Lockdowns don't work.

I don't think you understand. You are heavier than air so if you fall off a bridge you will fall down and hit the ground because you are heavier than air... A helium balloon is lighter than air so it will fly away into the sky... The helium gas inside the balloon is lighter than air so it flys away into the sky you need to think about it and use your critical thinking skills. if you were lighter than air like a helium balloon you will float off into the sky.

what's your opinion on quantum physics and string theory?
no thanks. I don't write stuff on my arm. I'm not a tramp

ahhhhhh mommy issues..:lol: nice play on the avi name..did you know this is the first time i've seen a graphic warning on YT? and it was from Dear Leader:spew:

GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING. President Trump went after former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page at his Thursday night rally in Rep. Ilhan Omar's district. Trump mocked Strzok and Page over their past affair and attempts to instill an 'insurance policy' ahead of his election.

Our Piggy President:

Where's Bear Jew when you need him?

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They were positive for the virus., and died of respiratory failure....If the earth was flat, there has to be an edge. The earth doesnt go on forever. Retarded dude. Just like a piece of paper has an edge.

I dont have an opinion, I have science, and physics. Mine isnt an opinion, and can be proven by science, and physics. Ill go by science everytime over opinion. Just like I have no opinion about the virus, and what should be done about it.

I listen to Dr Fauci, who is one of, if not the leading researcher in Immunology, and Virology in the world. I dont need opinion. I need facts by experts. Are youre doing is pissing in the wind.

Its really not worth wasting ones breath on.
even if there was an edge what does that matter.. you have never been to the edge so it's not like you are going to fall off.
how do you know the testing kits they use to test people for corona virus are legit??? Have you ever thought about that?? They could be using fake testing kits

Because Dr Fauci says they are. How do you know they arent??? More Whataboutism dude. Lame, and weak. Makes you look ignorant.

I believe my wife, and Dr Fauci. Not you.

If there was an edge, it would be documented, and people would have been there, and would be easily verified.
Because Dr Fauci says they are. How do you know they arent??? More Whataboutism dude. Lame, and weak. Makes you look ignorant.

I believe my wife, and Dr Fauci. Not you.

If there was an edge, it would be documented, and people would have been there, and would be easily verified.
who cares what Dr Fauci says did he make those testing kits??? i doubt it!!! people have been to the edge
Richard E. Byrd went there
I care about what Fauci says. Hes the number 1 authority on the subject, and has been studying viruses since 1968. Now your a science denier.

Fauci said the test kits are accurate. Theres just not enough of them.

Those guys on the videos are retarded too.

You can put lipstick on a pig, but its still a pig. Byrd didnt go to the edge. He went to the poles, him making it to the north pole is disputed.

There are few certainties in life: death, taxes, and the sun's rising in the east and setting in the west. Or does it rise on the left and set on the right?

Lately, as flat-Earth theorists have become more vocal, it seems as though people are more frequently asking questions of that very nature, and the movement is gaining ground. (Just this week, a flat-earth believer launched himself into space in a homemade rocket in an effort to disprove the round-Earth theory.) These questions go against every logical explanation of what we know to be true about our planet: mainly, that it is sphere-shaped and orbits the sun.

The rise in visibility of flat-Earth theories might be a product of what's rapidly becoming known as the "post-fact/post-truth era" in our society, in which an untruth repeated enough times becomes truth by groupthink. However, these theories existed long before the 2016 election cycle and have outlasted counterarguments from Aristotle, Ferdinand Magellan, NASA, and most rational-thinking humans.

Too often, the discourse about the shape of Earth becomes about proving negatives and centers on explaining that something isn't true rather than proving that it is. Indeed, the burden should be on flat-Earth theorists to explain clearly why their theories are correct and to use science to back those claims.

Fortunately, for every idea on why Earth might be flat, there is physical evidence that proves Earth is definitely globular. Here's a bunch of that evidence, and you don't even need to spend $1 million to launch yourself into space.

1. Watch a ship sail off to sea
Without being in the sky, it is impossible to see the curvature of the Earth. However, you can always see a demonstration of this if you visit a harbor or any place with a wide-open view of the water.

If you are able to watch a ship sail off to sea, watch its mast and flag as it fades off into the distance. You will notice that, in fact, it does not "fade off into the distance" at all; instead, you will see its mast and flag appear to slowly sink. The ship sailed beyond the point at which you would see it. Just to be sure, bring a pair of binoculars with you so that you can see even farther off into the distance.

It's as if you're watching it go over to the other side of a hill. This phenomenon can only be explained by a sphere-shaped planet.

2. Watch a lunar eclipse
Solar eclipses get all the attention, but if you are able to catch a glimpse of a lunar eclipse, you can see evidence that the Earth is, indeed, round. Here's how it works: Earth passes between the moon and sun, so that the sun projects Earth’s shadow onto the Moon in the night sky. You've probably seen a partial lunar eclipse without even noticing it; if the moon looks orange, that's a sign of a lunar eclipse. If you've ever seen a total lunar eclipse, you probably noticed that the shadow did not look like this.

A round shadow crossed over a round object. This does not sound like a thing that would happen if we were on a plane with all of the celestial bodies simply hovering overhead—or, perhaps more assinine, if the sun were orbiting Earth and not vice versa. The last total lunar eclipse took place on January 31, 2018, but it was not visible in most of the United States. Fear not, as you only have to wait a few months for one that will be visible in the Americas on July 27, 2018.

