Looking for a Automatik Watering System

I tried it and it worked so stuck with it.
Basically the same as a wilma system .
But wilma is too small of a res .
So went with Large res with small amount of run off that goes back in the res. It's not constantly recirculating.
As long as pots aren't drying out I don't get an issue.
That's cool, but I guess I just don't understand the advantage if it doesn't save you any nutes since you have to dump a res regularly.
ironically, the OP got advice in another forum from someone doing a recirc coco without ever changing the res. claiming "works very good" but showing completely yellow leaves halfway through flower and not properly buded out
it's the nute solution that gets changed when roots eat selectively and only the fresh solution can guarantee the control of knowing what it's actually fed
A pump and timer will flood the table? Use rockwool cubes or 4"-6" baskets of hydroton.
If you want to use coco in pots on the table you could use a dip/top feed system and let it drain the run off out of the table. This is a pre built set up.https://shop.hydrolocksystems.com/products/12-plant-kit-all-in-one-hydrolock-indoor-irrigation-system
Clay Pebbles are best for a pure flood and drain in my opinion because they drain quick but allow a film of nutrient and lots of o2.

However you do need the right system including buckets that don't drain as fast as they fill.
I had to build my own long ago and it was a great system but noisy for my house. Pump vibration woke me up.

I've seen this and another tip is put down coco mats on the flood tables, roots will grow into them and it helps with water retention.