that extra power so I dont have to have the fan running 24/7 but so when it does kick on it can quickly adjust the temp and humidity in the tent. Its not gonna be a closet grow or anything but my areas conditions fluctuate so much, i just figured a bigger fan would help keep the conditions more regular and get them there faster than the smaller
I do like my back draft dampers! They added a rubber seal which is bitchin compared to what hardware stores carried.

I probably do have a chip on my shoulder so no offense taken. I’m not big on social media so I tend to dislike this whole influencer culture.

I would say, AC infinity gives me they vibe they care about their reputation (which is good) so I would reach out to the company and ask about a replacement.
I misunderstood. Glad theres some level headed people on here, ive ran in to a few nutso ppl already and this is my 3rd day as a member lmao. I will be regularly updating after I get my grow started so we'll see if the influencers are just spreading hype or if its reputable company for growing. It seems like they gear their advertising towards more home ventilation and stuff not so much growing. But I myself just found out about them a few weeks ago so besides in depth investigation on what Im getting I havent looked around too much otherwise.
I have 2 S8 AC Infinity (exhaust/intake). I use the carbon filter and 2 noise reduction things and a the damper. All of this in a 4x8 AC Infinity tent. Only my lights are a non-AC item.

The tent has never had any issues, @DrDukePHD had decent holes but I got lucky I guess. Zippers were a nonissue but they have weakened over time. No discoloring of reflective, no new holes, and zippers let a bit of light out but it's not enough to really bother with. The intakes have been great, only negative would be not having independent control of the fans with the 67 controller, even that is easily taken care of as soon as I use a screen on the intake. I had a unit get busted and I was sent a replacement within 3-4 days I want to say 3. So, customer service was no problem also.

Edit: I have never owned another tent or AC component to compare brands, FYI.
I can only speak of the inline fan. It's been going strong for like 2 years straight almost. It's the 8" but they are all the same guts basically. All tents will have some pin holes but shouldn't be nothing to worry about with smell if you have negative pressure. Surely they got to have better zippers than vivosun ffs won't EVER buy another viviosun tent!
AC Infinity built their rep on fans and controllers and I feel like that's still where they shine. No one really compares to the quality and ease of use, at least not that I've tried.

I have heard they've had some issues with the tents. I had one friend who's tent showed up and the stitching on the zipper was already busted... but AC Infinity sent him a new one for free so they did make amends. Although their customer service isn't particularly responsive which is frustrating. I tried asking them some questions about controller upgrades and they took forever to respond, and he said the same thing. They basically mailed the replacement tent before they even told him they were taking care of it.

I have no experience with their lights at all.

Honestly, I kinda hate when a company who does a couple things really well tries to take on a bunch of other related industries... it's just hard to QC so many products adequately. I'll always buy my fans from AC Infinity, but I'm not sold on their other products yet.
I have 2 S8 AC Infinity (exhaust/intake). I use the carbon filter and 2 noise reduction things and a the damper. All of this in a 4x8 AC Infinity tent. Only my lights are a non-AC item.

The tent has never had any issues, @DrDukePHD had decent holes but I got lucky I guess. Zippers were a nonissue but they have weakened over time. No discoloring of reflective, no new holes, and zippers let a bit of light out but it's not enough to really bother with. The intakes have been great, only negative would be not having independent control of the fans with the 67 controller, even that is easily taken care of as soon as I use a screen on the intake. I had a unit get busted and I was sent a replacement within 3-4 days I want to say 3. So, customer service was no problem also.

Edit: I have never owned another tent or AC component to compare brands, FYI.
I really appreciate the info, I understand that most people when they pick a brand they usually stick with it until they have major issues or reoccuring problems so its understandable. Im excited to get started and waiting for shipping is like purgatory, i just wanna get started
rain science. What’s their justification for 10x the price of a fabric pot

I have to say, I love Rain Sciene fabric pots and I think you sell them a bit short here. They aren't coated in plastic, they are made from synthetic fabric that's water resistant. They have better airflow than the cheap Amazon fabric pots and it's been my experience they encourage better root growth. They're easier to clean too. And made in the US. Huge improvement over the cheap ones. That being said, if I was buying more than a few bags at a time I may be singing a different tune.

I actually like Honor Bags even better but if you think Rain Science is expensively, you should probably be sitting down when you check out the Honor Etsy page lol. But the quality is unparalleled, and the owner Kevin is extremely hands on with his customer service and responsiveness which is really nice. On my second order he sent me free transplant bags for being a repeat customer.

