Looking better than I expected...


Active Member
Well telling people about my setup(4 x 14w CFL), (obviusly) positive feedback was not easy to find. Everybody is saying I need more light. And yes I do need more light, nothing I can do about it until another grow though unfortunately.

As the title says, she is looking better than I expected. I started 12/12 just under 3 weeks ago, It started flowering about 5 days ago.

So what do you think?!

Doing well considering?

Please no comments about lighting, seen, heard and learnt but like I said waiting till my second grow before investing.

Info; strian is skunk #1, been using MG for veg and tomato feed for flowering. Been using boring compost without aditives too.



Well-Known Member
hey sirius...looks good for now, nice even spacing of the nodes. cant wait to watch your buds develop...peace:leaf:


Well-Known Member
it shocked me how well it looks for only 4 14w's that first time i saw it in my other thread. dunno if i said it there though....i might of meant to and forgot. nice job


You give me hope! haha she looks great! I myself have only 4 cfls but they have a little more wattage


Active Member
:D I think it's important to love your plant(s) :D that's what I attribute my ladies health too :D

Some love, couple of gemstones, and some special water haha I guess they have proved to work :P

Illegal Smile

Some plants are easy keepers. Imagine how it would look with triple the light!


Well-Known Member
how about 20x the light? i had 15 40w-42w 2700k bulbs and 5 42w 6500k. unfortunately that grow had to be terminated earlyand I never did get to see what my 20+ top colas(scrog) could of really done, i still got 3-4 oz dried from it but the high was kinda shitty, if only i could of waited another month or 2........i vegged that plant under 24/0 for 6 months, it was a fucking monster. i can only grow small plants now for security reasons though.


Active Member
only about 4 weeks, 4 weeks veg on the windowsil haha, so I didnt even set up the weak setup till 12/12 :D that is why some of the lower nodes are stretched.

The plant is only 2 months old, give or take a week. So far as I can guestimate, It needs another 6~8 weeks flowering. Hopefully it will be less than 4 months seed to crop.


Active Member
how about 20x the light? i had 15 40w-42w 2700k bulbs and 5 42w 6500k. unfortunately that grow had to be terminated earlyand I never did get to see what my 20+ top colas(scrog) could of really done, i still got 3-4 oz dried from it but the high was kinda shitty, if only i could of waited another month or 2........i vegged that plant under 24/0 for 6 months, it was a fucking monster. i can only grow small plants now for security reasons though.
Veg for six months, if only I had the patience haha. and the space. One of the reasons I started 12/12 early was becuase if the plant gets taller than 4 ft Im buggered, it will have to go back to the window :S

I have heard about scrog, does this technique actually increase yield? I really want to experement with LST and scrog with my next grow.

Thanks for the input people! I think the plant would say thanks for the admiration too haha


nice grow man. i am currently doing close to the same thing in my closet. i only have 4 cfl's but i have 2 27 watt and 2 13 watt lights, and a 4 foot shop light in the too. my plant has been flowering for it seems like forever... but the buds are starting fatten up.. this is my first grow and i wouldnt be able to do it without this site and watching everyone else on here. i will post a thread when i harvest her. but for now heres a look at what your future has for ya



Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SiriusGrower again.

everytime i see that plant and your setup i wanna rep you, lol. lst is amazing, so is scrog, but your gonna wanna up the lights alot for a scrog. and it takes forever. but 1 plant can easily yield a qp or more dry. mine did at least, and i was a total noob. so you should be able to do awesome.


Active Member
nice grow man. i am currently doing close to the same thing in my closet. i only have 4 cfl's but i have 2 27 watt and 2 13 watt lights, and a 4 foot shop light in the too. my plant has been flowering for it seems like forever... but the buds are starting fatten up.. this is my first grow and i wouldnt be able to do it without this site and watching everyone else on here. i will post a thread when i harvest her. but for now heres a look at what your future has for ya
When are you expecting to harvest her? and how old is she now? She looks pretty :D Nice to know I'm not the only one who is having luck where others say fail haha

Thanks darkdestruction, LST and topping are on my experements list, I think with the results from those, I will be using a big of scrog. It does seem to make a jungle out of only a few plants haha I think I'm lucky for having taken an interest in growing not only for the harvests but increasingly the science, and methods involved too. It's totally fascinating.

You can scrog with CFLs? I'm hopefully getting a bunch of 23W soon, so that should up the ante for another grow.