Looking for Bloom Tea Recipes Only.... Help!!!


Active Member
Hello, Im an organic grower in the Nw trying to improve my grow and update my Tea. Anyone care to share there PROVEN recipes? Im looking at using Nector of the Gods or General Organics and making teas out of them

My last years lineup was
Worm Castings
Bat Guano
Arcadian Kelp
and a few other things that have slipped my mind. Also Foliar Fed Catfish and Humic

Please help and not be too critical, Everyone has their own way


Well-Known Member
crab meal, neem meal, kelp meal. Nutrient tea.

Compost teas- kelp castings, compost, molasses.

seed sprout teas. Sprout seeds rinse puree add to water 1/4 cup of seeds per 5 gal tea. Brew for a couple hours.

fermented plant teas. Add plant material - lavender, rosemary, comfrey, horsetail, nettle, dandelions etc. Brew.

or put plant material in bucket. Pour brown sugar . Let it sit for 2 week. Add syrup to water brew.


Well-Known Member
crab meal, neem meal, kelp meal. Nutrient tea.

Compost teas- kelp castings, compost, molasses.

seed sprout teas. Sprout seeds rinse puree add to water 1/4 cup of seeds per 5 gal tea. Brew for a couple hours.

fermented plant teas. Add plant material - lavender, rosemary, comfrey, horsetail, nettle, dandelions etc. Brew.

or put plant material in bucket. Pour brown sugar . Let it sit for 2 week. Add syrup to water brew.
Very good information here, I was going to suggest a comfrey and dandelion tea if you can get access to it.
If you are asking for conventional organic teas, a kelp and neem meal tea would be great.
Or you can buy into the usual hydro stuff and get bat guano too.
Fish hydrosolate, kelp, and neem meal.
Important to realize bloom teas shouldn't vary from vege teas man. That's another hydro-store myth.
With organics you aren't going to need 0-10-10 or whatever...
if you are looking for visible differences go with the SSTs, coco water, aloe.. those do some amazing things, especially the ssts


Well-Known Member
Seems like it would almost need to be powdered, mixed with castings and allowed to stew for a week or two before brewing.