Lockdowns don't work.

I think you need to explain that for us mere mortals
As this article explains it...
there were more than 8,000 non-coronavirus deaths reported within NYC from March 11-April 13. For comparison, the city health department confirmed there were 5,167 deaths during that same time span last year — meaning there would've been a sudden, nearly 66 percent spike in deaths unrelated to the pandemic year-over-year, which would be unheard of.
As this article explains it...

I shudder to think of how bad it would be without NYC lockdown....scarry :shock:
Yeah poor trump......
Coronavirus: Trump retweets threat to fire Dr Fauci who said US response cost lives

Dr Anthony Fauci said fewer people would have died if Trump administration had announced isolation measures earlier

Trump* is such a pussy for a King.
I'm glad California Governor Newsom is following the scientists advise and not listening to trump....
'Normal it will not be': Newsom details plan for reopening California

“I know you want timelines, but we can’t get ahead of ourselves,” Newsom warned. “Let’s not make the mistake of pulling the plug too early, as much as we want to. I don’t want to make political decisions that put people’s lives risk and the economy at risk by extending the period of time before we can transition to get people moving again."
As this article explains it...

All It explains is that more people died of the virus than reported ....... possibly. You provide no proof just hypothesis that match your your thinking.... it sounding more like the gateway drug argument lol.
All It explains is that more people died of the virus than reported ....... possibly. You provide no proof just hypothesis that match your your thinking.... it sounding more like the gateway drug argument lol.
there were more than 8,000 non-coronavirus deaths reported within NYC from March 11-April 13. For comparison, the city health department confirmed there were 5,167 deaths during that same time span last year — meaning there would've been a sudden, nearly 66 percent spike in deaths unrelated to the pandemic year-over-year, which would be unheard of.
Where does it say the deaths were proven to be unrelated? FFS you are one stubborn SOB LOL.
In the article you are having trouble reading. I even included a link to it. Please, no name calling. You accused me of doing this, which I hadn't, then you started calling names. It's uncouth.

Here's that link again:

I'll even directly quote, again, the excerpt including that metric:
there were more than 8,000 non-coronavirus deaths reported within NYC from March 11-April 13. For comparison, the city health department confirmed there were 5,167 deaths during that same time span last year — meaning there would've been a sudden, nearly 66 percent spike in deaths unrelated to the pandemic year-over-year, which would be unheard of.

Let me know if you still can't understand it.
Ok let's look at the meat of your argument:
"While even those numbers would signify a massive jump, a source also told NBC New York that the city may be wildly under-reporting the number of COVID-19 deaths. The source said there were more than 8,000 non-coronavirus deaths reported within NYC from March 11-April 13. For comparison, the city health department confirmed there were 5,167 deaths during that same time span last year — meaning there would've been a sudden, nearly 66 percent spike in deaths unrelated to the pandemic year-over-year, which would be unheard of. If those deaths were indeed related to COVID-19, the city's death toll would actually be around 13,000. "

Inaccurate estimates based on limited testing, the outbreak was initially much more severe than they though. The numbers are pretty meaningless unless each corpse was tested for covid-19 and they weren't. Lots of people died at home in italy too and were unrecorded and never will. There is no real data to extrapolate from here Abandon and certainly nothing to base your contention on.

Let's just take the total mortality rate and multiply it by 8 X to get a low end estimate of total cases and 18 X for a high end estimate of total cases out of 8.3 million. This is the only reasonable way to calculate the infection rate in new york and the range is rather large. I gotta go watch some tube.

Remember, your true purpose is to convince others that your contention is correct and the collective knowledge and wisdom of epidemiologists is wrong. You are seeking to overturn an entire branch of science, an ambitious task.
Yes, it does. They're underestimating covid stats and you are clearly willing to question official tallies of deaths, yet you're quick to rebuke my questioning of the rationale when I except official stats.
Nope, I’m just questioning your saying it proves everything and I’m saying it proves nothing but carry on. Night Ralph