Lookin for a little help


I am doing my first grow and have been vegging since the first of November, I am planning on flowering this Monday. I am in a 24" high box so I decided to lst my plant and was wondering if I should continue doing this into flowering, I've looked around and havn't gotten too much of a definitive answer.


Yea I screwed up a few times along the way so it's not as big as it should be, and the plant I'm growing is really bushy for it's size I think, I'll post pics in a bit, and I can do it through the entirety of flowering?


That's what I'm readin lol and which is why I moved my flowering up 2 weeks I don't want it to grow out of the box lol


Active Member
you might run out of room. you might want to top IF you have a small place to clone a couple. if not keep lst through flowering. Like J O C said it will double even triple in size during flowering.


Well-Known Member
You don't need to LST the plant all the way till you harvest. There is no point. By the time it's half way through the flower, if you've been LSTing it the entire time, it should be able to hold your car..
Lol obviously a joke, but many people don't even LST and the plant ends up perfectly fine.. LST I think is mainly for people who multi top or have a strain that just grows massive buds..
Usually a fan blowing across the plants is enough.

The strain I have now (NUKEN) is known for it's massive buds, it's recommended that you tie it up. LST usually only helps the main stock.


The strain I have was supposed to be pretty bushy, which it is, So I figured if I topped and lsted it would just get bushier which it did lol I'm not too afraid about it getting to big at this point since it's not even half way up the box, in fact most of it's height is due to the pot, thanks for the help! I'm starting flowering in 12 hrs!