Lockdowns don't work.

While true that 95’s offer more protection I would feel horrible wearing one while frontline workers are using theirs multiple times. So yes we need more but we need to ensure the healthcare workers and service providers are the first to be protected. For anyone else stay the fuck home and reduce the risk to others if you have to go out. Our area has had no new detected cases which seems to give the cunts a reason to not care. Once the infectoids from TO start to show up there will be hell to pay I fear. LOCKDOWNS WORK, and to proclaim anything but that is a fools folly.
Only when the the healthcare and front line people have N95s should the vulnerable get them them, I had a good one in the shop for a couple of years still in the package. I think the government should give them out to those over 65, it will be cheaper than the healthcare costs and will save lives, they protect healthcare workers who deal with the sick.

Lockdowns work, but we gotta crawl outta our holes as soon as we knock it down a bit, have a viable plan and are prepared to execute it. I'm glad I'm Canadian, we have responsible federal government and a border, American states don't, God help them.
Only when the the healthcare and front line people have N95s should the vulnerable get them them, I had a good one in the shop for a couple of years still in the package. I think the government should give them out to those over 65, it will be cheaper than the healthcare costs and will save lives, they protect healthcare workers who deal with the sick.

Lockdowns work, but we gotta crawl outta our holes as soon as we knock it down a bit, have a viable plan and are prepared to execute it. I'm glad I'm Canadian, we have responsible federal government and a border, American states don't, God help them.
Ya ya thank god...........oh wait I see Quebec schools are opening Monday. At least they have tape and arrows to guide the kids to their desks.....it’ll be all good FFS. But yes your right that there are a few things the States are struggling with ......... CUNTS!!! Way more CUNTS!!!! By CUNTS I mean dumb, inbred, uneducated, science denying, Second amendment nut job, CUNTS.
Ya ya thank god...........oh wait I see Quebec schools are opening Monday. At least they have tape and arrows to guide the kids to their desks.....it’ll be all good FFS. But yes your right that there are a few things the States are struggling with ......... CUNTS!!! Way more CUNTS!!!! By CUNTS I mean dumb, inbred, uneducated, science denying, Second amendment nut job, CUNTS.
Quebecers don't travel much in the rest of Canada so there's that! They've got the army there now in nursing homes and opening the schools is not the best idea IMHO, even though they think young kids don't spread it much. I figure waiting for fall would be wise, but the premier there is very popular, so the populace must support the move, I hope it doesn't drive cases up too much. We seem to be able to control movement between provinces easier than the states and I believe they can quarantine anybody coming in. We will soon see a month after they reopen what it did to new cases, more data to work with, only with Quebecers as guinea pigs! Tu y vas en premier!

Public education to bring the vast majority onside and socially isolate the hard cases will work for masks like smoking and drinking and driving. It also works for terrorism too, when you remove the legitimate grievances that reasonable people have it cuts out their support in the community, worked in Ireland and worked in Quebec. You make it acceptable and popular to wear a mask, warn and fine those who don't, make it illegal to enter a liquor store without a mask and you see compliance go way up, at the liquor store at least!

Put a message on yer mask stating how you feel about those who don't wear them! ASSHOLES DON"T WEAR MASKS should fit on one or CUNTS DON"T WEAR MASKS. keep it short and make the print large, a sharpie should do the job! Let the mask do your talking, they will notice it and read it too, save your breath. Making up some professionally done masks with such messages might even be profitable, with the right slogan Doug Ford might buy a million of them from ya (not anything with CUNTS or ASSHOLES in it though) :D
Ya ya thank god...........oh wait I see Quebec schools are opening Monday. At least they have tape and arrows to guide the kids to their desks.....it’ll be all good FFS. But yes your right that there are a few things the States are struggling with ......... CUNTS!!! Way more CUNTS!!!! By CUNTS I mean dumb, inbred, uneducated, science denying, Second amendment nut job, CUNTS.
Think about it Dudley, if you sell a thousand surgical masks calling those who don't wear them assholes, you make money while calling thousands of miscreants assholes! It's a win win for ya and maybe some people would get tired of reading they are assholes whenever they pass someone wearing one of yer masks. Automate the insults and profit too while doing some good.:D
We live in a resort and tourist area, my wife was driving through th3 business district there and most businesses weren’t even fully open. Tourists were everywhere with no social distances maintained and zero masks. Not a fucking one!
Lock downs worked in this instance, stopped the contagion in its tracks. A lot of people came into NYC from Europe and Trump's mismanagement packed them into airports in close quarters for hours after arrival, this was a major contributing factor too.
Coronavirus Cure? Experts See Promising New Clues In Policies From WA And CA | MSNBC

