I recirculate with coco but I wouldn't recommend it to others. I know the risks though.
But yeah you probably should run drain to waste .
Either way a delivery system like manifold with pump and timer .
If you go dtw then use the underneath res for run off and have a separate res next to it for feeding.
With flood and drain you need buckets that fill and as they drain the water acts as a huge oxygen pump and clay pebbles are best but you need to feed like 6 times lights on and twice lights off to avoid the roots drying out.
6x6 rockwool cubes and drippers
I recirculate with coco but I wouldn't recommend it to others. I know the risks though.
But yeah you probably should run drain to waste .
Either way a delivery system like manifold with pump and timer .
If you go dtw then use the underneath res for run off and have a separate res next to it for feeding.
With flood and drain you need buckets that fill and as they drain the water acts as a huge oxygen pump and clay pebbles are best but you need to feed like 6 times lights on and twice lights off to avoid the roots drying out.
I'd go for the one for 24 plants. Multiple lines per plant.What you think?
Microbewässerungssystem für 8 Pflanzen - growland.net
Microbewässerungssystem für 4 Pflanzen Eine Microbewässerung, auch Urlaubsbewässerung genannt, ist eine einfach zu installierende Tropfbewässerung mit der man swww.growland.net
Clay Pebbles are best for a pure flood and drain in my opinion because they drain quick but allow a film of nutrient and lots of o2.Pepples are best? I have a lot in my room outsidenever use them straight only for drainage. But you right with auto watering it's all possible to mix Coco with Pepples ore peoples alone wow... That's straight Hydro with good Harvest and Quality right? I will try mixture of Pepples and Coco first that's sounds interesting what?
Clay Pebbles are best for a pure flood and drain in my opinion because they drain quick but allow a film of nutrient and lots of o2.
However you do need the right system including buckets that don't drain as fast as they fill.
I had to build my own long ago and it was a great system but noisy for my house. Pump vibration woke me up.
Thank it was loud for me because the buckets filled from the bottom and put a lot of strain on the pumps as they filled, or just shit pumps.Shit is there no way out to that noisily think? I don't want laud thinks so but I here from someone it is not laud hm?
Why?I recirculate with coco
Here's a great systemClay Pebbles are best for a pure flood and drain in my opinion because they drain quick but allow a film of nutrient and lots of o2.
However you do need the right system including buckets that don't drain as fast as they fill.
I had to build my own long ago and it was a great system but noisy for my house. Pump vibration woke me up.
I tried it and it worked so stuck with it.Why?