Lockdowns don't work.

No lol Density explains why objects fall to the ground. An object heavier than air will fall while a helium balloon which is lighter than air will rise into the sky and fly away :)
Ah! So how then does the earth orbit the Sun with no gravity?
The earth doesn't orbit the sun... The sun orbits the earth. it is small and localised light that revolves around the earth with the moon and stars
Here, some deep state propaganda called science, start here.
Discovery Channel - 100 Greatest Discoveries 1/9 Astronomy
Here, some deep state propaganda called science, start here.
Discovery Channel - 100 Greatest Discoveries 1/9 Astronomy
Bill nye is not a scientist. He's actually a Actor
Yup, OK

So, you say that lock downs don't work, that this "epidemic is a Jewish hoax, the earth is flat and the sun revolves around the earth.

@abandonconflict 's thread is beginning to make sense now.
yeah dude, that's why lock downs don't work. it's all a hoax! if you want to leave your front door then you walk out the door and that's it dude lol lock downs don't work
To argue the earth is flat shows someone missed science class in school. There are all kinds of ways to prove the earth isnt flat.

You really make yourself look foolish arguing the earth is flat. You can get in a plane, and head west, and if you fly long enough, youll end up back where you started. Jumping up, an them coming back down proves gravity. Stepping on a scale and weighing yourself is another. If there was no gravity, you wouldnt me able to weigh yourself.

As to space, I guess all the stars, and moon are within the earths atmosphere??? All the other planets.

Come on man, you really do make yourself look extremely foolish if you believe the earth is flat, and no such thing as space.

A true science denier sir. With all respect.

When was last time you ever heard of someone falling off the edge of the earth??? If its flat, it has to eventually come to an edge. No way around it.

My wife treated someone that eventually died from the virus. I guess shes lying???

You have no credibility, and cant be taken seriously.