Lockdowns don't work.

Liar. I didn’t change anything, you edited your post. No need to be dishonest just cos your are losing the argument.
It's not like he has to worry about the famine that is coming on top of the epidemic if we continue the lockdowns the he can't even prove are doing shit.
It's not like he has to worry about the famine that is coming on top of the epidemic if we continue the lockdowns the he can't even prove are doing shit.
It smacks of I’m all right Jack.
I’m still working out there in virus land so I have no vested interest in ending the lockdown other than it’s not working in the U.K. so we should use t&t and end the quarantine
It's not like he has to worry about the famine that is coming on top of the epidemic if we continue the lockdowns the he can't even prove are doing shit.
I think I explained that every country will have a different response depending on the prevailing circumstances. The policy will probably work in Canada, more so if effective treatments are deployed. In America it's a fifty state approach and the federal government under the GOP is gonna starve em back to work, $1200 don't cut it.

Lockdowns are breaking down as we speak in those places where the population is not, or cannot be supported. The experiment is beginning, you'll soon have plenty of data to work with. Pay attention to those logarithmic plots, they accentuate change.
Enough of your deceptive bullshit. Shall we discuss that creepy pm you sent me?
Guy has been going around trying to give me psychological counseling too. Everyoen knows I'm a combat vet on the site and very rough aroudn the edges, so he thinks he can calm my stress, while driving me up a wall with his idiotic comments. He makes threads and nobody comments in em because he's a bad combination of boring, annoying, and new.
Enough of your deceptive bullshit. Shall we discuss that creepy pm you sent me?
Post it if ya want, but not on abandon's thread, he likes to stick to the point. Also, don't edit it, I've got a copy too, we have already established that you have integrity issues, everything here is documented and anybody who gives a fuck can scroll through the thread, not too many will care enough to bother. As I said I'm not bothered too much by this stuff and only go after Trumpers for political reasons and with vicious ad hominem attacks too, I don't fuck around in war and I ain't at war with you.
Guy has been going around trying to give me psychological counseling too. Everyoen knows I'm a combat vet on the site and very rough aroudn the edges, so he thinks he can calm my stress, while driving me up a wall with his idiotic comments. He makes threads and nobody comments in em because he's a bad combination of boring, annoying, and new.
That’s appalling, I’m sorry that your service to your country, by risking your life and seeing friends die in the most brutal way, is considered fair game for his cod psychology. I’m most concerned with his faux way of writing and unsolicited advice as it belies his true intentions which are really “listen to me I’m still relevant” and fuck you if you disagree. I’ve done little to stir his ire, scapegoating is feature of narcissism.
That’s appalling, I’m sorry that your service to your country, by risking your life and seeing friends die in the most brutal way, is considered fair game for his cod psychology. I’m most concerned with his faux way of writing and unsolicited advice as it belies his true intentions which are really “listen to me I’m still relevant” and fuck you if you disagree. I’ve done little to stir his ire, scapegoating is feature of narcissism.
I just hate that the strong argument I wrote not long ago is already back on the previous page where nobody will see it. He follows me around and does this in all my threads. If you find it interesting, I'm sure there are some in depth and highly researched arguments you missed. I'm sure you know how hard I try when someone has a genuine point to argue in an honest way and I remember when we reached an impasse amicably about the origin of the virus, both accepting eachother's notions were not actually mutually exclusive. I have given much more credit to the lab escape idea since then.

Well in this thread, there are some long, boring, scientific arguments with citations for premises and mathematical examples that took me hours. Those promptly get buried beneath dozens of his and the other guy's shit-posts.

