Looking for a lil Help from my riu peeps - we Need your Notes!!


Active Member
Voted :-) Number 261 this time, so since I voted yesterday, you received 65 Votes, which is not that bad considering. :-( I know that at 832 in 1st place so far, lightning will have to strike ... But I think the skies may be getting a little dark in the Horizon :-) Best of Luck Bro. Hope my efforts (as well as the others) make it so your Number 1. BTW ... You're #1 in my book, and that is what matters.

The MaineYankee :-)


Well-Known Member
hahaha thx maine on a good note i got a email from weedmaps saying they will look into any possible frauds and peeps will be dqued if it turns out they are cheating somehow. so i still have a chance lets keep those votes goin


Well-Known Member
hahaha thx maine on a good note i got a email from weedmaps saying they will look into any possible frauds and peeps will be dqued if it turns out they are cheating somehow. so i still have a chance lets keep those votes goin
there is no way those 2 can be that far ahead. especially since both of them are stupid.

i think yours should WIN. :cool:


Active Member
Voted ... #316 :-) Seems to me also that something is up with the 1st and 2nd places so far. At least you know that you will have at least another 22 Votes coming from moi :-)
Keep The Spirits up Feva :-)
Bob ~ The MaineYankee :-)


it looks like you're killing it with the votes man. good idea to ask for rep on riu.

ps, i voted && will errday ;)