Longest You've Gone Without An Orgasm

i think this question has 2 interpretations.. what I ment when I said HOW long .. was not "how long you have shagged before you busted a nut".. but actually how long YOU have gone with out NUTTING .. PERIOD...

Have you ever gone 1 year without an orgasm.... JUST pure will power!!!


Me, about a week. Your including masturbation, right? About a week of sheer goddamn willpower, eventually it came out on it's own. Took about a week i think before i woke up with a big wet patch. My sack fills up every 24 hours, I mean full to bursting.
man longest i went was 2 weeks... the side effects was horrible... each time i sat down it just wakes up.
Yeah I've tried, the longest, dont remember, but after weaking up wet a few tmes I gave it up... Also, does anybody else gets more confrontational if they didnt bust a nut in a week or is it just me?
Yeah I've tried, the longest, dont remember, but after weaking up wet a few tmes I gave it up... Also, does anybody else gets more confrontational if they didnt bust a nut in a week or is it just me?

I get confrontational if I don't get it for 2 days (I'm not shitting you!). If I haven't had it for 3 days (not that I ever let it get that far) I'm about ready to kill somebody.

If my gf ever left me and I was too old to pull women anymore, I'd definitely pay for it... I reckon.
WTF is that all about? Is there such a thing as a European hillbilly?

WTF are you talking about?

Reckon... count or compute by calculation.

A word used in the English language long before America. I use a word from the english language and you ask what the fuck it's about?

Do you not own a dictionary? Or do you honestly believe that only hillbillies have the rights to use this word? In fact, this exact phrase is used a lot in Australia too.

I don't know any hillbillies, but I take it you were trying to insult me. Although you'll have to try much harder than picking on my turn of phrase.
Not an insult, just a question. Jeez dude-- u got a complex or something?

And FYI...only hillbillies/rednecks say that in America.
Only hillbillies say the words 'I reckon' in america? Lol.

Also, the phrase to which you are referring was written AFTER ellipsis. When a Hillbilly says it, it would be after a comma.

Learn a little about punctuation before trying to insult my use of the English language.
Only hillbillies say the words 'I reckon' in america? Lol.

Also, the phrase to which you are referring was written AFTER ellipsis. When a Hillbilly says it, it would be after a comma.

Learn a little about punctuation before trying to insult my use of the English language.

Once again I'm not tryin to insult you. Goddam you have a complex problem.
Its only an insult to people who are hillbillies. Other people laugh it off. You need to smoke some of that shit you're growing and calm down man.