Longest You've Gone Without An Orgasm

Hey skunkshyB, I saw that mouvie "lock,stock 2 smoking ..." Isnt hillbilies in england called pikees or something like that? All together England facinates me, another mouvie that I really liked was "Football factory" I think its great to be able to go out and kick some ass without worrying of getting shot,I caind of wish we had something like that in US...As an Englishman how do you feel about football and hooligans?
They're my friends. There's nothing better than going to another city and having a fight. I liken the thrill to a battlefield... sometimes you'll have a champion from each side just have it in the middle before everyone else steams in.

It's the eastern europeans that fuck everything up, they can't fight fair. When a guy's down that's when the fight ends, these EE guys'll knife you rather than throw a punch. It takes heart to meet a guy face to face, toe to toe... it takes even more heart to handle it when you lose.

Men love to fight, you can't get any more competitive.

I don't get involved anymore, but my friends still do. I shy away from shit like that these days as my family takes priority.
Not an insult, just a question. Jeez dude-- u got a complex or something?

And FYI...only hillbillies/rednecks say that in America.

if i ever get my hands on dis sumbitch here imaona woop that ass for a month a sundies, now getcha ass back up state city boy.
im taking paxil(antidepressant)

it killed my sexdrive now I can easily spend a week without one, im just 20 :(
They're my friends. There's nothing better than going to another city and having a fight. I liken the thrill to a battlefield... sometimes you'll have a champion from each side just have it in the middle before everyone else steams in.

It's the eastern europeans that fuck everything up, they can't fight fair. When a guy's down that's when the fight ends, these EE guys'll knife you rather than throw a punch. It takes heart to meet a guy face to face, toe to toe... it takes even more heart to handle it when you lose.

Men love to fight, you can't get any more competitive.

I don't get involved anymore, but my friends still do. I shy away from shit like that these days as my family takes priority.

dude that so makes you sound like the major from 'Green Street' if you've seen it youllknow what i mean.
Green street was soso, watch "football factory" or some real live footage, I bet soccer, sory, football would have been alot more popular in US if we started some firms, its just theese pussies with trigger fingers you got to watch for... Firms from EE? Like where?
If you want to see hardcore football violence look no further than Turkey. These guys'll murder you and still get a good night's sleep.

The Italians too are not shy of bringing a blade to a fight. Spaniards are dodgy bastards too

The English haven't really got it anymore. Our best fights are with the Germans, French... even the Dutch. We like to fight but not kill each other.

I'm not sure if you guys get it in the US, but there's a documentary on a virgin media channel, Bravo I think, called the Real Football Factories International, it's hosted by Danny Dyer, and he goes to these foriegn countries and hangs with the hardcore firms. The Turk's are just plain evil.
The hardest footbal firm in the world are the Boca Juniors firm from Argentina. These guys wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.