Lockdowns don't work.

yeah dude, that's why lock downs don't work. it's all a hoax! if you want to leave your front door then you walk out the door and that's it dude lol lock downs don't work
Hey, I was wondering if you could clue us in on what you think about human caused climate change. Hoax or not?
you know lol the news reporters that are telling us we should stay indoors... but at the end of the day those news reporters have a script to read and if they don't read it they get the sack lol

ummmmm no it's not:

Test Swabs and Covid-19 Reagent.jpg

i had just delivered Longs Peak when the lab opened the Covid-19 Re-agent that WAS LEAKING INSIDE THE BAG so i took a pic for my attorney. in case you missed the point..the re-agent is the virus.

this was officially my last day..i sure hope those gig workers showed.
To argue the earth is flat shows someone missed science class in school. There are all kinds of ways to prove the earth isnt flat.

You really make yourself look foolish arguing the earth is flat. You can get in a plane, and head west, and if you fly long enough, youll end up back where you started. Jumping up, an them coming back down proves gravity. Stepping on a scale and weighing yourself is another. If there was no gravity, you wouldnt me able to weigh yourself.

As to space, I guess all the tars, and moon are within the earths atmosphere??? All the other planets.

Come on man, you really do make yourself look extremely foolish if you believe the earth is flat, and no such thing as space.

A true science denier sir. With all respect.

When wasthe last time you ever heard of someone falling off the edge of the earth??? If its flat, it has to eventually come to an edge. No way around it.
You really make your self look stupid by not understanding what i am saying and denying everything that i said. That's the true form of ignorance. Planes don't fly in a straight line they land and re-fuel and take off at a different angle so that argument is totally ridiculous. Jumping up and coming back down again doesn't prove gravity. it just proves that you are heavier than air that's why you fall back to the earth... meanwhile a helium balloon is lighter than air and it will rise into the sky and fly away. Because a helium balloon is lighter than air dude. c'mon man why doesn't gravity stop the balloon ??
You really make your self look stupid by not understanding what i am saying and denying everything that i said. That's the true form of ignorance. Planes don't fly in a straight line they land and re-fuel and take off at a different angle so that argument is totally ridiculous. Jumping up and coming back down again doesn't prove gravity. it just proves that you are heavier than air that's why you fall back to the earth... meanwhile a helium balloon is lighter than air and it will rise into the sky and fly away. Because a helium balloon is lighter than air dude. c'mon man why doesn't gravity stop the balloon ??
Thank god for top secret youtube videos to expose the Jew hoax that is gravity
To argue the earth is flat shows someone missed science class in school. There are all kinds of ways to prove the earth isnt flat.

You really make yourself look foolish arguing the earth is flat. You can get in a plane, and head west, and if you fly long enough, youll end up back where you started. Jumping up, an them coming back down proves gravity. Stepping on a scale and weighing yourself is another. If there was no gravity, you wouldnt me able to weigh yourself.

As to space, I guess all the stars, and moon are within the earths atmosphere??? All the other planets.

Come on man, you really do make yourself look extremely foolish if you believe the earth is flat, and no such thing as space.

A true science denier sir. With all respect.

When was last time you ever heard of someone falling off the edge of the earth??? If its flat, it has to eventually come to an edge. No way around it.

My wife treated someone that eventually died from the virus. I guess shes lying???

You have no credibility, and cant be taken seriously.
why do you assume there is an edge? how do you know they died from corona virus they could of died from anything. your wife may have looked after someone that died but that doesn't mean they died from corona virus
Your reasoning borders on mentally ill. Air doesnt make you float. Lack of gravity does. Air aint got nothing to do with it. A plane CAN fly in If you go by boat in the ocean, you will also eventually end up back in the same place. Some conception. a straight line.

Science says you cant weigh yourself if theres no gravity. Ill believe the scientists before I believe you sir. Air has ZERO to do with weighing yourself.

Gravity. The average person probably doesn’t think about it on a daily basis, but yet gravity affects our every move. Because of gravity, we fall down (not up), objects crash to the floor, and we don’t go flying off into space when we jump in the air. The old adage, “everything that goes up must come down” makes perfect sense to everyone because from the day we are born, we are seemingly bound to Earth’s surface due to this all-pervasive invisible force.
That’s incorrect

I give everyone the respect they deserve
So because i have a different opinion to you or i know different to you that give you the right to disrespect me and call me a Tard. Let's be honest you would never call me a tard to my face i am 6 and a half foot tall built like a brick house
why do you assume there is an edge? how do you know they died from corona virus they could of died from anything. your wife may have looked after someone that died but that doesn't mean they died from corona virus

They were positive for the virus., and died of respiratory failure....If the earth was flat, there has to be an edge. The earth doesnt go on forever. Retarded dude. Just like a piece of paper has an edge.

I dont have an opinion, I have science, and physics. Mine isnt an opinion, and can be proven by science, and physics. Ill go by science everytime over opinion. Just like I have no opinion about the virus, and what should be done about it.

I listen to Dr Fauci, who is one of, if not the leading researcher in Immunology, and Virology in the world. I dont need opinion. I need facts by experts. Are youre doing is pissing in the wind.

Its really not worth wasting ones breath on.
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Your reasoning borders on mentally ill. Air doesnt make you float. Lack of gravity does. Air aint got nothing to do with it. A plane CAN fly in If you go by boat in the ocean, you will also eventually end up back in the same place. Some conception. a straight line.

Science says you cant weigh yourself if theres no gravity. Ill believe the scientists before I believe you sir. Air has ZERO to do with weighing yourself.

Gravity. The average person probably doesn’t think about it on a daily basis, but yet gravity affects our every move. Because of gravity, we fall down (not up), objects crash to the floor, and we don’t go flying off into space when we jump in the air. The old adage, “everything that goes up must come down” makes perfect sense to everyone because from the day we are born, we are seemingly bound to Earth’s surface due to this all-pervasive invisible force.
I don't think you understand. You are heavier than air so if you fall off a bridge you will fall down and hit the ground because you are heavier than air... A helium balloon is lighter than air so it will fly away into the sky... The helium gas inside the balloon is lighter than air so it flys away into the sky you need to think about it and use your critical thinking skills. if you were lighter than air like a helium balloon you will float off into the sky.
So because i have a different opinion to you or i know different to you that give you the right to disrespect me and call me a Tard. Let's be honest you would never call me a tard to my face i am 6 and a half foot tall built like a brick house

pic with todays date and RIU written on your arm or it didn't happen.
They were positive for the virus. If its flat, there has to be an edge. The earth doesnt go on forever. Retarded dude.
how do you know the testing kits they use to test people for corona virus are legit??? Have you ever thought about that?? They could be using fake testing kits
ummmmm no it's not:

View attachment 4552821

i had just delivered Longs Peak when the lab opened the Covid-19 Re-agent that WAS LEAKING INSIDE THE BAG so i took a pic for my attorney. in case you missed the point..the re-agent is the virus.

this was officially my last day..i sure hope those gig workers showed.
Didn’t you hire a lawyer when another former employer treated you unfairly? Were you successful? A few more and you may not require a lawyer.