While there is no medical cure for individuals who contract coronavirus, new evidence reveals how different government policies can drive vastly different responses to whether the virus is contained or spread. Drawing on investigative reporting in the New Yorker and New York Times, and medical and technological data, MSNBC anchor Ari Melber reports on how some U.S. states that are as large as countries – like California – did dramatically better curbing its spread than other large states like New York. Melber also reports that contrary to some conventional wisdom about New York’s handling of the crisis, the state was actually late to enact key measures that could stem the spread not only in the state, but prevent its spread across the U.S. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. http://www.thebeatwithari.com). Aired on 05/08/2020.
We live in a resort and tourist area, my wife was driving through th3 business district there and most businesses weren’t even fully open. Tourists were everywhere with no social distances maintained and zero masks. Not a fucking one!
Anybody who is a tourist in this environment doesn't give a fuck, to travel to another area or state is unwise to say the least and might be lethal to your community back home. How many people on march break in Florida brought it back home? One problem America is gonna have is the deals on domestic air travel will be fantastic and people will be traveling freely between highly infectious areas and those who have it under control. Slack rules in some places, cheap airfares and eager tourists will spell doom for any recovery plan.

I'm waiting for Trump to do a rally tour across the south, leaving a trail of misery, death and unpaid bills behind him to add to the local burden. He will pack thousands of them in to an arena and there won't be a mask in sight. Donald's Jim Jones tour would be like giant measles parties complete with orange Koolaid and the smell of Clorox.
There are many thousands of "snowbirds" in Quebec who spend the winter in Florida and some places are french there in winter, many brought the disease with them when they came back home this spring.

Trudeau Warns Premature Reopening Could Send Canada 'Back Into Confinement'
By Reuters
WINNIPEG, Manitoba — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned on Saturday that if provinces move too quickly to reopen their economies, a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic could send Canada "back into confinement this summer."

Trudeau, who represents a Montreal, Quebec parliamentary district, told reporters in a daily briefing that he is concerned about the virus' spread in that province, the country's epicenter. He said any reopening should be gradual.

Although health officials have pointed to a flattening rate of daily cases in many provinces, Trudeau said Canada was "not in the recovery phase yet."

"We are still in the emergency phase... The vast majority of Canadians continue to need to be very careful."

Canada's death toll rose 3.5% to 4,628 from a day earlier, while cases approached 67,000. Nearly 60% of Canada's deaths have occurred in Quebec, where there are numerous outbreaks in nursing homes.

Quebec has unveiled plans to restart its economy gradually, but on Thursday delayed for the second time the date when businesses can reopen in Montreal.

Ontario reported an increase of 346 cases, the lowest daily increase in more than a month, and said it would open provincial parks for some uses starting on Monday.

More than 80% of Canadian deaths from the virus are residents of nursing homes, a "national tragedy" caused in part by housing up to four per room, said Canada Deputy Chief Public Health Officer Howard Njoo.

Some of the country's biggest individual outbreaks are in Cargill Inc [CARG.UL] and JBS SA beef plants in Alberta, which has forced them to reduce production.

This has resulted in a glut of live cattle and tight beef supplies.

President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he had urged the U.S. Justice Department to look into allegations that the meatpacking industry broke antitrust law because of a widening gap between low prices for livestock and high prices for meat.

Canada will also take a "very careful look," Trudeau said. "We need to make sure no one is profiting in an exaggerated way from this crisis," he said.

Trudeau gave no specifics. The independent Competition Bureau reviews such concerns.

Coronavirus infections are also multiplying in Canada's remote, indigenous communities.

