

Active Member
Hi guys, ive done a thread kinda like this 1 but i cant find it to update it :/ Anyways ive got 120 pounds to spend on lighting :) At the moment i hav 1x 125w + 4x 30 CFLs. If i spend the 120 on CFLs i could have 3x 125 + 8x 30w CFLs. Thats 615w in total. Or i could buy a 250w HPS, Maxibright compact ballast with cooltube for 120 pound. Would also need an inline fan for the cooltube so thats another 60-70 pounds :/ Id hav ta get the fan first if i got the HPS :) What do you guys think? I want something that will last & give me a decent yield :) Saafe guys.
Hi mate. Save bit of money and get a 400w kit on eBay for just a tad more that that. Fan, ballast, bulb etc should be about £180. I started CFL's etc know what they do now? Practically nothing. Sit in my cupboard. Sometimes bring my big 300w one out for cuttings. That's all. If can save bit longer and depending on space get a 600w set up.
My space is 130(W) 60(D) 160(H) I could probably get away with a 400w its just i find it hard to manage heat :/ N dunno how much the inline would make room cooler :/
Is a small space. Maybe 250w is best. Get a good extractor fan. Makes a difference. Even with CFL's you would need a decent extractor. Would put out similar heat to a HPS in my opinion. Get a bigger extractor then you need as here in England we are heading towards summer so who knows. Could be mad hot or mad cold lol.
Yeaah my CFLs do heat up the room a little :) The morning temp (Lights on) is around 21c & without an extration fan It gets to 28c by mid-day :) Soo i open the door a tad after 6-7 hours :) I hav a desk fan in the room too :) I duno witch to choose? The cooltube or The silver star:

Silver Star:

Has any1 used eather of these? Im more likely to buy the Cooltube if its worth saving £15 to do the same job :) Saafe