I actually did a comparative run using Rain Science, Honor and Radicle. Honor is the only one I've ordered more of. Radicle was the least impressive but also way cheaper, and probably the way I'd go if I was trying to fill a commercial facility. Rain Science was great but for the money I'd rather spend the bit extra for Honor bags.
I can only speak of the inline fan. It's been going strong for like 2 years straight almost. It's the 8" but they are all the same guts basically. All tents will have some pin holes but shouldn't be nothing to worry about with smell if you have negative pressure. Surely they got to have better zippers than vivosun ffs won't EVER buy another viviosun tent!
Thats exactly why I didnt go with vivosun, tbh their 3x3 tent kit as kinda sub par imo. Yeah you could get it with fabric pots and a nutrient line, netting and stuff but that bundle was over 1k and honestly the only automated control it had was a basic outlet timer. I thought that was kinda sad. Especially when the biggest expenses in the kit where the tent, and light.
I have to say, I love Rain Sciene fabric pots and I think you sell them a bit short here. They aren't coated in plastic, they are made from synthetic fabric that's water resistant. They have better airflow than the cheap Amazon fabric pots and it's been my experience they encourage better root growth. They're easier to clean too. And made in the US. Huge improvement over the cheap ones. That being said, if I was buying more than a few bags at a time I may be singing a different tune.

I actually like Honor Bags even better but if you think Rain Science is expensively, you should probably be sitting down when you check out the Honor Etsy page lol. But the quality is unparalleled, and the owner Kevin is extremely hands on with his customer service and responsiveness which is really nice. On my second order he sent me free transplant bags for being a repeat customer.

I actually did a comparative run using Rain Science, Honor and Radicle. Honor is the only one I've ordered more of. Radicle was the least impressive but also way cheaper, and probably the way I'd go if I was trying to fill a commercial facility. Rain Science was great but for the money I'd rather spend the bit extra for Honor bags.
Am I missing something, are ac infinity branded pots the RainScience pots everyone is talking about? If so I didnt think the pricing was horrible at all, i got 10 on amazon for 35 bucks for 5 gals
Am I missing something, are ac infinity branded pots the RainScience pots everyone is talking about? If so I didnt think the pricing was horrible at all, i got 10 on amazon for 35 bucks for 5 gals

No! Sorry, I was just responding to the other guy who brought them up conparing the hype between the two products. Kinda stonily hijacked your thread. The Rains Science bags are much more expensive than AC Infinity at about $10-12 each. But I also think they're much better quality
No! Sorry, I was just responding to the other guy who brought them up conparing the hype between the two products. Kinda stonily hijacked your thread. The Rains Science bags are much more expensive than AC Infinity at about $10-12 each. But I also think they're much better quality
Ok because that guy started going off about ac infinity so i was wondering why he brought that up. Im noticing some people here have a hard time staying on topic about stuff. Once they get going on a facet they don't like they start listing everything even stuff that has nothing to do with the topic of conversation. Its not that I mind but the information can be misleading like in this thread.
I'm all in on the fans and controllers. I have a pair of 6" ventilation fans and I've used the basic controller, the original digital controller and the Controller 67. I'll end up getting a Controller 69 before my next grow (I'm currently taking a month or two off until we get closer to fall). I also have one of the duct-dampers; use it during the winter on my exhaust to the outside so it stops cold air from funneling in and down to the tent, An I have bought one length of the black ducting, which has also been solid.

The tents seem to be sub-contracted to one of the usual 'import' tent making companies and seem to be not the best, but haven't tried one, and the lights are new, so I don't know their story beyond that they can interface with the Controller 69 so you can use it as the timer/dimmer/ etc.

Until recently they've been a fan/ventilation system maker, so I'd take that as their strength.
I'm all in on the fans and controllers. I have a pair of 6" ventilation fans and I've used the basic controller, the original digital controller and the Controller 67. I'll end up getting a Controller 69 before my next grow (I'm currently taking a month or two off until we get closer to fall). I also have one of the duct-dampers; use it during the winter on my exhaust to the outside so it stops cold air from funneling in and down to the tent, An I have bought one length of the black ducting, which has also been solid.

The tents seem to be sub-contracted to one of the usual 'import' tent making companies and seem to be not the best, but haven't tried one, and the lights are new, so I don't know their story beyond that they can interface with the Controller 69 so you can use it as the timer/dimmer/ etc.

Until recently they've been a fan/ventilation system maker, so I'd take that as their strength.
I planning on buying the 6in inline ducting kit with the controller i wanted it for the fan and the light since the light with the built-in timer was 50 bucks more so why not just get the controller with the ventilation kit. From the testing ive seen it looks pretty reasonable. They definitely dont lie about the stats on their site, the only discrepancies i saw was the efficacy it says 2.79 umol/j but if you look at the total ppfd and divide it by the actual wattage you get 4.1 which is from what I understand is physically impossible right now
I planning on buying the 6in inline ducting kit with the controller i wanted it for the fan and the light since the light with the built-in timer was 50 bucks more so why not just get the controller with the ventilation kit. From the testing ive seen it looks pretty reasonable. They definitely dont lie about the stats on their site, the only discrepancies i saw was the efficacy it says 2.79 umol/j but if you look at the total ppfd and divide it by the actual wattage you get 4.1 which is from what I understand is physically impossible right now

I'm perfectly happy with my HLG's, so while their boards look like pretty standard quantums, I'm just not thinking about moving. I do wish there was a 'standard of control' adopted across the horticultural lighting world so that we could get into more sophisticated 'what if' lighting controllers for the common man. I think about stuff like some of the computer-related connector and implementation, or if you're a music person, what can be done with MIDI protocol, etc.

