Lockdowns don't work.

That is so depressing . It’s a bad movie. I still have not gotten my duck masks even shipped out to
Me. I do have this snake one coming in 2
Weeks. Tool concert on indefinite hold which really hurts. but the hospital did issue new warnings that if you don’t have a mask on you will have to go outside or security or police will be called to arrest . Did you hear about that covidiot in NJ who opened his gym early and broke the state rules for reopening? . He said he didn’t care and that first night he was issued a $2,000 fine . On the bright side (I can’t wait!!!!) Biden is going to kick Trumps ass. I loved that video hanimmal , I think that’s the guys name . You know who I mean . He posted that 17 minute video of Biden sounding like the bad ass he is talking to some black guy with a hat on. I for some reason think it might have been called the breakfast club . Man Biden is one cool dude . I love that guy!
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So many dreams are dashed by this epidemic. It's really disheartening. I have a niece who is kicking ass in college on a Biochem major. Straight A's, first in her class in Biochem (my major, so yeah, I'm pretty proud of her). Already working for a professor and only a junior. And it's all up in the air. Time is precious for her. Her senior year is going to be a clusterfuck. She wants to go to med school. But who knows if she'll be able to complete the necessary courses on time to apply next year? On another front, I have a friend who just lost his job and is 58 years old. He's been there for 15 years and now he has to start over somewhere else once he finds a job but of course nobody is hiring.

My chief worry is my mother who is in an assisted living facility. I can't even see her, its' so locked down. She has dementia and doesn't understand what's happening.

So, yeah, it's just one big anxiety attack right now for everybody. Then Trump gets up and demands we turn churches into massive infection sites so that the epidemic we shut down at the cost of about 10 trillion dollars can start back up.

And we are not even half way done with it all. What if Trump squeezes out another win? We'd be so fucked. Biden is OK, he might even be good. Regardless, he's going to be leagues better than Trump.

Then, how in heaven's name did we get to the point where our first line health care workers lack the most basic PPE? It's not just in Oklahoma. We have a friend in Portland, OR who told us a neighbor asked her to make masks for her and her co-workers because in her ICU, they had no masks. Her neighbor told her she had to intubate and work with Covid patients without a mask!

I crabbed at @DIY-HP-LED because the "science news" he moons over is aggravating me with their unfounded optimistic stories about HCQ and this new vaccine, which is, I think, a great investment in research but I have little hope for it to be helpful next year. I wish he'd post that shit on an appropriate forum. Trump is using false hope to distract people, which is why, on the politics forum, it seems out of place.

Cool mask. Me, I wear the one my wife made that has hearts on it.
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I can’t imagine how difficult this must be for you with your mum . I am so sorry.
I finally got a co-worker! And not just any run of the mill colleague but a brilliant fun one and the chemistry is perfect. The relief he has given me in one week feels like a huge weight lifted from my shoulders . In fact I’m in so much pain right now it’s tear worthy. My shoulders and neck carry my stress and they are finally releasing and tender to the touch. My anxiety is finally under control.
Hopefully you get to see your mum reallly soon!
What ever happened to Abandonconflict anyway?
he's off sulking somewhere. But it's hard to care. Some of the very people he was insulting were exactly the ones we are trying to protect with the lockdowns, which work. I'm sorry that his business is failing but he was wrong to demand people die so that he could succeed and saying so to the very people who were at risk.
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I can’t imagine how difficult this must be for you with your mum . I am so sorry.
I finally got a co-worker! And not just any run of the mill colleague but a brilliant fun one and the chemistry is perfect. The relief he has given me in one week feels like a huge weight lifted from my shoulders . In fact I’m in so much pain right now it’s tear worthy. My shoulders and neck carry my stress and they are finally releasing and tender to the touch. My anxiety is finally under control.
Hopefully you get to see your mum reallly soon!
One nice thing about dementia is, she won't remember that it happened after this is all over. (:

That's some good news from you. Regarding stress. The stress I'm under is nothing like what you are going through but I'm feeling it too. I needed some time with my chiropractor this week for the same reason.
he's off sulking somewhere. But it's hard to care. Some of the very people he was insulting were exactly the ones we are trying to protect with the lockdowns, which work. I'm sorry that his business is failing but he was wrong to demand people die so that he could succeed and saying so to the very people who were at risk.
He became an arrogant asshole, yes it could have been due to extreme stress. Unfortunately we all were/are dealing with a lot of shit over this but we must still maintain compassion for others.
he's off sulking somewhere. But it's hard to care. Some of the very people he was insulting were exactly the ones we are trying to protect with the lockdowns, which work. I'm sorry that his business is failing but he was wrong to demand people die so that he could succeed and saying so to the very people who were at risk.
He kind of reminded me of my dog with his thread “lockdowns don’t work”. My dog is very proud of herself when she lays a turd. As I’m scooping up the poop she struts around with her head held high.

Since we haven’t seen abandonconflict in while it’s safe to assume he’s no longer proud of the turd he laid.
He kind of reminded me of my dog with his thread “lockdowns don’t work”. My dog is very proud of herself when she lays a turd. As I’m scooping up the poop she struts around with her head held high.

Since we haven’t seen abandonconflict in while it’s safe to assume he’s no longer proud of the turd he laid.
To the point Bubbles, I'll say fur ya!
He kind of reminded me of my dog with his thread “lockdowns don’t work”. My dog is very proud of herself when she lays a turd. As I’m scooping up the poop she struts around with her head held high.

Since we haven’t seen abandonconflict in while it’s safe to assume he’s no longer proud of the turd he laid.
I like AC, but his thread was dangerous disinformation and his narrative needed to be opposed and countered. He was under stress and I can understand and forgive, not that I need to forgive him anything, we all fuck up, it makes us human.

Speaking in absolute terms is a mistake at the best of times and starting with a conclusion is not science, science is about discovering the truth and starts with a question, as simple a question as possible.

He put himself in an ethically and morally indefensible position from the get go, especially when he wanted to use a scientific argument. Science also depends on integrity and honest discussion, the objective is to discover the truth about nature, not to win arguments or political fights.
No, he was an arrogant asshole. If you countered his hypothesis you were called out as dumb.
Hey been there done that! To called an idiot by the arrogant is an honor and I have been much honored myself.

Science has nothing to do with ad hominem attacks and he had difficulty making a point without them in his posts, said he wanted to talk science. I was shocked when I saw his thread and got to his motives on the first couple of pages to make sense of it. He tried to evolve his view a bit, but was trapped by the thread title and his ego made him defend the indefensible, I tried to give him some wiggle room, alas he would not repent. In the end the data did him in, but it took awhile coming.
“Everything donald trump touches dies.”*
Including America apparently, he's off to a good start anyway, up to normal folks to stop him.

"The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing". A few folks have said that or something close, including a couple of presidents.