Limits on pot use?


Well-Known Member
It's probably because the smoke gets stale before it gets to you. I don't like really big bongs because of that. Mine is about 10 inches tall and it's fat at the bottom so I like to put ice in it. Nice cold smooth icy hit. Try smoking it a little faster so you don't get that stale stuff to make you cough.

Thanks for the tip...I'm gonna try that.


New Member
well these people seemed to be lightweights, one blunt lasting 2 days and crap like that. I'd rip that sucker apart and bong it up, toot sweet.


Well-Known Member
Only way a blunt lasts me more than a day is if I'm falling asleep and can no longer force myself to finish.


Well-Known Member
well these people seemed to be lightweights, one blunt lasting 2 days and crap like that. I'd rip that sucker apart and bong it up, toot sweet.
by myself i could smoke a B thruout the day. but i think it wastes weed putting it out and relighting it. i think a personal B and a drive in the country is just great.

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
sounds like a 3-4 grammer

i usually do 1/2G to 1 1/2 depending on the variables.

nice thread jack, this is WAY better convo
3-4gs? you're insane son

who the fuck would do that

I usually use 1- 1 1/2. But that's for 2-3 people. I don't smoke blunts by myself cause I don't see the point in it!


New Member
I think that anything that keeps burning when you aren't actively smoking it is a waste of weed. Pipes, joints, blunts, anything that keeps on burning.....

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
He's a double thinker though. He thinks smoking weed is good and bad all at the same time. He needs to pick a side.
Pick sides? Is he not allowed to respect what somebody else thinks? Nobody compared weed to alcohol, he just said he didn't want to get addicted to it and you lot attacked him for it. I think SlickWill needs to smoke even more and calm down a bit.


Well-Known Member
Pick sides? Is he not allowed to respect what somebody else thinks? Nobody compared weed to alcohol, he just said he didn't want to get addicted to it and you lot attacked him for it. I think SlickWill needs to smoke even more and calm down a bit.

Don't be slow. First off he did compare the two. He said smoking daily made him feel like an alcoholic...which is a direct correlation between the two. Secondly he is addicted. His desire for a change of pace is proof there is a physiological need for the herb. Which is fine, but don't compare alcoholics to potheads. Two different bridges on two different continents. Thirdly...He has to pick a side. Otherwise he's nothing more than a conservative hippie, and eventually will grow to hate the herb, and everyone associated with it. IE. Most of the people who lived in the 60's.


Well-Known Member
With that mindset you should just quit altogether. Don't buy, Don't sell, don't grow, and don't consort with other smokers. Just do it if some dude is passing it around at a party. You come off as one of those self-loathing pricks who cries in front of the mirror whenever he smokes more than one bowl...Killing everyone's high and shit walking around talking about "I'm wayyy to high!!!".
No I just do it in moderation. I won't grow because I don't have a good place and I admit I fear prison.

I can't see how that's a problem.

Comparing stoners to alcoholics.

A crutch is a crutch, yes stoners aren't usually violent but moderation is moderation.

At least I see it that way.

You don't me you don't know why or how I deal with things.

Why judge me for how I choose to enjoy reefer.

Why do I go a few weeks between bags? Because it allows me to get really high off of smaller amounts than those of my friends who smoke lots of it every day.


Well-Known Member
Pick sides? Is he not allowed to respect what somebody else thinks? Nobody compared weed to alcohol, he just said he didn't want to get addicted to it and you lot attacked him for it. I think SlickWill needs to smoke even more and calm down a bit.
I'm sparing I don't want to do it loads every day then I'd be like an alcoholic only with weed.
i "do it loads every day" so he is basicaly comparing me to an alchoholic. and if thats what he thinks then no, i wont respect it. thats what set me off, the whole pothead/alchoholic comparison.

i thought we were talking about blunts, i like talking about blunts WAAAAY better.


Well-Known Member
i like being high when i get home from work and since i grow it myself it doesnt cost me so i smoke every day. "When at last the long days work is done sit back relax and have some fun."

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I personally don't do it a ton, because I have responsibilities, and I like Indicas.Responsibilities and indicas don't mix, lol.And I think pot is, to me at least, special, and sacred.I like the whole mood and setting to be just so.If I had no responsibilities, then yeah, I'd wanna get spiritual a lot more!!:weed:


New Member
Don't be slow. First off he did compare the two. He said smoking daily made him feel like an alcoholic...which is a direct correlation between the two. Secondly he is addicted. His desire for a change of pace is proof there is a physiological need for the herb. Which is fine, but don't compare alcoholics to potheads. Two different bridges on two different continents. Thirdly...He has to pick a side. Otherwise he's nothing more than a conservative hippie, and eventually will grow to hate the herb, and everyone associated with it. IE. Most of the people who lived in the 60's.
hey gravy..while I agree with most of what you said, everybody I smoked with in the 60's still smokes pot. where did that come from?


