Ursus marijanus
I challenge this statement. It reduces to "the end justifies the means"I need a lot of money fast. for good reason.
Bottom line ... why do you deserve the loot more than the store owner who worked his coccyx off??
I challenge this statement. It reduces to "the end justifies the means"I need a lot of money fast. for good reason.
And you couldn't fence it for 30K. Hey OP, face it, you probably are safer and better off institutionalizedNope i wouldn't agree... Robbing a jewelry store for 30k is just silly, Thats just a 12mm gold figaro and a couple of watches you crackhead lol, on top of that you are fucking somebodys family just to level your faults...
And you couldn't fence it for 30K. Hey OP, face it, you probably are safer and better off institutionalized
I need a lot of money fast. for good reason. options... robbing a gas station or a jewelry shop... loaded. the most easy steal in my mind would be an unsuspecting jewelry shop in a respected city where trust levels are high. Plan is to go in with a suit and some hair dye. strapped with a strapper. just in case. scandalous. Reality is for me I'm facing a lot of time and don't wish to return. the idea is I can make it out with around 30k of merchandise with an aura of respected intrest and professionalism. just slam them while unsuspecting. have two rides outside at different locations. one around close the other a little way off. get in car a afer blitzing out and ride to car a to kill the papper trail. i feel this is the most ideal way to make off with a lot of money with as little risk as possible. what do you see in the scenario? will the try to lock me in the shop? only concern really. I'm ready to die for the cause, I'm not going back, institution life. Go big or go home. i want a piece of the good life before i go out, i missed out on a lot in life and i feel i deserve a piece of the utopian life. if you were facing 15 years man and you already lost 5 years of your life are you really going to tell me that your fine with the system breaking your soul? shiit noooot me homes. I'm cocked and loaded and ready to make a mark of the high life on this planet being totally free spirited until the day they tag me with a Nembutal pill strapped along side.
just trying to get a better feel for how this scenario would unravel.. its do or die for me? I'm pretty sure this is going down, so i want different perspectives on the details.., I'm ready to blow my brains into gods blue sky if theres a hiccup... opinions ideas theories recomendations
The OP is already in legal trouble, which he why he says he needs cash pronto. So, of course, he thinks robbery can get him out of trouble. Personally, I think he is too stupid to be allowed to run free; he needs a keeper. He ought to go to a local PD, drop trou and take a dump in the lobby; this winter he'll have room and boardReminds me of a stoner I know in his mid 40s. The guy can grow weed in a legal state and with just a little effort he could make $80K sleep walking. Instead he lives practically in poverty to the detriment of his two beautiful younger children. They are amazing kids who are bright and well behaved.
This is a board for MJ/MMJ growing. Study what the experts on here are teaching us. Move to a more legal state and grow some weed versus wanting to rob a store. Idiocy.
15 years behind bars in south carolina, 30 if you were armed lolRobbery is a minimum of 5 yrs, likely higher. You'd be a total moron to get to do a job wherein the minimum take is less than 1/2 mil. 5yrs for a 30K job is less than a high schooler makes at McDs
Then that's lemonaid stand wages lol15years begind bars in south carolina, 30 if you were armed lol
The OP is already in legal trouble, which he why he says he needs cash pronto. So, of course, he thinks robbery can get him out of trouble. Personally, I think he is too stupid to be allowed to run free; he needs a keeper. He ought to go to a local PD, drop trou and take a dump in the lobby; this winter he'll have room and board
Look if your going to do an armed robbery, fine. I wish you the best & I actually mean that.
But if your posting it on the Internet, you obviously haven't a clue what your doing.
First off, you do where do you trade the units?
Your going to be trading something that police & other outfits will be watching for.
-Are you doing it alone?
-Day or night?
-How long do you plan on being inside?
-Have you your plan ABC & D?
-How many get away routes have you?
-Do you have a second "get away car" if something happens the first?
-Take into consideration "eyes in the sky"
-if you do it, burn all the clothes your wearing.
-gloves are a must, construction gloves not the doctor kind.
Basically, you want to of sold the merchandise before you even take possession.