Ideally we'd get to a point where you could get a controller for your lights with a tent-mount quantum-meter and you could program your lights to hit specific umol or DLI as well as controlling a more sophisticated timer scheme, etc.
I'm perfectly happy with my HLG's, so while their boards look like pretty standard quantums, I'm just not thinking about moving. I do wish there was a 'standard of control' adopted across the horticultural lighting world so that we could get into more sophisticated 'what if' lighting controllers for the common man. I think about stuff like some of the computer-related connector and implementation, or if you're a music person, what can be done with MIDI protocol, etc.

Ideally we'd get to a point where you could get a controller for your lights with a tent-mount quantum-meter and you could program your lights to hit specific umol or DLI as well as controlling a more sophisticated timer scheme, etc.
I actually just received my light between these posts. My tent is still in trans it but lemme tell you this mf is blindingly bright at the full 400 watts. Im thinking the stats are right and what they did was take the highest ppfd rating from the spread test and do the math that way, I have a strong feeling this driver actually pumps out around 650 to 700 watts of total power, gonna draw tester to confirm. If youd like to see the light off vs on just sittingbon my bed, i just took pics
I have zero brand loyalty. Their fans, filter, ducting are all really good value for the price. I have not used their lights or tents but I have bought many many tents and now I just buy whatever tent is on sale. There must only be a couple factories making these tents and you can buy the exact same tent from a company a couple years later and it be an entirely different product.

Every tent I've ever bought has came with pinholes and some leakage around zippers. Some of the worst ones were the more expensive brands. Money definitely doesn't seem to buy you any better quality. Most important thing I've found for me is whether the holes fit well with where the tent will be located. Gluck
i have 2 s33 the 240w(actual 270). in flower now. veg was good with them, almost no stretch until i raise the lights really far away. flower is going well. almost at 3 weeks, good buds have formed on most of the plants. i haven't seen a grow that uses any of thet ACI lights.
Bro the 400w s44 is freaking incredible just turning it on from out the box. Im still seeing stars cuz i didnt mean to blast myself at 400 watts. But i accidentally turned the dial all the way up when i turned it on. Its got a nice solid on off click snd the adjustment arent as stiff.
AC has an excellent rep for quality and quiet fans and filters.

Tents imo are simple, most are manufactured by a few overseas manufacturers and quality control has historically been an issue with any brand except the Gorilla tents which go many extra miles to make tank like tents and charge for it. All the different brands are largely the same ime and just rebrand.

I would not stress, it doesnt matter if you buy ac or another brand, you set it up and see if there are issues...if so exchange it.

Ime, opulent tents have been a nice brand at a good price.
I have zero brand loyalty. Their fans, filter, ducting are all really good value for the price. I have not used their lights or tents but I have bought many many tents and now I just buy whatever tent is on sale. There must only be a couple factories making these tents and you can buy the exact same tent from a company a couple years later and it be an entirely different product.

Every tent I've ever bought has came with pinholes and some leakage around zippers. Some of the worst ones were the more expensive brands. Money definitely doesn't seem to buy you any better quality. Most important thing I've found for me is whether the holes fit well with where the tent will be located. Gluck
I can see small actual pin sized holes but i did see 2 or 3 reviews of about half dime sized holes, im sure this was a qc fluke though. And the reviews did say they sent out a new tent right away. Only one had a review of the replacement and he said the holes were resolved but he still thought the quality was sub par. For me as long as the reflectivity is nice and even and it opens and closes with relative ease. And it supports the claimed hanging weight im ok, and there arent holes i can fit my fingers in lmao.
AC has an excellent rep for quality and quiet fans and filters.

Tents imo are simple, most are manufactured by a few overseas manufacturers and quality control has historically been an issue with any brand except the Gorilla tents which go many extra miles to make tank like tents and charge for it. All the different brands are largely the same ime and just rebrand.

I would not stress, it doesnt matter if you buy ac or another brand, you set it up and see if there are issues...if so exchange it.

Ime, opulent tents have been a nice brand at a good price.
Thats the plan i just have my heart set on growing as soon as i move. Got everything except the tent. For some reason thats taking an extra 2 days and im having ventilation sent to my new address when I purchase it on thursday. Move date is next tuesday!