Looking at Mandala Seeds: Beyond the Brain or Krystalica - which one?

no clue

Well-Known Member
Keep us posted on the grow Yankeegreen. HB and BTB sound amazing. I really want to grow both of these..I think I've got to do some of Sannie's next. Then Mandala. I hope your grow is perfect


Active Member
Keep us posted on the grow Yankeegreen. HB and BTB sound amazing. I really want to grow both of these..I think I've got to do some of Sannie's next. Then Mandala. I hope your grow is perfect
Hashberry was pretty much a given for me as I've wanted to grow it for a while. Mandala's descriptions all sound great don't they? Either they've got a top notch marketing department or they reallllly know their gear. Maybe both!

Check out my sig for a link to the HB/BTB grow journal. I started by planting 5 each a month ago and just dropped the other 5 each into soil the other day. Definitely not a perfect grow but a pretty good one so far.


Well-Known Member
Beyond the brain gave me two different types. One had very big black leaves that grew fast in veg. and no stretch in flower. Very small yield compared to all I’ve tried. The other one looked more hybrid but died from overwatering ,so avoid watering heavily . Both had an earthy Columbian smell.


Well-Known Member
I remember a magazine grow review about BYB ? It seems those are always accurate about phenos and yield. I always liked to read them for info. when I didn’t grow. Looking back and remembering those seems funny .


Well-Known Member
Here’s a grow/ smoke report on BYB for any interested. The one I grew started flowering fast since the start of bloom. Kind of stalls for a couple weeks, then grows into a massive cola of very dense bud. I was surprised how much it changed in 7 1/2 wks. Bud rot could form in the buds if left to themselves. Drying and curing is a concern too , very moist and dense. The cured bud taste great. I love the skunk, Nepali taste, but it has some citrus and sweet berry. The smell in flower was an earthy coffee smell . Thanks M. Seeds