little intro


Active Member
hey guy& to the site.on my 2nd indoor op @the moment
first indoor seemed like i was doomed the entire way.but everyday comes with new ideas.hopefully when i get stumped you guys can help out&vice versus.also new to the whole forum idea so it might take a bit to get the hang of this.


Active Member
thanks,ORECAL.after this grow is over prolly take a minor break but i'll be back to start a journal.right now im sorta disappointed with the way this one is going because my whole crop is infested with spider mites&i only have 4 more weeks till harvest.ive heard garlic pepper spray &/or liquid seaweed will do the trick.i like the idea of using organic materials to rid the little bastards but do you think the taste will be effected?


Well-Known Member
I really don't know..... fortunately for me I've never had any issues with bugs (Knocks on wood).


Active Member
ahhh well i hope it stays that way for your sake.this is a 1st for me on indoors.outdoors its usually aphids on the tomatos&okra but my lady friends always take care of it for me.thanks for the quick replies.
