lighting schedule change help me please


ok well i live on the west coast this being my first growing i was stupid and put the plants into flowering in the day time. right now it gets wayyy to hot in the daytime in my outside closet i want to put my plants on 12/12 lighting all night but if i make that transition either my plants are gonna get too much light or too much darkness for a day. i also herd by switching the light schedule it will make them go hermie but right now from the heat their growth is stuned can anyone give me some good advice of how to switch the lighting schedule!!


Well-Known Member
Simply change the timer to come on at night. Plants don't have watches, it is the length of light that matters. 12 extra hours of darkness won't harm them for one night.


ok thx ill get that going so when you mean forward 2 hrs right now i start them at 5:30 am to 5:30 pm should i set it to start at 7:30am then the next day 9:30 till i get them to start at 7:30 pm?


Well-Known Member
the flowering in the day or night dosent reall y sound like youre biggest may wanna keep a good eye on youre tempature and humidity if its too hot you plants will have some serious heat issues and also they wont produce good buds you should find out what type of humidity is best for th strain your growing and also get an air conditioner,....youre put should stay at around 78 to 80 degrees that optimal temps for good yields....hope it helps!!!