Limits on pot use?


Well-Known Member
....a hug. wow, I thought I was being harsh. He just doesn't understand his behavior, he doesn't have too, its the way he likes to do things. I am more inclined to follow your pattern, that doesn't make him a douche bag, just different, and probabl;y someone you won't be partyin with. Chill will, oh shit the hugs aren't there, now wtf do I do, maybe share a :bigjoint:. VV
okay, maybe a bit strong with the D-bag thing. but i take SERIOUS offense to being compared to alchoholics. i hav a family tree filled with them, almost became one myself, and have lost a best friend to a drunk driver. theres a revocation of the D-bag statement, but i think i still dont like you.


New Member
I understand your feelings Slik, my father is an alcoholic and I get really offended when being compared to one also. I could have easily become one myself so I decided that I shouldn't drink at all, not even one. It's better that way.

People who compare pot to alcohol just don't know what they are talking about.


Well-Known Member
This is interesting to me. Personally I don't see much difference in Smoking pot and Drinking as far as the two behaviors are concerned. The difference is the affect of the substance. If someone wants to say that I am as addicted to weed as an alcoholic is they are talking about phsycological addiction not physical addiction. The difference is in the action after. Folks that have been down the road with alcoholics are especially sensative about this and I empathize with them.
The problem always comes in making the point about the actions, some times we let our recollections of what it was like living in those conditions take control of our actions. Never... step on your douche bag when you have it in place. VV


Well-Known Member
ill never ever deny that IM addicted to herb. i dont think its a chemical addiction as much as pshycological, but addiction nonetheless. but where i start to think its apples and oranges is ones level of functionality when using these substances.


Well-Known Member
Over the past two weeks I've been smoking alot more pot than usual, like everyday, more than a few times. I was at the rate of a few small sessions per day by yesterday and today I got pretty damn stoned (and am now) because I thought I should really do the weed justice and go for it and I told myself I was gonna do this last big getting high and then try and do it less often. But I've told myself that like a bunch over the last few days and kept on smoking.

So I dunno, I guess the question is how frequently can you smoke pot before it gets out of your comfort range.


the question is, "how long can i go without pot before it gets out of my comfort range?". :bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i smoke weed all day and everyday...

I still get good grades in college and have a successful career!


New Member
I think blunts are nasty, the cigar paper really ruins the taste of the weed and then you smell like an old guy when you're done. I like hitters or bongs, I like the taste of the weed, it is something to appreciate.


Well-Known Member
I think blunts are nasty, the cigar paper really ruins the taste of the weed and then you smell like an old guy when you're done. I like hitters or bongs, I like the taste of the weed, it is something to appreciate.
i like them occasionally. especially when im at a party. and my herb still tastes great out of a regular swisher ciggarillo.


New Member
I was never a joint person either, before blunts came along. I never felt like I could get a satisfactory hit from one. Bongs on the other hand, here's my lungs, fill 'em up !!!


Well-Known Member
How much weed does it take to roll a blunt? I've never done it and never paid attention when it was done either and now I'm curious.

I only use a half gram. a full gram if I'm feeling brave. lol. You'll see a lot of people throw 3-4 grams into a blunt, that's so amateurish.


New Member
a half a gram isn't that bad, I thought it was a lot more than that. We're always on conservation mode lately, shit has been hard to find and rather expensive. I miss smoking out of my bong, I've been trapped in pinchie land for months now......


Well-Known Member
I feel bad for saying this, but I've never really been able to hit a bong. I have my moments where I can get a few clean rips in, but most of the time I cough my ass off.
I just can't get it down. I'm so pathetic.


New Member
It's probably because the smoke gets stale before it gets to you. I don't like really big bongs because of that. Mine is about 10 inches tall and it's fat at the bottom so I like to put ice in it. Nice cold smooth icy hit. Try smoking it a little faster so you don't get that stale stuff to make you cough.