Limited space? Don't want your plants to be 4ft high? [Easy]

Green Life

Don't have enough space for a 4ft tree?
Want your plants to be small?
Want your plants to be bushy?

A: Quite easy, all it takes is moving your light closer to the plant, this makes them grow out instead of up!

Also, another question.. Want your plants BIG and bushy?

A: May not be 100% correct on this one, but at first move your light close to the plant, and after it starts getting bushy.. Move the light higher, and then it will grow tall and bushy, then repeat process.


Well-Known Member
I dont want to knock you down here so i will just give you some easy pointers to keeping your plants smaller.

Yes keeping lights closer will help to do this within reason. You dont want your light that close you are burning your plants.

Look into LST (Low Stress Training) this keeps them small by being tied down which also makes them bush out.

SUPERCROPPING this is the form of pinching leading growth to promote bushier growth and can keep them smaller.

There are other techniques you can use and even things like "HAMMER" which helps stop virtical stretch in plants.



Well-Known Member
Also less veg time can give you smaller plants.

BUt it can also vary depending on the strain choice.

IF you have a SATIVA dominant strain then expect to see some stretch going on.


Green Life

I dont want to knock you down here so i will just give you some easy pointers to keeping your plants smaller.

Yes keeping lights closer will help to do this within reason. You dont want your light that close you are burning your plants.

Look into LST (Low Stress Training) this keeps them small by being tied down which also makes them bush out.

SUPERCROPPING this is the form of pinching leading growth to promote bushier growth and can keep them smaller.

There are other techniques you can use and even things like "HAMMER" which helps stop virtical stretch in plants.

Well thanks for your feed back, also.. where do I learn these "SUPERCROPPING" and "HAMMER" techniques?


Well-Known Member
I dont want to knock you down here so i will just give you some easy pointers to keeping your plants smaller.

Yes keeping lights closer will help to do this within reason. You dont want your light that close you are burning your plants.

Look into LST (Low Stress Training) this keeps them small by being tied down which also makes them bush out.

SUPERCROPPING this is the form of pinching leading growth to promote bushier growth and can keep them smaller.

There are other techniques you can use and even things like "HAMMER" which helps stop virtical stretch in plants.


It is possible to add to a conversation without "knocking you down"
they are not mutually exclusive


Well-Known Member
It is possible to add to a conversation without "knocking you down"
they are not mutually exclusive

Due to my english whit i am normally quite sarcastic with people offering advice that really dont have a clue what they are doing yet. So i politely put my advice in.


Green Life

I really do not appreciate what yall are doing here, your advice is nice.. but honestly I was just trying to help, I was only reusing the information I have accumulated from others.. Maybe I don't have a clue, but thats probably why its in the newbie fourm.


Well-Known Member
I really do not appreciate what yall are doing here, your advice is nice.. but honestly I was just trying to help, I was only reusing the information I have accumulated from others.. Maybe I don't have a clue, but thats probably why its in the newbie fourm.
I didnt start it, i was helping you out and not losing my rag with you. I gave you sound info without bashing you.

Doser didnt add anything constructive to your thread!


a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
green life your op was spot on, lower lights shorter plants. some times just being reminded of the basics keeps us all better growers.

Green Life

Yes but the "people offering advice that really dont have a clue about what they are doing yet." offended me. I'm aware that you didnt 'lose your rag' and gave me useful info, and I'm thankful because of this.. But take the arguing and stuff like that off of my thread, thanks.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Yes but the "people offering advice that really dont have a clue about what they are doing yet." offended me. I'm aware that you didnt 'lose your rag' and gave me useful info, and I'm thankful because of this.. But take the arguing and stuff like that off of my thread, thanks.
no need to get offened. every one wants to learn.

Green Life

Sorry for offending you.

But i lost my rag lol.

So have you got anything growing at the moment?

YES! And I want to uplaod some pictures, cause i'm a little jelious right now:C I see people with these HUDGE leaves on these 10 day old plants, mines 6 days old, and mine has only one leaf and the leaf is only an inch long. >_<


Well-Known Member
Get some pics up of your plant and lets see if we cant turn this thread into a lets help GREENLIFE get a monster plant.

If you cant get pics up yet then give some specifics about your setup/growing .

Things like

Watering schedule
Strain choice etc.

As much info as you can think of.


Green Life

I will get some pictures up asap, but I gotta wait till my mom goes to bed.. You see I'm 18, she knows I smoke pot.. she smokes to, but I don't want her to know I grow it. HOPE that dosnt discourage you from helping me.


Well-Known Member
It wont discourage me from helping you however i will say one thing.


Make sure you keep your mouth shut to people. As this is the NUMBER1 reason people get caught!

Have you considered about how much its going to smell when its flowering? They smell ALOT even a single plant can stink.
