Looking for certified care giver

I would usually never double post something but i realized this is a possibly much better location. If the mods so choose please remove the one in general growing.

So Michigan is about to kick off their new dispensary laws soon if I'm not mistaken. I'm looking for a two year resident/care giver to partner with as that's a prerequisite I don't qualify for alone. Must have zero bankruptcy or felony issues. If you drink frequently, don't consider yourself highly intelligent, are unwilling or unable to take orders/be second or third in command, or will have trouble staying strictly within legal guidelines i wish you the best but you aren't my guy! Feel free to comment or pm any inquiries or helpful information! Looking to be in the grand rapids area i believe unless someone has a better suggestion.

I'm the money.

Send me a pm.
How much will a grower collect with one unit delivered?
Is there a monthly/weekly sales limit?
is there a possession weight limit for growers?

I really only need to know what one unit delivered will earn.
would anyone consider the venture without knowing profit margins?
That has to many variables to actually anwser. As for the limits, i do not believe there are limits on what a grower can possess or sell. Prices will be dictated by the market and with the number of initial producers jumping in.. i figure itll start high, but as the legal market is saturated just like CO, itll plummet. As the smaller outfits are put out of business, the larger suppliers left will be able to dictate the whole sale price...none of this has much bearing on the retailer tho because they will charge whatever the end consumer is willing to pay.
how and why would anyone invest without having any clue of monetary returns?
Is this normal business planning? Profit margins are set, then business is planned around that aye?
what dafug do I know, except to recognize a shill biz opportunity when I see one.

"Hi" powers that be.
I have a hundy thou I saved up for your non refundable lottery , ya know , I was a certified caregiver, oh yeah, no taxes needed to be paid either.
Did you other dispensary lobby guys pay taxes on your investment hundy's ? that piss you off a little?
Come to my property and just look at my weed and the awesome space I maintain, the money I make , the toys we fun with, at the space, the one soon to be competing with you tax free in the same system ! (if my raffle doesnt come up). I bet thats a real doosy to accept.^

sure, here's my cash, I'll ramp up now, eliminate my patients, and start growing hundreds of pounds.
by the way.. could you keep telling me how much money I could make selling weeds to the armored trucks someday mmmkkk.

oh? growers are paid 800 a pound, oh, ok, so glad I poked my head up for this, how do I get out before the feds come?
wil police then work for the lottery winning system ? help eliminate those pesky non tax paying no revenue producing card growers?
and will they protect the already in place medical caregiver system, the one that pays nothing to leo, compared to millions in revenue for leo and the lotto winners.

will they shut down caregivers before they shut down armored truck suppliers I wonder....
I think anyone who grows a quality product will be just fine. Hopefully still legal. If not it will be just like the good ole days.

legal growers need more than good weed to profit in the medical system. It isnt a referral type thing. Good weed doesnt bring more patients. I never had a patient know another one, I dont register friends. I always have great patients but my total deliveries are reliant on their total usage.
Ounces for $150, oil for 25g, it isnt a green rush as thought of by some.
An oz or two a month x5 wouldnt be considered "being just fine" from a financial stand point in the legal medical growing for instance, even though a 2 oz per month is towards the top of many legal patients' usages I've known.

many of us grow our own because all others cannot compare.
We took our craft to the top of our game, spent the cash necessary to
equip and control our space, perfected a perpetual planting/harvesting
schedule too. We rarely have grow room surprises or failures.
We refuse to take mold risks and care too much for our bodies to
risk undisclosed pesticides. We grow for ourselves and/or
We balance normal thinking, high use/low use/needy patients with
crazy lying ones that slip in occasionally. They pay us for a farm share of our harvests
to maintain our space, feed our
habit, buy seeds, make improvements, have some fun sometimes, get a set of tires
and some lunchmeat here and there. We request consistency, punctuality, longevity,
honesty. we promise to supply if they promise to take delivery. Sometimes the plan
comes together for awhile, maybe years, maybe never. We cant/wont stop growing
with or without patients now, so yeah, we will be fine.
I'm thinking 2018 is going to be a wild ride for medical and all involved. I'm looking forward to seeing recreational roll out in 2019 to really mix things up. I believe if MMMA patients/caregivers can make it through 2018 we're golden :bigjoint:
I am interested to see what happens, now being a part of this economy lol. Only time will tell I guess!
I would usually never double post something but i realized this is a possibly much better location. If the mods so choose please remove the one in general growing.