Well-Known Member
No I just do it in moderation. I won't grow because I don't have a good place and I admit I fear prison.

I can't see how that's a problem.

Comparing stoners to alcoholics.

A crutch is a crutch, yes stoners aren't usually violent but moderation is moderation.

At least I see it that way.

You don't me you don't know why or how I deal with things.

Why judge me for how I choose to enjoy reefer.

Why do I go a few weeks between bags? Because it allows me to get really high off of smaller amounts than those of my friends who smoke lots of it every day.
never once did i criticize the way you smoke or how often you smoke. you did criticize how i do. and if thats your grounds for a comparison then you need to throw in anyone who uses prescription drugs(with a prescription), smokes ciggarettes, masturbates regularly, or drinks coffee. im thinking about reinstating the douchebag title.

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
never once did i criticize the way you smoke or how often you smoke. you did criticize how i do. and if thats your grounds for a comparison then you need to throw in anyone who uses prescription drugs(with a prescription), smokes ciggarettes, masturbates regularly, or drinks coffee. im thinking about reinstating the douchebag title.
When he said that he didn't want to be like an alcoholic but with weed he meant he didn't want to get addicted to weed like an alcoholic is addicted to alcohol. He never mentioned you or anything about anyone else, if you can call him a "douchebag"(which is a retard yanky fucker word anyway) just for that then your clearly a total bastard.


Well-Known Member
Don't be slow. First off he did compare the two. He said smoking daily made him feel like an alcoholic...which is a direct correlation between the two. Secondly he is addicted. His desire for a change of pace is proof there is a physiological need for the herb. Which is fine, but don't compare alcoholics to potheads. Two different bridges on two different continents. Thirdly...He has to pick a side. Otherwise he's nothing more than a conservative hippie, and eventually will grow to hate the herb, and everyone associated with it. IE. Most of the people who lived in the 60's.
No I won't "grow to hate the herb".

Secondly you don't know some of the people I've seen who literally can't get enough weed and will do crazy shit to get it.

I've seen two sides to it.

I have no "desire to change" and I'm not conservative.

Maybe I did compare the two because people get like to do things that make them feel good. I didn't see it that way when I posted that but you seemed to have.

Some people like to get drunk every day.

For that matter though not everyone who has a drink every day beats their wife or their children.

My grandmother has a glass of scotch every night before she goes to bed, does that make her a lush? A danger to society?

No it's what she chooses to do to relax at the end of her day and that woman has never laid a hand on me or been violent towards me.

So what if I choose to smoke small amounts it's my bag not yours.

I like the amount that I do, I like getting really baked and watching a movie alone, I like getting really stoned at times and I enjoy a mild buzz sometimes again my body, my way of doing things.

If you want to smoke all day long that's your prerogative. It's your life your body.

I don't care how much you smoke I know for myself I don't want to turn into some of the people that I've known.

Some people don't have self control and they literally do become junkies. You aren't one of them fine. Again even if you were on crack that's all you and no I'm not comparing the two.

The internet is an addiction to some people.

Eating is an addiction to some people.

Shop lifting is an addiction to some people.

Hell running through the mall or other public places is an addiction to some people.

Caffeine is a definable addiction to me I fucking love my coffee and love the caffeine especially a good caffeine buzz when I have gone a few days without it.

Some of you just assume that I compared the two alcohol and weed. No I'm not comparing the effects at all I'm just stating that I don't want to be needing for anything. FOR SOME PEOPLE IT HAPPENS. If that isn't you then cool fine whatever. Don't jump on me for smoking a bowl and stoping.

I don't go look in the mirror when I've had my fatty and say shit. I usually sit on my couch and watch tv or a movie.

I don't go crazy when I smoke with a group yelling "oh I'm high" no I sit the fuck down and chill and smoke even more.

I don't live around my ole gang that I used to smoke with anymore. I don't really like doing it alone I have no one to talk about crazy theorys and laugh with.

Why be defensive? I only stated what I like to do with my weed.

And was attacked for what not smoking enough weed.

As far as calling me an addict, hey you do it to. Am I somehow less than you because I like for my bags to last longer than your might?

I don't care how much you do, it's your shit. Why does it matter how much or how little I smoke?

If you came over to my house and wanted to get high with me every day and never brought any that would a problem. Otherwise do what you want.

That's all I do, what I want to do.

Usually stoners seem to be laid back cool people, not here it seems.

And yeah I did grow up hearing about it being "dangerous" "gateway drug" all that BS.

And at one point I did believe that.

My views changed.

I can't see myself judging another person for it later down the road or becoming some kind of nut who thinks it's bad and dangerous.

People who have smoked my shit and come back at me later with that crap piss me off.