3. Climb a tree
Imagine a vast plane with but one tree smack in the middle. If the earth were flat, your vision would extend exactly as far while standing at the base of the tree as it would when at the top of the tree. However, the farther you climb, the farther your line of sight will extend to the horizon.

That's because parts of Earth that were concealed from view by its curvature are now revealed because your position has changed.

Back to the vast plane. The naked eye can see objects that are millions of miles away in space. Theoretically, with a clear line of sight on a clear night, one would also be able to see bright lights from far-away cities. That this is not possible is further evidence of a round, not flat, Earth.

4. Travel through, or even within, different time zones
According to a 2008 paper in Applied Optics by David K. Lynch, the curvature of the earth becomes somewhat visible at an elevation of 35,000 feet (with a >60° field of view) and more easily visible at an elevation of 50,000 feet. So if you're on the right commercial flight, you might be able to see the curvature of the earth with your own two eyes.

In the event that you're not high enough, though, you can still experience the curvature of the earth another way. For example, if you were to fly all the way around the world, you'd find that it would be nighttime in part of the world and daytime in another part. In that way, the existence of time zones itself is proof that the Earth is round.

Taken another way, you wouldn't even need to travel through different time zones. Time zones are wide enough that you will see the sun rising and/or setting later in the western part of a time zone than in the eastern part. According to the Farmers' Almanac, the sun will rise and set roughly four minutes later for every 70 miles you drive from east to west.

If you wanted to combine this experiment with the previous one, you could note how much more of Earth you can see when you begin your ascent into the air than you can while you are sitting on the tarmac waiting to take off.

5. Watch a sunset
Pick a nice spot from which you can watch a sunset (we'll call this point A). Ideally, you'd have a clear horizon in front of you, and behind you would be some sort of elevated point that you can quickly access (a hill, a building with at least two floors, or perhaps the aforementioned tree; we'll call this point B).

Watch the sunset from point A, and once the sun is out of sight, hurry on over to point B. With the added elevation provided by point B, you should be able to see the sun above the horizon. If Earth were flat, the sun would not be visible at any elevation once it had set. Because Earth is round, the sun will come back into your line of sight.

If you don't have a hill, you could even try lying on your stomach to watch the sunset and then standing up to get a higher line of sight.

6. Measure shadows across the country
Pick two locations that are some distance apart (at least a couple hundred miles from each other and on the same meridian). Grab two sticks or dowels (or other objects) of equal length, two tape measures, and a friend. Each of you will take one stick/dowel/object and one tape measure to your location, stick the object into the ground, and measure the shadow. (For accuracy, you should both take your measurements at the same time of day.)

On a flat Earth, the shadow that is cast by each would be of the same length. However, if you and your friend compare notes, you'll find that one shadow was longer than the other. That's because, due to the curvature of Earth, the sun will hit one part of Earth at one angle and another part of Earth at a different angle even at the same time of day.

This experiment has been around since about 240 B.C., when Greek mathematician Eratosthenes compared the shadows cast in both Syene—now Aswan, Egypt—and Alexandria on the summer solstice. Eratosthenes had learned of a well in Syene where once a year on the summer solstice, the sun would illuminate the entire bottom of the well and tall buildings and other objects would not cast a shadow. However, he noticed that shadows were being cast on the summer solstice in Alexandria, so he measured the angle of the shadow and found it to be an angle of about 7.2°.

7. Google "International Space Station photos"
Seriously, just look at some of the amazing photos you’ll find.

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Guys are retarded too.

You can put lipstick on a pig, but its still a pig.
just listen to me a minute. They say the earth is spinning over 1,000 mph and then they say the earth is spinning around the sun at 67,000 mph and you can't feel a single movement??? Did you know when things spin around you get dizzy??? Are you dizzy from all the spinning the planet is doing???
Guys are retarded too.

You can put lipstick on a pig, but its still a pig.
Hey dude did you know water doesn't stick to a spinning ball??? And did you know... if the earth was spinning around thousands of miles per hour spinning around and around everyday you would be dizzy as fuck
Guys are retarded too.

You can put lipstick on a pig, but its still a pig.
Did you know 70% of the earth is covered in water and it's Called SEA LEVEL... water always finds it's level and 70 percent of the earth is covered in level water... Water doesn't curve around a spinning ball dude
Because Dr Fauci says they are. How do you know they arent??? More Whataboutism dude. Lame, and weak. Makes you look ignorant.

I believe my wife, and Dr Fauci. Not you.

If there was an edge, it would be documented, and people would have been there, and would be easily verified.

because science.

i wonder how much bleach @peterstoke has had so far?- he's had plenty of Donald's jizz, of that i'm certain.
water doesn't stick to a spinning ball the earth is flat thousands of people are waking up everyday corona virus is just a distraction for the masses and the sheeple!
just listen to me a minute. They say the earth is spinning over 1,000 mph and then they say the earth is spinning around the sun at 67,000 mph and you can't feel a single movement??? Did you know when things spin around you get dizzy??? Are you dizzy from all the spinning the planet is doing???
Holy shit.....you may be on to something here. Please go on