So Michigan is about to kick off their new dispensary laws soon if I'm not mistaken. I'm looking for a two year resident/care giver to partner with as that's a prerequisite I don't qualify for alone. Must have zero bankruptcy or felony issues. If you drink frequently, don't consider yourself highly intelligent, are unwilling or unable to take orders/be second or third in command, or will have trouble staying strictly within legal guidelines i wish you the best but you aren't my guy! Feel free to comment or pm any inquiries or helpful information! Looking to be in the grand rapids area i believe unless someone has a better suggestion.

I'm the money.
how and why would anyone invest without having any clue of monetary returns?
Is this normal business planning? Profit margins are set, then business is planned around that aye?
what dafug do I know, except to recognize a shill biz opportunity when I see one.

"Hi" powers that be.
I have a hundy thou I saved up for your non refundable lottery , ya know , I was a certified caregiver, oh yeah, no taxes needed to be paid either.
Did you other dispensary lobby guys pay taxes on your investment hundy's ? that piss you off a little?
Come to my property and just look at my weed and the awesome space I maintain, the money I make , the toys we fun with, at the space, the one soon to be competing with you tax free in the same system ! (if my raffle doesnt come up). I bet thats a real doosy to accept.^

sure, here's my cash, I'll ramp up now, eliminate my patients, and start growing hundreds of pounds.
by the way.. could you keep telling me how much money I could make selling weeds to the armored trucks someday mmmkkk.

oh? growers are paid 800 a pound, oh, ok, so glad I poked my head up for this, how do I get out before the feds come?
wil police then work for the lottery winning system ? help eliminate those pesky non tax paying no revenue producing card growers?
and will they protect the already in place medical caregiver system, the one that pays nothing to leo, compared to millions in revenue for leo and the lotto winners.

will they shut down caregivers before they shut down armored truck suppliers I wonder....
I like you
I think anyone who grows a quality product will be just fine. Hopefully still legal. If not it will be just like the good ole days.
Like DJ Short always says, there will always be a demand for high quality connoisseur grade herb, just like micro brewing in the alcohol industry. There will ALWAYS be a category of consumers that have a discerning taste. Ones who don't want to settle for Budweiser or Coors, but instead opt for high quality small batch runs.
legal growers need more than good weed to profit in the medical system. It isnt a referral type thing. Good weed doesnt bring more patients. I never had a patient know another one, I dont register friends. I always have great patients but my total deliveries are reliant on their total usage.
Ounces for $150, oil for 25g, it isnt a green rush as thought of by some.
An oz or two a month x5 wouldnt be considered "being just fine" from a financial stand point in the legal medical growing for instance, even though a 2 oz per month is towards the top of many legal patients' usages I've known.

many of us grow our own because all others cannot compare.
We took our craft to the top of our game, spent the cash necessary to
equip and control our space, perfected a perpetual planting/harvesting
schedule too. We rarely have grow room surprises or failures.
We refuse to take mold risks and care too much for our bodies to
risk undisclosed pesticides. We grow for ourselves and/or
We balance normal thinking, high use/low use/needy patients with
crazy lying ones that slip in occasionally. They pay us for a farm share of our harvests
to maintain our space, feed our
habit, buy seeds, make improvements, have some fun sometimes, get a set of tires
and some lunchmeat here and there. We request consistency, punctuality, longevity,
honesty. we promise to supply if they promise to take delivery. Sometimes the plan
comes together for awhile, maybe years, maybe never. We cant/wont stop growing
with or without patients now, so yeah, we will be fine.

I missed this post. Well said my friend!
I’d take 200k a year to run your operations. I grow trees

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That’s what I thought
Nothing has changed in 10 years
Money cannot buy you pesticide free weed, no matter how rich you are. BUT someone that knows what they are doing can make you a lot of money but it’s gonna cost

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Have any of the localities up there passed MMFLA specific ordinances, as to allow for facility applications?

I have heard like only 1% of the states municipalities have ordinances in place to allow for MMFLA applications. I assume those few markets will be pretty crowded by summer.
The problem is now they have to pass a pesticide test in order to sell their weed. Will be very interesting too see how many rich people put in just to fail just like everyone else in the past 10yrs.

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Have any of the localities up there passed MMFLA specific ordinances, as to allow for facility applications?

I have heard like only 1% of the states municipalities have ordinances in place to allow for MMFLA applications. I assume those few markets will be pretty crowded by summer.
Yes, you are right. One of these large lawyer firms has a map of places that have opted in, there really are not that many, and then out of those few, only a fraction have actually drafted and pur into law an ordinance. Seems like the pop up shops will continue to operate much longer than expected, as of now i have not heard of any bust in shut down operations from leo as of yet. A few cease and dissist orders but thats about it. Detroit has been business as usual