Find someone you trust with your life, bring them in 50/50.
Run a few trials to test times, reactions, etc.
(Bikes are better, during rush hour)
You need to be very sure lad, if it goes wrong & your carrying you'll have to use it.
This is big boy rules.
None of this is an example of "how to carry out an armed robbery", nor do I want or know about you actually doing this.
He is plainly on a path that effectively promises adult supervision ... soon and con brio.The OP is already in legal trouble, which he why he says he needs cash pronto. So, of course, he thinks robbery can get him out of trouble. Personally, I think he is too stupid to be allowed to run free; he needs a keeper. He ought to go to a local PD, drop trou and take a dump in the lobby; this winter he'll have room and board
here we go man cool some food for thought... entertain me with your take on my given scenario
ill have two people with cars. another person who is 6'2 and good at mma with me incase a bystander tries to play hero.
i was thinking day, more trust
i plan on being inside just long enough to build trust, under the façade that I'm shopping for a ring for my fiancée
I gotta work on back up plans incase something intervenes
i have enough routes for getaway
i will have a set of clothes under my suit.
no gloves, maybe wax on my finger tips though the idea is to establish trust trust trust, gloves are a bit sketch
i will ask to look at a ring i liked for my fiancy, i will (assist) go in before i commit and check out the rings to find the location of one of their more valuable rings. I'm willing to sell the merch in another state. should be no problem right?
everyone thatd be involved i trust 100, particularly my mercinarry gurilla soldier fending off a bystander willing to interviene
the gun will be conceiled well, and yes big boy rules, ill be ready to use it, on myself...
whats a average top shelf diamond ring going for? i don't know a lot about jewelry...
I'd rather you didn't do this & I'd sleep happy knowing you weren't even thinking of it, but I might as well point a few things out.
It doesn't matter if your friend is the hulk, none of that UFC crap.
Be loud & you'll be scary.
- scope the place out, get a lad & girl to go in, look at rings.
Less suspisous.
Count the staff
Count the cameras
Time yourself driving the routes at the time you'll do it.
Remember, no rally driving! Blend in.
The day of it, two guys run in!
Lots of noise, 1 use a powder fire extinguishers to spray at the cameras.
One guy gets cameras, then moves to taking possession of the stock.
While the other says what's going on & gets everyone down. Star fish style & stair at the ground.
Get away driver keeps back of the car right outside the door, if the shutters come down they reverse right through them!
The two then run out to the car & get away begins, remember calm & relaxed.
Burn car (smash front two windows inward, fire needs oxygen to burn) & clothes.
Your gone Scot free.
Never flash the cash, no pictures, nothing.
Play the poor man regardless of your cash flow.
No you want to be selling to another country / use darknet.
No, you'll need gloves. Wax, fake prints, etc none of it actually works or might fall off.
You leave one print or hair the blue lights will be coming for you.
Again, you seem like a good lad & to be honest you don't need this shit.
It's addictive & it never ends well.
Take this into consideration, don't assume it would be easy or it'll work. It's stupid, I'm not going to lie it's not worth it.
Whatever happens, never harm a woman or a child under no circumstances.
id be happy with 10k to be honest.... the reality of the matter is that i am terminally ill with brain cancer... i was actually also thinking about trying to lure a Nigerian scammer on craigs list to buy a car. boom a check that will clear but will bounce after 5 days or so...Depends on the stone.
It varies by currency also, my fiancées cost just over €12,000 with two "free" glasses of champagne that tasted like fizzy piss but that was in Paris, and she's got expensive taste.
If you don't mind me asking, how much do you need & how much would you like?
Look, you know I can recommend alternative means of cash that's slot less risky & dangerous?
no gun ya I'm actually thinking carring a lethal dose of heroin in a syringe keistered with surand wrap wrapped for safe comfortable housingDon't you rush into this shit kid, think it over, over & over.
You'd probably be better not having a gun at all if you'd ever think about using it on yourself.
Big difference between robbery & armed robbery, if your seen with a gun they'll open fire & you better believe it.
I really can't say this enough, do not rush into it!