lighting question

ok at the min i have 2 tents, dr150 with 2 600 hid with diamond reflector and a dr100 which i veg in with a 250 cfl.

I am updating my set up slightly i am adding a 2nd 250 watt cfl to my veg tent. But i am also adding a 3rd tent (or maybe building my own ) space will be 1.2 square metres.

this new space will be used for my clones for next harvest (november) I am thinking of splitting the tent into 2 levels and using either t5s or cfls... The reason being clones have just rooted so will not grow that big, will have 24 per level.

My choice is between 2 LightWave T5 8 tube with Bloom Bulbs or 2 Envirolite reflectors with 2 300 watt cfl bulbs which be 600 watts of cfl per level.

Price wise CFL option is £300.00 T5 option is £370.

I had thought about another hid tent, but, too much heat, also would not be able to do 2 levels.
Any ideas on what sort of quantity i could expect?

peace out


Well-Known Member
why build another tent? you can get two clone domes and 2 30-40w cfl's and put em literally anywhere. i got mine in my closet of my spare room i dont think they need their own tent plus in the house i dont have to worry about temps. invest your money in another flower room if its burning a hole in your pocket and run in cycles so you r harvesting every month!
hehe, sorry i didnt explain correctly, the 3rd tent is to flower in, my clones just taken. My veg tent will be full and i need to increase my harvest in november (before christmas) Hence the reason for extra flowering space. As the clones will only be rooted when they go into flower they will stay quite short, allowing me 2 layers...... I used to harvest every month, but switched to every 2 months..


Well-Known Member
lol i was like damn a clone tent! I am intrigued by the idea you have though ive heard it talked about before and even seen a few of the pre made systems. never really heard what kind of yields u get though, im gonna have to watch this thread an see if anyone that uses this method chimes in.
im kinda thinkin of getting a dr120. then making a little table inside the tent about 50cm high. Attaching 1 light to the bottom of the table to give light to the first tray then place 2nd tray on top and hang 2nd light as normal from top of tent..... Not sure if i would have enough room though lol


Well-Known Member
could so its an outdoor indoor plant out in day in at nightime one tell me if this plant is male or female:cry:
Pretty rude posting in someone elses thread. Start your own.

Original OP. T-8 fluorescents from Homedepot or the like are cheap and work very well for vegging. And the assortment of bulb temps is almost endless.