Litter of pups!


Well-Known Member
My female lab just had a litter of pups. 7 viable ones and one still born. Other than this being a usual litter of pups, there was one pup who mad my day. This pup is the runt of the litter and hasn't eaten well until this afternoon (they were born yesterday) so his chances weren't looking too good. The funny thing about him is that the very minute he was born and emerged from his mother, I looked up at the clock and (you guessed it) it read 4:20 pm. All I could do was smile. :) Needless to say, his temporary name is "Little Smokey"


Well-Known Member
Aw.... BABIES!

Congratulations ^^ You must be all abuzz with paternal feelings...

You guys know I am a wolf more than a human in lots of ways and this is the only creature I have ever felt I could be a mother to. She is my baby.

And those pups are not fuzzy wuzzy plushies, they're not just cute and fun to play with- they are YOUR BABIES, demanding as much love, direction and nurturing as any human infant. Teach them well, give them kisses- you have been blessed with 7 new children.

Please keep us posted on their progress in this or any of the dog/pet threads, ok? Can I be godmother? :3


bud bootlegger
Enjoy the babies while you can, they become monsters once they can walk, eat & ... ;)
lol, you got that right man.. ours can be a real terror at times when she wants to be.. but then again, two seconds later she can be the most loving thing you've ever met, which makes you forget all about the rotten.. :D


Well-Known Member
is that a jack russel kuroi??
Jack russell x chihuahua and most certainly another mutt or two. Terrier crosses are an entire 'type' in Trinidad, with some random name I cannot remember. They tend to go by working dog types and were confused when I said 'Jack russell terrier' saying, 'no this is a type of dog we have in Trinidad' until I showed them various terrier breeds which they immediately recognized but by local names. I know terrier is a type in itself but they have developed their own specific lines over there. Most dogs are working dogs.

Monsters? Heavens no ^^ Well, less so than most human children. Little bundles of joy... I just want to nuzzle a box ful of puppies right now... I think it's that time of the month. I'm all.. RAWR full-on I-need-to-be-a-mama mode. Like need... babies... naow...


Never let a day pass where you take any one of them for granted!!!


bud bootlegger
Jack russell x chihuahua and most certainly another mutt or two. Terrier crosses are an entire 'type' in Trinidad, with some random name I cannot remember. They tend to go by working dog types and were confused when I said 'Jack russell terrier' saying, 'no this is a type of dog we have in Trinidad' until I showed them various terrier breeds which they immediately recognized but by local names. I know terrier is a type in itself but they have developed their own specific lines over there. Most dogs are working dogs.

Monsters? Heavens no ^^ Well, less so than most human children. Little bundles of joy... I just want to nuzzle a box ful of puppies right now... I think it's that time of the month. I'm all.. RAWR full-on I-need-to-be-a-mama mode. Like need... babies... naow...


Never let a day pass where you take any one of them for granted!!!
well i did mean terror in a good way kuroi.. she really is an incredible animal, spoiled rotten though.. :D
she's pretty much the queen of the neighborhood, people walk by our fenced in yard while she's out there and come over to the fence to pet her.. one lady will try to walk away about 5x's or so but get drawn back to our silly lil pup.. she's too funny and of course eats up the attention she gets from our neighbors..
but when she doesn't want to do something, oh boy, watch out, lol.. i guess you're right, she's no different than kids in that aspect.. my nephew took her for a walk earlier, well, he ran and she ran with him, and she's been sleeping it off for about 3 hours now.. :D


Well-Known Member
Jack russell x chihuahua and most certainly another mutt or two. Terrier crosses are an entire 'type' in Trinidad, with some random name I cannot remember. They tend to go by working dog types and were confused when I said 'Jack russell terrier' saying, 'no this is a type of dog we have in Trinidad' until I showed them various terrier breeds which they immediately recognized but by local names. I know terrier is a type in itself but they have developed their own specific lines over there. Most dogs are working dogs.

Monsters? Heavens no ^^ Well, less so than most human children. Little bundles of joy... I just want to nuzzle a box ful of puppies right now... I think it's that time of the month. I'm all.. RAWR full-on I-need-to-be-a-mama mode. Like need... babies... naow...


Never let a day pass where you take any one of them for granted!!!
I won't.....I'm already in love with them.....little tookers...LOL. Mamma dog is doing a wonderful job for her first time too which is a blessing for sure.


Well-Known Member
Congrats. Pups are a lot of work hope you're prepared lol. My pit had twelve last September and we didn't lose a single one. I had to rotate the pups during feeding time cuz well dogs only have 8 nips lol.


Well-Known Member
Having a litter of pups is a lot of fun, a lot of work but a lot of fun!! I might let my dogs have one last litter and then get them both fixed. the last litter one of my dogs had...

oh and by the way puppy breath is the greatest fkn smell in the world!!!! stay high


Well-Known Member
We lost 3 pups last night. They were small and under developed so I'm not too surprised. But, the kids were crying this morning and everything.....and we had to send them to school all upset. It was sad as hell.


bud bootlegger
We lost 3 pups last night. They were small and under developed so I'm not too surprised. But, the kids were crying this morning and everything.....and we had to send them to school all upset. It was sad as hell.
damn that blows hunter, i was just about to ask how they were making out..

we've lost a few kittens over the year and that shit is horrible to say the least.. sorry to hear.. hope the rest are doing great though..


Staff member
Having a litter of pups is a lot of fun, a lot of work but a lot of fun!! I might let my dogs have one last litter and then get them both fixed. the last litter one of my dogs had...
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oh and by the way puppy breath is the greatest fkn smell in the world!!!! stay high
the 3rd last photo makes me wanna cry in happiness...LOL