little problem


Plants leaves has orange color spots on bigger leaves browny orange color on a smaller new leaf.

plants about 3- 4 days flowering

I screwed myself could it be that my soil wasnt airy enough to let water through to drain out bottom so but build up I guess? Anyways what could it be. How would I go about flushing if I needed? Soil not enough drainage plant will get overwatered by flushing



Just at first glance it looks to me like you might need alittle more frequent waterings... and maybe the Ph might be a tiny bit off so your not absorbing nutes right... but they dont look too bad honestly... if its getting worrse like you say you may need to flush em hard and try checking the ph... how close is the light to the plant? ... Also the only way to fix that soil compaction issue is to take that soil off the roots by rinsing it real carefuly then put it back into some new cleanerr soil... The surface of that soil looks pretty dry and pretty tough. What kinda soil is it?


[QUOTE="SoHextracts, post: 10504267, member: 583757]Just at first glance it looks to me like you might need alittle more frequent waterings... and maybe the Ph might be a tiny bit off so your not absorbing nutes right... but they dont look too bad honestly... if its getting worrse like you say you may need to flush em hard and try checking the ph... how close is the light to the plant? ... Also the only way to fix that soil compaction issue is to take that soil off the roots by rinsing it real carefuly then put it back into some new cleanerr soil... The surface of that soil looks pretty dry and pretty tough. What kinda soil is it?[/QUOTE]

Im using fox farm ocean forest mixed with clean back yard cfl lights are about 2-3 inches away. what I dont get my plants never look happy.leaves suppose to be pointin up all mine are ways what I have noticed onnce for the first time I put my plant out in the sun. leaves looked more up and higher.lights to weak?cant be other people use cfls leaves look thriving maybe strain....
12,800 lumens I water about every 5 days
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Whats the color spectrum of the CFLs? 2700k or 5k+? i use a large CFL light to root my clones under, you said your in flower right? they may be light starved abit if your trying to flower under just CFLs... How big of pots are your girls in? and how long did you veg em? Sorry for the 20 questions


Ok my pot is about 3.5 gallons, 2700 spec bulbs, 6 5000k bulbs 2. I veged her only for abit about 1 month she got 6 inch then I flowered