Lockdowns don't work.

What is your field of study zeddd? Personally knowing scientists doesn't count for much, I've known a couple.
I’m not telling you.
I am even more puzzled by your confidence in your potty theories considering you hanged shelves or fixed cars for a living, nothing wrong with that. Have you listened to Neil deGrasse Tyson? He made the point about amateur enthusiasts like yourself knowing enough science to think you’re right but not enough to know when you’re wrong.
Regarding AC’s contribution to our understanding he has approached this as methodically and diligently as a professional scientist which I’m assuming he is, ecology is a very important rigorous science.
I’m not telling you.
I am even more puzzled by your confidence in your potty theories considering you hanged shelves or fixed cars for a living, nothing wrong with that. Have you listened to Neil deGrasse Tyson? He made the point about amateur enthusiasts like yourself knowing enough science to think you’re right but not enough to know when you’re wrong.
Regarding AC’s contribution to our understanding he has approached this as methodically and diligently as a professional scientist which I’m assuming he is, ecology is a very important rigorous science.
I hope so too zeddd and if I make any scientific claims here that are unsupported by the evidence I can depend on the check and balance of others to set me straight. It's not a crime of be curious and have knowledge as a result of that curiosity, or to speculate on things in the public realm concerning policy matters, I do it all the time. Just don't sell it as fact.

I admire ACs interest in coral and hope he is corresponding with professionals in the field, they would welcome his contribution. I used to be interested in fungi as a young nerd, used to grow magic mushrooms decades ago and picked them locally, science pays too.
I said to wait a week and see what the studies say and was just covering the news. There are two possible treatments that can change the conversation about NPIs in my country at least, it looks like it might be too late to have much of an effect on yours. We are gonna see if AC is correct in the coming weeks in America at least, and probably in a lot of other third world countries, I figure it's gonna be a disaster and so do you, most of these places are opening with no testing and climbing infection rates, epidemiology is being mixed with civil war and it's just begun. Donald has been and will continue to impede testing in anyway he can, it makes his "numbers" look bad. If he latches on to an effective treatment you will be very lucky, but will still have to control the spread of the contagion. Everybody is discussing the topic here that they are learning about on the fly, its how good public policy is made by an informed electorate. When this study is read out I'll start a thread on its implications for NPIs and availability, provided it is an effective treatment, but the preliminary data indicates it is a highly effective one, even more than plasma transfusions.

I'm not stating it as a scientific fact however, right now we have no data from clinical trials on the efficacy of either treatment, we will in a week and this conversation on NPIs might change a bit based on that, I think it will, but that's an opinion, not a conculsion.
effin windbag
I'll be off this thread for awhile and focused on politics for a spell, a lot of things are in a state of flux and big changes are happening in American NPI's and studies on treatments will be read out soon, a week should provide a bit more insight and 3 weeks a lot more deaths. I do hope AC is right about that, but all the experts and models say he is wrong.
But it's not. I honestly can't see any benefit for me. I would very much rather catch it, be sick as fuck for a few weeks and not see anyone, and then have antibodies. Same for my infant son. Same for my wife. I have work to do environmentally. It's important and I'm not saying people can't lock themselves in. Forcing everyone in because they don't know how to keep from spreading is killing the global economy.
Knock yourself out,go catch ,roll those dice.Just don't go to a hospital when your sick ,endangering others for your own stupidity.

Not possible for you to have had a test 2 1/2 months ago. It wasn't available for you. Especially when you were asymptomatic. Same goes for your recent claim of you, your wife and baby being tested for antibodies. Didn't happen.

Cool story bro.
Yes it was. They were contact tracing the first case in the Philippines with help from Hong Kong. The genome had been published and the test wasn't even that expensive. The antibody test is widely available now and even cheaper. Furthermore, I wasn't asymptomatic and I was in direct prolonged contact with the woman as I work in tours very near the resort where she stayed in Dauin.

I don't need to be a wiki-warrior, I was on the same fucking boat and I got a fever.
Coronavirus: Philippine president Duterte threatens to impose martial law after 120,000 arrested for violating lockdown
Filipinos have been threatened with martial law-style enforcement if they do not comply with a month-long coronavirus lockdown, as police said 120,000 people have been arrested or warned for flouting rules.
Because you're lying. Please tell me how you were able to get tested in the beginning of February. Where did you go, and what kind of test was it? How long did it take to get the results? Same goes for the antibody tests for you and your entire healthy asymptomatic family.

LOL at you giving too much info. That's all you've been doing non-stop. Now you've suddenly become shy when you claim to have personal knowledge? Not just stuff that any fool with internet access can post?

Stop lying.
So you logged over to your sock to call me out while completely ignoring the thread topic to demand to know where I was and when? I don't care if you doubt anything I have said. I don't even care if you convince others to doubt it. I'm already defending what is clearly the most unpopular stance on this subforum and you've resorted to using a warsock to attack me personally. I need no more direct confirmation than that.
I don't know what you're babbling about right now.
Oh I'm not babbling. I'm laughing at you for thinking that switching over to your sock account to attack me personally is an effective argument against the conclusions I have made.

Why don't you tell us how many private locations there are in Visayas where one can get private testing done? How many different types of antibody tests are available here? Where would I have been sent if I was a PUI? Is my business still open? What do you think will happen to any doubt you're able to raise about me when the site knows who's sock account you are?