I actually very much appreciate that @rkymtnman had the exceptional courtesy of making a seperate thread to mock me so as to at least let me have my say in my thread while trolling me. I mean that sincerely.
That’s appalling, I’m sorry that your service to your country, by risking your life and seeing friends die in the most brutal way, is considered fair game for his cod psychology. I’m most concerned with his faux way of writing and unsolicited advice as it belies his true intentions which are really “listen to me I’m still relevant” and fuck you if you disagree. I’ve done little to stir his ire, scapegoating is feature of narcissism.
He posts more than I do in my own threads.
I just hate that the strong argument I wrote not long ago is already back on the previous page where nobody will see it. He follows me around and does this in all my threads. If you find it interesting, I'm sure there are some in depth and highly researched arguments you missed. I'm sure you know how hard I try when someone has a genuine point to argue in an honest way and I remember when we reached an impasse amicably about the origin of the virus, both accepting eachother's notions were not actually mutually exclusive. I have given much more credit to the lab escape idea since then.

Well in this thread, there are some long, boring, scientific arguments with citations for premises and mathematical examples that took me hours. Those promptly get buried beneath dozens of his and the other guy's shit-posts.
Thanks for your work putting all this together it must have taken up a lot of time. I completely agree with you on this, data is king.
Thanks for your work putting all this together it must have taken up a lot of time. I completely agree with you on this, data is king.
I had a negative test two and a half months ago. I tested positive for the antibodies last week along with my wife and my son. It wasn't that bad for us but I always believed I had it, even after the negative test because I heard early on that you lose your sense of smell and we both did. The thing that stuck out, in my mind was the fact that we're being fed this logarithmic bullshit day in and day out and then all the governments in the world suddenly decided to reopen, even Italy last week. It was just after the UN warned of a looming famine being caused by the lockdowns. So I started looking at "doubling time" instead. Now that's a remarkable concept, because if it's going to take two months for everyone in the US to have it, at the current rate, then only 6 days before that it will be just half. We the frog in the pot of water on the stove and it's getting hotter.
I actually very much appreciate that @rkymtnman had the exceptional courtesy of making a seperate thread to mock me so as to at least let me have my say in my thread while trolling me. I mean that sincerely.
Seems like the least I could do.
On the bright side, now you know Holland is not a Scandinavian country.
Showing facts that prove your theory is borderline moronic is not trolling.
He posts more than I do in my own threads.
When they have shitty thread titles that support a false and dangerous narrative I do. When you grossly overgeneralize I do too. You are more concerned with winning arguments than in seeking the truth. Your emotions have everything to do with this, everything else has been rationalizations that you trying to peddle as scientific fact. You have nowhere near the rigor or data required to make declarative statements of scientific fact. Post your conclusions in a scientific forum and not a pot forum, you'll get your head handed to you real quick and have had it offered to you several times here.
Seems like the least I could do.
On the bright side, now you know Holland is not a Scandinavian country.
Showing facts that prove your theory is borderline moronic is not trolling.
I think your claim to fame is the high distinction of which countries are Nordic vs Scandinavian.

I doubt even the residents of those countries care.
I had a negative test two and a half months ago. I tested positive for the antibodies last week along with my wife and my son. It wasn't that bad for us but I always believed I had it, even after the negative test because I heard early on that you lose your sense of smell and we both did. The thing that stuck out, in my mind was the fact that we're being fed this logarithmic bullshit day in and day out and then all the governments in the world suddenly decided to reopen, even Italy last week. It was just after the UN warned of a looming famine being caused by the lockdowns. So I started looking at "doubling time" instead. Now that's a remarkable concept, because if it's going to take two months for everyone in the US to have it, at the current rate, then only 6 days before that it will be just half. We the frog in the pot of water on the stove and it's getting hotter.
It’s pretty interesting that SARS-cov-2 attacks the olfactory nerve, I have also heard reports of eye pain so presumably the optic nerve is also potentially affected.
I think your boiling frog analogy is right, time to hop out of this pot and get back to work.
Have I entered a parallel universe where emotion trumps data?
Science is a tough but worthwhile study ime
There is no data worth a shit at this point other than counting the dead. Analysing deeply incomplete and deeply flawed data is a waste of time for amateurs, much less professionals. At least I have the good grace to call what I do when playing prophet, speculation and not fact. The data is shit and you can try and mold it into something meaningful, but the substance remains shit, not fact.

Time will tell us the answers, but after a lot of people will have died, the purpose of this discussion, I hope, is to keep that number to a minimum, either through primary or secondary causes, like hunger and deprivation.