The pandemic helped cause a record-breaking loss of 2 million jobs in April, Canadian government data showed on Friday. The unemployment rate jumped less than expected, however, because some laid-off people collect federal aid and are waiting to return to their old jobs when the pandemic passes.
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We're fucked. :hump::hump::hump::hump:

tRUmp, and his minions just wont listen to Science, nor Common Sense. If the CDC gives you fair warning, you better fuckin listen.
Hopefully this virus drains the swamp.
'The price you pay': Sweden's 'herd immunity' experiment backfires

Unlike its Nordic neighbors, Sweden decided early on in the pandemic to forgo lockdown in the hope of achieving broad immunity to the coronavirus. While social distancing was promoted, the government allowed bars, restaurants, salons, gyms and schools to stay open.
Initially, Sweden saw death rates from COVID-19 that were similar to other European nations that had closed down their economies. But now the Scandinavian nation’s daily death toll per 1 million people is 8.71 compared to the United States’ 4.59, according to online publication Our World in Data. Sweden's mortality rate is the highest in Europe.
'The price you pay': Sweden's 'herd immunity' experiment backfires

Unlike its Nordic neighbors, Sweden decided early on in the pandemic to forgo lockdown in the hope of achieving broad immunity to the coronavirus. While social distancing was promoted, the government allowed bars, restaurants, salons, gyms and schools to stay open.
Initially, Sweden saw death rates from COVID-19 that were similar to other European nations that had closed down their economies. But now the Scandinavian nation’s daily death toll per 1 million people is 8.71 compared to the United States’ 4.59, according to online publication Our World in Data. Sweden's mortality rate is the highest in Europe.
It's not over yet. If I were a Swede and especially if I lost my mother during this epidemic, I'd be furious at my government. Still, though. We are only in the middle of this movie. Another wave of infections is coming, probably beginning late August. Maybe the bet will pay off for Sweden then. Right now, it looks like they paid a high price for a bad decision.
It's not over yet. If I were a Swede and especially if I lost my mother during this epidemic, I'd be furious at my government. Still, though. We are only in the middle of this movie. Another wave of infections is coming, probably beginning late August. Maybe the bet will pay off for Sweden then. Right now, it looks like they paid a high price for a bad decision.
As I understand it, not enough people got infected to develop herd immunity. Not even close.
As I understand it, not enough people got infected to develop herd immunity. Not even close.
70% will get this and it does not stop there, but for the sake of discussion there are 10 million swedes and say 7 million of them become infected by the end of the year, just multiply the IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) they have now, that the recent serological testing has established the infection rate reasonably well, by the number of fatalities. Last time I checked there were 3,000 deaths with around 7% of the population infected?, there are a lot of dead swedes to come. There are good models out there and articles I could post to get a definitive expert opinion on it.
It's not over yet. If I were a Swede and especially if I lost my mother during this epidemic, I'd be furious at my government. Still, though. We are only in the middle of this movie. Another wave of infections is coming, probably beginning late August. Maybe the bet will pay off for Sweden then. Right now, it looks like they paid a high price for a bad decision.
That is so depressing . It’s a bad movie. I still have not gotten my duck masks even shipped out to
Me. I do have this snake one coming in 2
Weeks. Tool concert on indefinite hold which really hurts. but the hospital did issue new warnings that if you don’t have a mask on you will have to go outside or security or police will be called to arrest . Did you hear about that covidiot in NJ who opened his gym early and broke the state rules for reopening? . He said he didn’t care and that first night he was issued a $2,000 fine . On the bright side (I can’t wait!!!!) Biden is going to kick Trumps ass. I loved that video hanimmal , I think that’s the guys name . You know who I mean . He posted that 17 minute video of Biden sounding like the bad ass he is talking to some black guy with a hat on. I for some reason think it might have been called the breakfast club . Man Biden is one cool dude . I love that guy!
That is so depressing . It’s a bad movie. I still have not gotten my duck masks even shipped out to
Me. I do have this snake one coming in 2
Weeks. Tool concert on indefinite hold which really hurts. but the hospital did issue new warnings that if you don’t have a mask on you will have to go outside or security or police will be called to arrest . Did you hear about that covidiot in NJ who opened his gym early and broke the state rules for reopening? . He said he didn’t care and that first night he was issued a $2,000 fine . On the bright side (I can’t wait!!!!) Biden is going to kick Trumps ass. I loved that video hanimmal , I think that’s the guys name . You know who I mean . He posted that 17 minute video of Biden sounding like the bad ass he is talking to some black guy with a hat on. I for some reason think it might have been called the breakfast club . Man Biden is one cool dude . I love that guy!
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Don't wear the snake mask at work, over yer regular PPE, use a regular surgical mask! Maybe while talking to your supervisor, but that's about it. :D