Looking for a DIY reservoir? Consider this...

Tee Five

Active Member
At first

I bought a Typical Reservoir that was your standard tote-style
003 (7).jpg

But the problem was that it kept losing it's shape. Mainly because the water caused a bulging effect in the middle (which isn't illustrated in this pic because I hadn't filled it all the way at the point; when this pic was taken). This caused the problem of the lid not correctly fitting on the tote. Although some Rubber style res's handled the demand of water weight better than others, but far from perfectly. I still faced the same problem.

I think I found a solution. This:


13 bucks from a big-box store. A tough out door Garbage Can!

77L/20g. It's small and compact. But the best thing is that it actually keeps it shape and the lid closes nicely. It was 5 bucks cheaper than the tote style. Keep in mind that is actually a closet it's in (without the sliding doors). Nice and small.

Maybe this is something many people use. But I just wanted to share this addition to my grow room with you, and perhaps the novice readers who have space challenges.



Well-Known Member
i spend 50 on a 25 gall lid has a hatch fro grabbing beers works great to testing ph and what not. and use my pump to drain it. when useing frozen bottles to cool down your res the insulation in the cooler is priceless


Well-Known Member
mine is DIY all the way, using wood and a waterproof membrane, check my sig... V